Premium Essay

Knowledge of Foundations in Nursing


Submitted By samj81
Words 400
Pages 2
There is a saying that we learn from our mistakes thus the foundation and history of nursing helps us to realize how nursing originated, the changes it has gone through to where we are today. Nursing practice is always changing and in order to understand and appreciate these changes, we need to understand what brought about the changes.”By understanding the history and foundation of nursing, nurses can develop a sense of professional identity and build a better future for the profession and the people they serve” (, 2013).The
American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN) seeks” to foster the importance of history as relevant to understanding the past, defining the present, and influencing the future of nursing.” (About AAHN, 2007)

It also helps us to see the role nursingeducation plays in developing nurse

s equipped with critical thinking skills,accountability, empathy, leadership,

managerial skills, and the ability forindependent decision making and working

as a vital member of the health care team.

1-The trend fromrudimentary beginnings to well developed training schools, standards of regulations, and licensure and nursing theories. Crimean war (1853-1856) and

the civil war (1861-1865), fought by theBritish and Americans respectively helped

demonstrate the effectiveness ofskilled nursing in improving outcomes of sick and

injured soldiers. (Creasia &Friberg 2011). This lead to the opening of nursing schools. Today, nursing education is still vital to keep up with the ever changing nursing practice. Nursing theorists include
Rogers, Orem, Neuman, Roy, and others. Their theories provide a distinct view of nursing, separate from medicine and other health professions.(Nursing Time
Line of History events)
2-Infection control- During the Crimean war(1853-1856),
Florence Nightingale introduced the use

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