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Staffing In California

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In 1999, California began the process of mandating minimum nurse to patient ratios. It wasn’t until 2004 that the minimum staffing ratios were implemented. The law was established in an effort to improve patient care and retain nursing staff. Since implementation of this law, California has been able to report improved quality measures along with improved nurse retention rates (Dorning).
California has documented improvement in patient outcomes and quality measures since the staffing law went into effect. Assuring a safe environment for patients assures full reimbursement to the organization for their services. California’s report showed significant improvement in the reduction of pressure ulcers, falls, and medication errors to hospitalized …show more content…
Because of the staffing law, nurses in California experience less stress and increased job satisfaction. Nurses in California report confidence in their ability to leave work after their shift, satisfied they were able to take care of their patients. California has seen retention of experienced nurses and an influx of new nurses because nurses are increasingly satisfied with their jobs. (Dorning). This includes nurses transferring from other states to California. “Soon after nurse-to-patient ratio regulations went into effect in January 2004, the California Board of Nursing reported being inundated with RN applicants from other states. In 2004, applications for nursing licenses increased by more than 60 percent. By 2008, vacancies for registered nurses at California hospitals plummeted by 69 percent” (Dorning). These studies regarding the minimum staffing guidelines in California conclude their reasons for increased nurse satisfaction, “Nurses can go home and feel like everyone got the right tests, the right medicine, and the education they need” …show more content…
Mandating safe nurse to patient ratios is imperative to guaranteeing the safety of patients and nurses. Currently, there are fourteen states that have laws or regulations related to nurse staffing, those states include CA, CT,IL, MA, MN, NV, MJ, MY, OH, OR, RI, TX, VT, and WA (American Nursing Association). In addition, sixteen states (AK, CA, CT, IL, MD, MN, MO, NJ, NH, NY, OR, PA, RI, TX, WA and VA) have laws that set limits on mandatory overtime for nursing staff (Ohio Nurses Association). Indiana does not have any laws or regulations that govern mandatory nurse to patient staffing or overtime guidelines.
The laws and regulations for each of these states vary. Some of the states only have a law that requires posting or reporting staffing levels. Other states require that nurses not work over a twelve hour shift. Regardless of the law or regulation there can be financial penalties if there is a belief that patient care can, or was, negatively affected. Regulations that cover nurse to patient staffing guidelines hold each organization responsible. At any level of the law or regulation, the goal is for a safer patient environment.

Commitment to Memorial Hospital’s Patients and

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