Premium Essay

Kong Yji Tragic Hero Essay

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Words 479
Pages 2
Joseph Scarimbolo

Professor Garrett

English 2110 M/W 6:30pm


“Kong Yiji: Problematic Hero”

Kong yiji tells the story about a failed academic who has become a

regular wine-drinker at a village tavern. At this tavern he is the butt of jokes. Kong yiji

is someone who is very studious, but he has yet to pass even the lowest official civil

service exam. He has no means of earning a living, but do to his skill in calligraphy he is

able to earn a modest wage. However, he loved wine too much, and he was lazy. When

he did need money, he resorted to stealing books from libraries. Kong yiji, for those …show more content…
He goes about partaking in his

usual habit of drinking wine, but he is still the butt of the jokes and taunts of the men in

the tavern. He leaves the tavern, but he is never seen again. Everyone presumes that he

has died.

A problematic hero is someone who could be considered a hero but with

qualities or traits that are not commendable. Most heroes have them. This is called their

tragic flaw. Kong Yiji is tall and strong and actually could make a good living from

manual work, yet he is too proud to stoop that low. Kong Yiji aspires to be a cultured

person. He does this by wearing a long robe. This is to set himself apart from the

workers wearing regular shirts. Kong Yiji constantly repeats pretentious references to

classical language, trying to show off his failed knowledge of the classics. In doing this

he fails to command any sort of respect from those who view him as a failure and thief.

Even the owner of the wine-shop is not willing to let him drink on credit.

Kong Yiji’s way of life is a lie. He wants to pass himself off as a gentleman

and scholar but to no avail. He does show he has a kind personality. He offers children

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