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Knights Templar Research Paper

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The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar


Over the centuries the Oak Island mystery has eluded intellectuals, researchers, historians, and treasure hunters alike. Off the shores of Nova Scotia lies Oak Island: one of several islands within Mahone Bay off the eastern Canadian coast. “To the casual observer, the 140-acre island appears like many in this part of the province … [however] the story of this island's past is replete with mystery, intrigue and even tragedy.” (Morgan) Since its initial discovery in 1795 many have tried to reveal what was buried deep within the island. However, to this day the content of the famed “Money Pit” remains unknown. There is plenty of speculation of bountiful riches and unmeasurable wealth ranging from …show more content…
Payens had established the group along with eight relatives and companions, originally referring to themselves as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. The group went on to later to be known simply as the Knights Templar. (“Knights Templar”) The Templars grew extensively over the following century with support of Baldwin II, the ruler of Jerusalem, Bernard of Clairvaux, a prominent French abbot, and the formal endorsement of the Catholic Church. (“Knights Templar”) The Knights Templar status grew, and “It was not long before sons of wealthy families were pledging their fortunes and property to the order just for the privilege of joining the band.” (“Oak Island Treasure”) They quickly become the largest standing army and one of the richest organizations in Europe. (Halpern …show more content…
The arrival of the Knights Templar in the region is supported by a map attributed to Vopell and Vavassatore that depicts the landmass of Nova Scotia with the figure of a crowned knight. (“Oak Island Treasure”) Additionally, in New England, a land mass directly west of Nova Scotia, a carving of the figure of an armored, European knight holding a cruciform sword can be found. (“Oak Island Treasure”) This figure was a common Templar emblem normally used when marking a tombstone. The use of Medieval symbol signified the duty and oath the Templars swore and were regularly

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...The Gospel ACCORDING TO FEMIGOD He who has ears, let him hear The author and publisher have provided this e-book to you without Digital Rights Management software (DRM) applied so that you can enjoy reading it on your personal devices. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO FEMIGOD Copyright © 2013 by Femigod Ltd. Published by Femigod Ltd. Femigod® is a registered trademark of Femigod Ltd. ISBN: 9780992642600 For my darling sister, Pero. I love you dearly. No matter what you want, it’s yours. Beyond money and weapons.  Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Book One: Understanding Mainstream and Organised Religion.............................................................. 5 Christianity ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Islam ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hinduism.............................................................................................................................................. 12 Buddhism ........................................................................................................................................... 155 Chinese traditional religions ...........

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...DIVINATION SYSTEMS  Written by Nicole Yalsovac  Additional sections contributed by Sean Michael Smith and Christine Breese, D.D. Ph.D.  Introduction  Nichole Yalsovac  Prophetic revelation, or Divination, dates back to the earliest known times of human existence. The oldest  of  all  Chinese  texts,  the  I  Ching,  is  a  divination  system  older  than  recorded  history.  James  Legge  says  in  his  translation of I Ching: Book Of Changes (1996), “The desire to seek answers and to predict the future is as old as  civilization  itself.”  Mankind  has  always  had  a  desire  to  know  what  the  future  holds.  Evidence  shows  that  methods of divination, also known as fortune telling, were used by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians  and the Sumerians (who resided in what is now Iraq) as early as six‐thousand years ago.  Divination  was  originally  a  device  of  royalty  and  has  often  been  an  essential  part  of  religion  and  medicine. Significant leaders and royalty often employed priests, doctors, soothsayers and astrologers as advisers  and consultants on what the future held. Every civilization has held a belief in at least some type of divination.  The point of divination in the ancient world was to ascertain the will of the gods. In fact, divination is so  called because it is assumed to be a gift of the divine, a gift from the gods. This gift of obtaining knowledge of the  unknown  uses  a  wide  range  of  tools  and  an  enormous  variety  of ...

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