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Knowing Your Audience


Submitted By Brit10e87
Words 826
Pages 4
Knowing your audience paper and communication release

When you are addressing an audience there are several factors you need to take into consideration about the different roles and people in the audience. The first factor to consider is to not blame anyone through the communication process. This protects everyone including the company from slander or reputations. Another factor the sender of the message must take into consideration when delivering this message is that many of them care and are worried about the safety of the miners who are trapped . These people may include family, friends, co-workers, or even neighbors. The sender must also be sensitive toward these individuals and ensure that these individuals are updated regularly and in a positive manner.

The family members of the trapped miners will need constant communication, as they will be worried about their loved one. However, certain needs will have to be met in the form of communication that is chosen. For example, informing the family member that the company is taking all necessary precautions to ensure that the family’s loved one is safely removed from the collapsed mine. In addition to this the family needs to know that their loved one is a priority for the company and that the company treasures them. This will help the loved one to feel as though freeing their loved one safely is a priority to the company. Having someone communicating with a family member face to face and informing them of new updates will help the family member trust the company a little bit more.

Along with the family members of the trapped miners, the employees of Minera San Esteban Primera want to know what is happening on the company’s side of this incident. This helps for them to see if they were ever in this position what the company would do for them. These people are also friends with these miners. They want to

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