...Information Hiding – Steganography Steganography Types and Techniques Abstract— Information hiding has been one of the most crucial element of information technology in recent years. Unlike Cryptography, Steganography does not only keep the content of information secret, its also keeps the existence of the information secret. This is achieved by hiding information behind another information. This paper gives an overview of Steganography and its techniques, types, and also its advantages and disadvantages. Keywords-component; steganography; information hiding; security; confidentiality; techniques. INTRODUCTION Steganography help hides the fact that communication is taking place by hiding some information behind another information thereby making the communication invisible. The origin of the word “steganography” is from the Greek words “steganos” and “graphia” which is interpreted as “covered” and “writing” respectively thereby defining steganography as “covered writing”. Steganography and cryptography are both part of information hiding but neither alone is without flaws. The goal of steganography is defeated once the hidden message is found or noticed even while still in the original message (carrier). For safely transmission of hidden messages or information in steganography, multimedia files like audio, video and images are mostly used has the carrier or cover source. METHODOLOGY The Methodology used for this paper is based on the...
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...Analysis of SVD based Image Fusion: A review xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx ABSTRACT: In this paper, we have reviewed different types of Image fusion techniques based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique. Basically, Image fusion can be described as a technique which is used to generate a single good quality image from one or more images. Image fusion can be applied at many levels viz. pixel level, feature level, signal level and decision level. Image fusion can be applied in many areas like recognition of patterns, to enhance visual features, detection of objects, area surveillance etc.[2] The techniques that are used mostly are Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS), high pass filtering, principal component analysis (PCA), different arithmetic combinations, multi resolution analysis based methods (pyramid algorithm and wavelet transform), Artificial Neural Networks(ANN), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) etc.[4] Nowadays, SVD is becoming very popular technique for image fusion due to many factors like conceptuality, stability and it is also a robust and reliable orthogonal decomposition technique. A huge advantage of SVD is that it can also adjust the variations that are present in the local statistics of an image[2]. In this paper, we have compared and reviewed different types of modifications that can be added to the basic SVD technique. Keywords: Singular Value Decomposition, Tensors, Image fusion. 1. INTRODUCTION Fusion...
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...USULAN PROGRAM KREATIVITAS MAHASISWA JUDUL PROGRAM Pengujian Isolat Unggulan dari Jamur Indigenous Karang Lunak Sinularia sp. sebagai Anti Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Tuberkulosis BIDANG KEGIATAN: PKM PENELITIAN Diusulkan Oleh | | Putri Nazilatu Rahma | 140410110035 | 2011 | Mohammad Awaludin | 140410110059 | 2011 | Oktapiana Kosmita | 140410110073 | 2011 | Nurul Asih Ramadhani | 260110110055 | 2011 | Venny Ulya Bunga | 140410120048 | 2012 | UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN SUMEDANG 2013 DAFTAR ISI Halaman kulit Lembar Pengesahan ii Daftar Isi iii BAB 1 Pendahuluan 1.1. Latar Belakang 2 1.2. Perumusan Masalah 3 1.3. Tujuan 3 1.4. Keutamaan penelitian 4 1.5. Luaran yang diharapkan 4 1.6. Manfaat 4 BAB 2. Tinjauan Pustaka 5 BAB 3. Metode Penelitian 6 BAB 4. Biaya dan Jadwal Kegiatan 4.1. Anggaran Biaya 8 4.2. Jadwal Kegiatan 9 Daftar Pustaka 10 Lampiran Lampiran 1. Biodata ketua, Anggota, dan Dosen Pendamping Lampiran 2. Justifikasi Anggaran Lampiran 3. Susunan Organisasi tim dan pembagian tugas Lampiran 4. Surat Pernyataan Ketua Peneliti iii 1 RINGKASAN Penyakit Tuberculosis (TB) merupakan suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) dengan gejala umum batuk kronis. Bakteri tersebut mengalami resistensi terhadap beberapa obat sehingga menimbulkan beberapa kasus salah satunya adalah Multi Drug ResistantTuberculosis (MDR TB) Tuberkulosis kini menjadi masalah besar kesehatan masyarakat di berbagai Negara...
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...4.719 ADVANCED MANAGEMENTOF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Submitted To: Daniel Vidal Word Count: 3074 words (Excluding executive summary and conclusions) GROUP MEMBERS NAMES | STUDENT ID | Gibran Bayhonan | 20150632 | Kamaljit Kour | 20151129 | Rohit Rajput | 20150915 | Veena Thimmasadra Anjanappa | 20151503 | Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 3 2.0 Introduction 4 3.0 Identification of key Objectives: 5 4.0 Application of Critical Success Factor 6 5.0 Discussion of Two ICT’s 9 6.0 How does ICT‘s benefit IKEA company. 14 7.0 Business Case 16 8.0 Cost and benefit Analysis 18 9.0 Conclusion 20 10.0 Refrences 21 * 1.0Executive Summary The purpose of this assignment knows the use of CSF Methodology to identify the ICT that will support IKEA business objective. As we know IKEA is one of the Global furniture companies whose objective is to give inexpensive furniture to all class of people. By this objective our team is able to identify 3 CSF of IKEA * To provide less expensive and better quality product * Creating a Unique Brand image. * To become one in Global distribution network. Further we identified IKEA ICT which supports business process in gaining competitive advantage .By continuous process improvement and Design and product development IKEA was successful in this industry. We have also explained few examples of IKEA technology in improving their inventory and production management. There is a business case on Application portfolio...
Words: 3697 - Pages: 15
...[pic] [pic] | | |UK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND COMPUTING | |Course title |Unit number and title | |BTEC HND IN BUSINESS | Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business | | | | |Student name Student ID |Assessor name | |Abu Rahman Hndb 5969 |Nathanial Owusu Frimpong | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | |20-03-2014 |19-03-2014 |21-03-2014...
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...Monthly Update | March 2011 April 4, 2011 Yaresh Kothari +91 22 39357800 Ext: 6844 yareshb.kothari@angelbroking.com Automobile Sector Steady growth Automakers maintained their strong volume momentum in March 2011, recording double-digit sales growth. Despite expectations of a slowdown in demand due to higher interest rates and product price increases, volume growth remained buoyant on the back of positive consumer sentiment and heavy discounts offered by OEMs and dealers to clear their year-end inventory. Among the majors, Maruti, Hero Honda, TVS Motor and Ashok Leyland reported better-than-expected numbers for the month. Going ahead, however, hikes in product prices, increased fuel price along with higher interest rates would be the major headwinds that could impact performance of the players. Tata Motors (TML) reported 10.9% yoy (7.5% mom) growth in total volumes, led by better-than-expected numbers in the commercial vehicles (CV) segment. Growth in the CV segment was led by a bounce back in M&HCV and LCV sales, which registered strong growth of 11.8% (30.6% mom) and 23.1% yoy (15.7% mom), respectively. In the PV segment, TML reported a 0.4% yoy (12.9% mom) drop in offtake, largely due to a 40.3% yoy (30.9% mom) decline in Indica dispatches. Nano volumes remained strong, posting 84.9% yoy growth. Ashok Leyland (ALL) posted better-than-expected numbers during the month, registering a strong 20.9% yoy (24.2% mom) increase in volumes to 12,168 units. Volume growth during...
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...IRJC International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research Vol.1 Issue 8, August 2012, ISSN 2277 3630 SCENARIO OF PRESENT EDUCATION SYSTEM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HARYANA AND ITS NEIGHBOURING STATES KAMLESH GAKHAR*; HARJEET KOUR** *Associate Professor, Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. **Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. ABSTRACT Education has been made too easy for the students so that more and more students can enter into the scope of education system of the country. The announcements like abolishing compulsory CBSE board exams for class 10th from the session 2010-11, introduction of grading system, the passage of Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Bill, reservation policies etc. are a few among them. Now the question arises as to what extent such efforts in the field of education have succeeded in different states of the country. Haryana is the state with a contribution of 3.7% in the total GDP of India. This present study will throw light on the education system of Haryana, with a comparative eye on its neighbouring states. An analysis of the educational achievements of these states from different angles will help the experts and the researchers to know how far we have gone in achieving our targets and what needs to be done. Along with this, a comparison of the literacy rates and...
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...International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Building brand webs: Customer relationship management through the Tesco Clubcard loyalty scheme Jennifer Rowley Article information: To cite this document: Jennifer Rowley, (2005),"Building brand webs", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 33 Iss 3 pp. 194 - 206 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09590550510588361 Downloaded on: 15 September 2014, At: 19:08 (PT) References: this document contains references to 37 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 17452 times since 2006* Downloaded by UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH At 19:08 15 September 2014 (PT) Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: Jason J. Turner, Karen Wilson, (2006),"Grocery loyalty: Tesco Clubcard and its impact on loyalty", British Food Journal, Vol. 108 Iss 11 pp. 958-964 Mark D. Uncles, Grahame R. Dowling, Kathy Hammond, (2003),"Customer loyalty and customer loyalty programs", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 20 Iss 4 pp. 294-316 Jennifer Rowley, (2007),"Reconceptualising the strategic role of loyalty schemes", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 24 Iss 6 pp. 366-374 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by 313615 [] For Authors If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about...
Words: 7563 - Pages: 31
...36 O INTERPRETACI VIZUÁLNÍHO TEXTU Martin FORET Abstrakt Příspěvek odkazuje na dominanci vizuálních sdělení v současné kultuře/společnosti/komunikaci a zaměřuje se na problematiku „čtení“ obrazů, resp. „vizuálních textů“. Upozorňuje na problémy spjaté s tradičním konceptem ikonu i s recepcí obrazů („věrnost“, „realismus“, „perspektiva“), vymezuje rozdíly mezi kresbou a fotografií a konstatuje jejich stírání v digitálních obrazech. Rozlišuje (v návaznosti na Barthese) základní „vrstvy“ vizuálního sdělení a (v návaznosti na Eca) kódy, na základě nichž jsou vytvářeny. Cílem textu je přispět k rozumění obrazům a možnostem jejich relevantní interpretace. Klíčová slova vizualita – vizuální texty – obrazy – perspektiva – ikon – denotace a konotace – kresba vs. fotografie – digitální obraz – technické obrazy – kódy – vizuální gramotnost ÚVOD – DOMINANCE VIZUÁLNÍHO V úvahách o současné kultuře i mediální sféře se velice často mluví o rostoucím vlivu vizuality, příp. audiovizuality,1 o posledním století se uvažuje jako o éře obrazu (na rozdíl od novověké kultury knihy, mcluhanovské Guttenbergovy galaxie).2 Vizuální v těchto kontextech dominuje, resp. nabývá stále většího významu, zabírá stále nová území. Zmiňme na úvod pro ilustraci tohoto tvrzení elementární příklad novin, které se z čistě „textové“, verbální, byť později ilustrované formy stále více mění ve formu „plakátovou“, s řadou fotografií a jiných grafických, vizuálních prvků. (Rostoucí podíl vizuálních informací v novinách...
Words: 5966 - Pages: 24
...idUNIVERSITY OF PUNE , RESULT SHEET FOR B.E.(2008 PAT.)(CIVIL) EXAMINATION NOV. 2013 DATE : 14 MAR. 2014 NOTE: FIRST LINE : SEAT NO., CENTRE : K.K. WAGH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NASIK. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE, MAX. MARKS, MOTHER, PERMANENT REG. NO., MARKS OBTAINED, PREVIOUS SEAT NO., P/F:PASS/FAIL, PAGE NO. COLLEGE, 01 (1638) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEAT NO. OTHER LINES: HEAD OF PASSING, MAX.MARKS : 1500 B80130001 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 04B . SYSTEMS APPROACH IN CIVIL ENGG 04B . SYSTEMS APPROACH IN CIVIL ENGG 05E . ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY FIRST TERM TOTAL = B80130002 424/750. SUNITA PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW PP 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 100 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 40 55 22 38 61 15 28 41 14 06 52 19 40 P P P P P P P P F P P P , 71104334F , , KKNS , MIN. PASS MARKS, C: PREVIOUS CARRY OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISTINCTION : 0990 PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW PP 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 100 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 40 FIRST CLASS : 900 MEENA 55...
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