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Anti-Hypertension Lab Report

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1-1 : Introduction :- Increased use of digital images in recent years due to the availability of echnology equipment Has made the process of dealing with images of things possible, onventional cameras are based physicist based controls Lighting by the user entering the lens by controlling the amount and direction of light, while the camera Digital not only require a simple knowledge by the user, and the principle of its work depends on converting light into Electrical discharges, and converts the image into a series of binary digits (zeros and ones) to represent the points of the image [kareem1] .
The enormous development of computer technology, the great advances in digital recording of images Helped the emergence of devices that …show more content…
.[kareem figure2] 1-2-4:-Complications of atherosclerosis: Obtain heart diseases such as stroke, heart attack and angina.
- caused clots nutritious lower limbs artery.
-brain attack .
- The weakness of the vitality and function of the body's organs.[ kareem6]

Figure(3):-shows the blood clot to accumulate in the inner lumen of the arteries with the death of part of the heart muscle . .[kareem figure3] 1-3 :- Devices used to capture an image of the heart
1-3-1 :- computed tomography(CT):- Called computed tomography rays, makes use of fixtures manufacturer of x-rays taken from different angles to produce CT images of a classless allowing the user to see inside the object without cutting, it is expected that the body thickness in the film affects the information, where no ray can determine the location flour for the disease inside the human body in any case, the rays can be set bone fractures but cannot diagnose all diseases can be accurately side image (side view), but the hardening of the arteries may be behind the rib or any other member of hidden and required in such a situation is the image Sectional by the patient, which became possible when Godfrey N. Hounsfield introduced the first CT scanner in

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Case Study

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