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Submitted By kknekkal
Words 697
Pages 3
Dr. A. Robert Wasson has spent over 18 years in management consulting roles with A.T. Kearney, Strategic Decisions Group, Toffler Associates, and, most recently, Kalypso. His consulting focus has largely been across all aspects of the idea-to-commercialization process, ranging from analyzing future business environments for ideation activities in the fuzzy front-end of innovation, to designing and implementing new technology and product development processes, to developing business strategies for emerging new businesses.
Bob led transformational consulting engagements utilizing megatrend analysis with Toffler Associates, implemented new product development and portfolio management processes while with Kalypso, and developed marketing and commercialization plans for clients with Strategic Decisions Group. Complementing his consulting experience, Bob has over 12 years of experience with Fortune 100 companies including Alcoa, Chevron, and the Continental Group, mainly in corporate new venture activities and R&D centers.
The speaker provided insights into stage gate process and its significance in the role of new product development. In a new product pyramid strategic excellence, portfolio excellence and development excellence are the major drivers and development excellence could be achieved by complying to stage gate process. The main objective of stage gate process is to manage pipe lines and execute pipelines. The idea would be reviewed at every gate and go or no go decisions are examined. Also , the key issues for all the functions are identified at every stage of development. By following a staged gate process, we can examine the health of the product whether the product development is too slow or whether it requires rework before it meets customer needs. By doing this, we can check whether the product is being developed without addressing the key

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