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Peaceful Resistance To Government

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Throughout the history of America we have resisted our government’s laws as a nation. Sometimes that resistance becomes violent, and sometimes it stays peaceful, but overall we try to get the point across to our government. I believe peaceful resistance to laws positively affects a free society, and we should cherish the right to resist unjust laws. Peaceful resistance to laws gets the point across, does not destroy property, and actually makes a change.

Throughout American history we have resisted our government’s overreach into our freedom. If thousands of people show up to peacefully resist a law it means something to the politicians. Look, for example, at the Civil Rights Movement. During that movement there were thousands of people who …show more content…
Another example of a peaceful protest was the Women’s Suffrage Movement. The Women’s Suffrage Movement got voting rights for women which eventually allowed women to make changes in the government. Thousands of women came together to end the inequality of women, and they changed a lot without violence. The women got petitions, had marches, had meetings, and actually voted in elections. These acts against the government, which involved a few supreme court cases, swayed popular belief and allowed the women the right to vote. If you look at violent resistance to our government you will not see a lot less success. Many riots, or uprisings, in history did little to better the free society. The violence provokes the police, and government, who are called in to supervise the protest. The violence does not work because it provokes the other side. People become close-minded, and will do anything to rationalize their point if they are defensive. Peaceful resistance, on the other hand, does the exact opposite. Peaceful resistance leaves the opposition’s mind open to a change, and you can convince a person much easier than when you are attacking

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