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Health Care Proxy Research Paper

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A health care proxy is an official legal document that appoints a person of your choosing the permission to make any and all health care related decisions for you in the event that you can no longer do it yourself. This is what is known as a proxy, power of attorney or agent and the doctor will go by what they tell them in your stead.

When you are planning your estate, or even before that, it's one of the most important things you can do to protect your rights and wishes in the event that you are unable to make medical decisions on your own. This ensures that you will always get the type of health care that you want, where you want and by the doctors you want.

You do not have to be terminally ill in order for a health care proxy to take effect either, it can take effect if your mental capacity has somehow been affected by illness or trauma as well. …show more content…
In the case that you do not elect to have a health care proxy and find that you can no longer make medical decisions on your own, then your state's law will determine who can make those decisions for you. The majority of states let close family members or close friends speak on your behalf by law if you haven't appointed anyone yourself.

It's possible, however, that you don't want any of your family or friends that the court could choose to be your voice in your health care. The problem is, that if you don't choose your own proxy, the court has no choice but to appoint one and you will have to accept the appointee and their choices for you at that point.

How Should You Choose a Health Care Proxy?

When you choose your health care proxy there are a few things you should consider. Always pick someone that you trust implicity. Someone who understands all of your personal needs, desires, wishes and health care needs, as well as your medical preferences for treatment. You need to choose someone who will completely honor your wishes and follow your directives

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