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Labour Law 2016 Changes Uae


Submitted By auroraxii
Words 2759
Pages 12
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|labor law intended to set the rules governing the legal and links related to the work done by a person for a fee for someone else , and under his|
|guidance and his authority or supervision and control. |
|For this branch of the law's impact on our economic and social life which makes it super economic and social importance. |
|It is the economic labor law plays a role a great deal of risk in directing the economic life of a dangerous weapon in ensuring the safety of |
|economic life to a large extent and that had to be on the street to use it efficiently investigation for economic considerations, which controls |
|the society and change the efficiency in the use of labor laws It may worsen economic conditions. |
|That targets the age of labor laws to ensure fair treatment of workers and decent living and this is too much intervention by the labor laws to |
|determine fair wages or impose a minimum with which increases the purchasing power they represent the majority of community groups and therefore |
|consumption movement affected there were much clearer. |
|There is no doubt that confer this protection and other workers increases the burden of economic projects Identifying high wages and forcing |
|entrepreneurs to provide labor services and contribute to the savings and insurance projects, all of these

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