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Kris Straub: Comic Analysis

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The image below is a comic from Chainsawsuit, a website by Kris Straub that focuses on creating comics, podcasts, and videos. The point of the comic is to focus on the overall meaning and understanding of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Following the comic, author and creator, Kris Straub, offers his opinion on the matter, saying, “the point is, all lives do matter, but lives in mortal peril need more immediate consideration than those that aren’t. That’s not to say there aren’t different levels of jeopardy in everyone’s lives, all of which need to be addressed. There’s always someone with a worse situation, and we get to decide which one to put our energy into…. Yes: all lives matter… ‘black lives matter’ never meant ‘only black lives …show more content…
People are aware that there are problems, but lack the understanding or perspective that these problems have on African American community. There is an absence of knowledge in what is going on within racial communities, and the Black Lives Matter movement tries to shine light on the iniquity in the black community.
August 28, 1955, Emmett Louis Till was kidnapped, beaten, and shot in the head. He was only 14 years old. Four days before his death, Till reportedly flirted with a white cashier in Money, Mississippi. His corpse was found in the Tallahatchie River beaten and shot. His death sparked national outrage and served as a stimulant for the civil rights movement. Although the United States tries to forget its past atrocities, the pain of the past is not dead. Author Gordon Marino, wrote an article called, “All Lives Matter vs Black Lives Matter,” where he …show more content…
Zimmerman claimed that Martin assaulted him, even though he was unarmed, and acted in self-defense. The following year, Zimmerman was acquitted of murder in the case (Black Lives Matter). Outraged by the results of the case, Alicia Garcia and Patrisse took to social media to voice their opinions on the matter, saying, “black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter. #blacklivesmatter” (Black Lives Matter). The match of the movement was struck; however, the fire did not truly burn until a series of deaths later starting with Michael Brown. The Historic U.S. Events, published an article called, “Police Shootings Against Black Community Members Draw Criticism and Legal Action Against Law Enforcement,” noting the death of Michael Brown and its impact between the police and the community. In 2014, a white police officer in St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. Missouri, shot and killed an unarmed black eighteen-year-old named Michael Brown. Witnesses claimed that Brown raised his hands up and was trying to surrender when he was shot. While the officer said Brown assaulted him and was charging at him when the shooting occurred (Historic US Events). Baltimore, April 2015, after Freddie Gray died in a police van

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