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Knowing Jesse

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This book is very descriptive, detailed, and realistic making this a well written book. This is what Wendelin Van Draanen included when she was asked about the book, "I ran competitive track in high school, and I ran the 440 like you did, and I ran the 220, and I did high jump." She ran well in high school, she wrote well after high school, then, through her experience, she combined both of those amazing skills to write an amazing book about running. Anthony Edwards is an award-winning actor, runner, and chairman of Shoe4Africa, and this is what he said about the book, "I felt as if this wonderful young woman was sitting right next to me telling me the story of her year of discovery-her journey of frustration, loss, friendship, laughter, …show more content…
Marianne Leone is the author of Knowing Jesse: A Mother’s Story of Grief, and this is her comment on the book, “With deep insight and sensitivity, Wendelin Van Draanen explores a profoundly human and liberating concept-to see the person, not the disability- in this wonderful portrait of a you girl and her community." Although life lessons like this one, “to see the person, not the disability” can be cheesy, it is important for literature circles to find these lessons because it is one of the many things that the authors want the reader to get out of the book. Jessica doesn't step back on the track immediately after she gets her running leg, but this is what happens when she runs 400 meters on metal, “’You just ran a sixty point two without even trying.’ I blink at the digits. ‘Wow.’ His face has its color back and there’s a mischievous grin forming that quickly turns into a laugh. A deep, wonderful laugh. One I haven't heard in ages. One that means he's got plans for track season. Big plans” (Van Draanen 318). This presents a great closure for literature circles because it doesn't go all the way to her competing, it leaves one with possibilities of the ending one wants to create. As Jessica’s story comes to a close it has more than just an intriguing finish, it has memorable morals for a literature circle to

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