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La Granja Research Paper

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The Royal Palace of La Granja de San Idelfonso is located in the north part of the Sierra of Guadarrama National Park which is 13 kilometers away from Segovia and 80 kilometers away from Madrid, the capital of Spain. La Granja is known with that name because of an old farm that the Hieronymite monks of El Parral’s monastery had there.

The Royal palace in one of the residences of the Spanish Royal family. It is considered a National Patrimony and it is open to the public. The price to get inside the palace is 9€ each person without guide and every child under five years old is free; if you want a tourist guide you will need to pay 4€ more.

The most impressive part of the Royal Palace is the garden with all the fountains. The access to all the gardens is free. Felipe V ordered to build it in 1721, it was meant to be a hunting farm but finally it became the residence of the Court. The building was totally finish during the reign of Carlos III. Some people know this palace as the Little Versailles; this is because at the beginning it was following the structure of the Versailles Palaces, in France. …show more content…
The gardens have different timetable, but you can look at it in their webpage. It is the same with the fountains, because to avoid wasting water they are not working every day. Mondays, everything is closed during all the

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