...UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MANAGEMENT OF RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PREMISES. (CASE STUDY:NAIROBI-WEST) BY MURIITHI DAVIES MUGOH B04/23097/2008 A PROJECT PAPER SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN LAND ECONOMICS DEGREE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF REAL-ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MAY, 2012. DECLARATION I, MURIITHI DAVIES MUGOH, hereby declare that this project is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. Signed…………………….. Date……………………………… MURIITHI DAVIES MUGOH DECLARATION OF THE SUPERVISOR This research has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university supervisor. Signed……………………… Date………………………………….. Mr. NIKKY NZIOKI DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Muriithi who has patiently borne my education expenses right from primary school to the University and gave me continuous support & encouragement throughout my academic life. My siblings Faith Njoki, Peninah Njoki and Dennis Ragoi, thanks for being there for...
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...Management 200 Dawson Study Guide-After Midterm Spring 2014 Extensive List of Concepts: starting Week 7 of the quarter -Civil Law and Litigation What types of evidence is there? What are the rules of evidence? What are the requirements for evidence to be admissible in court? Explain how evidence can be excluded (exclusionary rules) What are the types of privileged evidence? -Torts What is a tort? Name the different types of torts What happened in the McDonalds story discussed in class? Explain Intentional Torts: Battery, Assault, Mental Distress Explain what elements are required for a tort to be negligent What is professional negligence? What are defenses to negligence? Compare and contrast Contributory Negligence and Comparative Negligence What is strict liability? What is products liability? -Contracts What is a contract? What are the types of contracts? Details about executory, enforceable, void, express, implied, and voidable What are requirements of contracts? What happens when a contract is breached? -Real Property What things are considered real property? What is an interest in real estate? Details about fee simple absolute, leasehold, life estate, joint tenants, subsurface interests, above surface interests, easement, and restrictive covenants What is a deed? Details about Statutory Warranty and Quit Claim What is title insurance? What are the types of title insurance? Know the process for buying a house, with a lender, with a contract ...
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...their support this study pack would not have been a success. To them I say keep the god spirits for enhancing the college and making it a force top reckon with according to international standards. Would also like to thank the Trust Academy Secretaries and Typists of this book, particularly, SHELTER MAVHUNGA, MISI MAKUZWA, AMANDA MANDA and JESCA KAMUNGA for their commitment to duty. Again their handwork in the production of this copy is highly appreciated. Anyone who directly contributed to the success of this module I say, God bless you. However none of the above will be accountable for any errors of omission or commission which might appear in this study pack. M. MAVHUNGA 2 Dedication This study pack is dedicated to the targeted students who commit themselves to passing the interesting course of business law. Foreword Business Law is a very broad course and covers many aspects. It is a challenging course a proper approach is not advised to new students but an interesting and very simple course once one grasps the concepts. The objective of this module is to simplify Business Law to be understood by Ordinary Advanced Level students who may be taking any of the above courses. The field has been complicated by legal jargon used by some authors and leaving students complaining that such sources are not very digest. Not really attacking other textbooks, but only trying to reveal some experience gathered when dealing with students of these courses This study pack will assist...
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...valid contract in a business context.LO 2: Be able to apply the elements of a contract in business situations. | Assignment Number:__1__of __2__for this Unit | Date assigned:September 25, 2013 | Date of review:October 18, 2013 | Date for final submission:October 25, 2013 | Learner declaration:I confirm that this assignment is my own work and any assistance received has been acknowledged and all sources have been stated.Signature: Date: October 25, 2013 | Scenario:First business scenarioThe tenant rent apartment for an eight month period. He will pay $ 800 per month. After the tenant had moved out, and when the property was left unoccupied. The tenant had decided to leave the property and early termination of the contract was agreed to by the landlord on the basis that replacement tenants were found. According to the scenario; apply and describe the elements of contract in formation of Rental Contract.Second business scenarioAs an employer, you want an employment contract that protects you and your business, while ensuring a suitable work environment for your employee. When both interests are equitably served, your company and your employee reap benefits. Providing an employment contract essentially replaces the standard hiring understanding between you and your...
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...[pic] [pic] | | |UK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND COMPUTING | |Course title |Unit number and title | |BTEC HND IN BUSINESS | Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business | | | | |Student name Student ID |Assessor name | |Abu Rahman Hndb 5969 |Nathanial Owusu Frimpong | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | |20-03-2014 |19-03-2014 |21-03-2014...
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...the perspective of the tenant and the landlord. The organization is a team of real estate agents that specialize in rental properties. The goal is to generate profitable revenue by ensuring the quota is met for lease contract agreements to go to settlement in the specified time. Throughput are the number of contracts for the lease of properties that have completed, settled, and funded. Inventory comprises of available rental properties that have been listed with the company, as well as landlords that are represented by agents of the company. Operating expenses include costs associated with the listing or showing of rental properties, such as open houses, advertising costs, and transportation of prospective tenants to the property. The bottleneck is the landlord’s approval and acceptance of the terms of the contract. This will be discussed in more detail in the five steps below. 1) Identify the system’s bottlenecks. Typically the landlord will want to maximize profit by listing the property for as much as possible. Regardless of the listing price being inline with the market area, or being overpriced, lease offers will often be less than the asking price. With lease offers from more than one prospective tenants require more time in their decision of which tenant to select. Furthermore in addition to the varying lease prices of tenants, contracts may have other requirements from the tenant that require the attention of the landlord for consideration. Such...
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...Chapter-II KISAN STRUGGLES IN INDIA 38 Cultivation has been in existence in India from ancient times – since Indus valley civilisation, it is the belief of the people that it is a part of their cultural pride. At present, they adopt agriculture not because it is profitable but because they have no other alternative and they can feed themselves at least for a few months from the yield they are getting.1 Economic experts (pandits) also agree that the kisan goes for cultivation knowing fully well that he has to suffer losses. This fact is also stated and agreed upon in the “Statutory Report on Agricultural Credit” by the Reserve Bank of India. If anybody wants profit in his business, the cost of the manufacturing material (goods) should be cheaper. The system of exploiting their labour also is an extra burden for the farmers.2 The process of proletarianisation of agricultural labourers has increased during the last few decades and they are more dependent on wage labour while losing the extraeconomic relations with their employers which govern the conditions of their work and life. Barrington Moore Jr. in his celebrated work Social Origins Dictatorship and Democracy; Lord and peasant in the making of the modern world questions the revolutionary potential of the Indian peasantry. He observes that the landed upper classes and the peasants played an important role in the bourgeois revolutions leading to capitalist societies in England and France, the abortive bourgeois revolutions...
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...Civil Rights Act of 1964 Michael Cain ELA2603 - Administrative and Personnel Law Professor Zara Sette August 17, 2012 Abstract The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the nation's benchmark civil rights legislation, and it continues to resonate in America. The basic tenants of this legislation prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin and other protected classes as amended. Passage of the Act ended the application of "Jim Crow" laws, which had been upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Court held that racial segregation purported to be "separate but equal" was constitutional. The Civil Rights Act was eventually expanded by Congress to strengthen enforcement of these fundamental civil rights (United States Senate - Committee of the Judiciary). In the 1960s, Americans who knew only the potential of "equal protection of the laws" expected the nations political leaders and the courts to fulfill the promise and guarantee of the 14th Amendment. In response, all three branches of the federal government, as well as the public at large, debated a fundamental constitutional question: Does the Constitution's prohibition of denying equal protection always ban the use of racial, ethnic, or gender criteria in an attempt to bring social justice and social benefits (National Archives, 2012)? The simple answer is no. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 In 1964 Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The...
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...REFORMING THE AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM A SCORE LATER, WHAT IS THE REAL SCORE? Rolando T. Bello UPLBFI Science and Technology Professorial Chair Holder Introduction On June 10, 1988, President Corazon C. Aquino enacted into law Republic Act 6657, “An Act Instituting the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program to Promote Social Justice and Industrialization, Providing the Mechanisms for its Implementation, and for Other Purposes.” The signing into law was attended with the President’s optimism that the program could achieve the twin goals of having a radical leap in agricultural productivity and the uplifting of the Filipino masses from their ancient poverty while expressing the hope that it will end all the acrimony and misgivings of the contending parties as well as uniting the nation behind the effort to make agrarian reform a success. The enactment of the law twenty years ago was the apparent embodiment of the then just ratified 1987 Philippine Constitution which declared as a policy of the State the promotion of a comprehensive rural development and agrarian reform. In addition, the fundamental law mandates the State to promote industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform. These Charter provisions and the passing of the law set forth the claim that agrarian reform in the Philippines is inimitable considering the challenges of redistributive reform to be carried out under a democratic milieu. The ratification...
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...The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0268-6902.htm MAJ 19,4 Control self-assessment as a route to organisational excellence A Scottish Housing Association case study James Sheffield Comhairle, The Scottish Centre for European Public Sector Studies, University of Paisley, Paisley, Scotland, and 484 Siobhan White Division of Accounting and Finance, Glasgow Caledonian University Business School, Glasgow, Scotland Keywords Scotland, Housing, Financial management, Auditing, Corporate governance Abstract Control self-assessment (CSA) has been discussed as an audit technique, but little practical guidance is available in the UK on the subject. A limited number of public sector organisations have implemented it. This paper describes a case study of CSA implementation in a Scottish Housing Association. The case study details the decision processes that led to the choice of CSA as a favoured audit technique, and the development of CSA skills within the organisation. This paper examines the broader benefits of a CSA approach, in terms of performance management and employee empowerment. This paper also uses a cost benefit analysis to examine the efficacy of CSA for small organisations. Managerial Auditing Journal Vol. 19 No. 4, 2004 pp. 484-492 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0268-6902 DOI 10.1108/02686900410530493 ...
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...8/6/2014 Print Property: Personal, Intellectual, and Real Learning Objectives 11 After studying this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Distinguish between personal, intellectual, and real property. 2. Explain how personal property is acquired. 3. Discuss the definition and significance of bailments. 4. Define different types of tenancies in real property. 5. Discuss the concept of eminent domain. Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Thinkstock The concept of property and ownership is one that has long been important in both society in general and law in particular. English philosopher and political theorist John Locke saw it as "the reason why men enter into society," and Walter Lippmann, the American journalist, described it as "the only dependable foundation of personal liberty." Some have gone so far as to say that the main reason for law is to protect property rights. Even if one does not subscribe to such a narrow purpose, there is no doubt that the law is much concerned with property and rights of ownership. Property can be defined as the right of an individual to exclusively possess, use, and dispose of anything that is capable of being owned. Broadly speaking, property can be divided into three separate types: personal property, intellectual property, and real property. Personal property is characterized by its portable nature; it can be carried from place to place. Furthermore, personal property can be either tangible or intangible. Tangible personal property encompasses...
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...Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) was signed into law, paving the way for extensive land distribution and reforms which communist insurgencies urged during the Marcos regime. Consequently, the initial stages of the implementation process of CARP was met with apparent complications, expectedly so given that such a policy entailed a wide scope, whilst rural landlords provided staunch opposition in seizing their ownership to government. However, as the years passed and administrations would change, the promises of sweeping agrarian reform have remained unfinished, otherwise, significantly watered down. Such arbitration would be considered a detrimental factor to the current pitfalls that have hindered the development of Philippine political economy. In that, this paper questions what led to this failure of comprehensive agrarian reform and in pronouncing these mistakes, did other countries experience who also employed land reforms if they experienced similar dilemmas. We argue that deeply seated class structures have inevitably played a role in this development policy outcome, particularly elite groups and landlords who have established themselves in the political arena. The...
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...June 2007 Mall Management – A Growing Phenomenon in Indian Retail Industry ExEcutivE Summary • The Indian retail market is expected to continue its growth trajectory into 2010. • Mall management has been identified as a critical factor for the success of malls and the retail industry across the world. • Mall management broadly includes mall positioning, zoning, tenant mix, promotions/ marketing and facility/finance management. • Currently, the Indian retail market lacks designated mall management firms. Large real estate developers and retail chains either have their own mall management arms operating as subsidiaries or have contractual agreements with international property consultants. • Till recently, mall management was limited to facility management by a majority of developers in India, leading to gaps in mall management practices. • Given the high future supply of malls and increasing competitiveness within the Indian retail market, developers must correctly address these gaps to ensure success. Mall Management – A Growing Phenomenon in Indian Retail Industry introduction Organised retailing in India witnessed a gross turnover of USD 320 billion1 in 2006. Although this figure is low compared with other developed economies, industry experts expect the growth rate of this sector at 35%2 until 2010. At present, about 100 malls are operational at a Pan-India level with a total area of 19 million sq ft. As per the current estimates, about 3003 additional malls...
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...Introduction According to Macmillan online Dictionary Equity is a legal system for obtaining a fair result when existing laws do nor provide a solution.(*1).”What is equity and why does the English legal system recognize a body of rules known as equity and maxims of Equity are the major topics I am dealing with in this project. The word ‘equity’ is susceptible to a number of different meanings. In one sense the word means what is ‘fair and just’ and is, therefore, undistinguishable from the general concern of any system of laws, which is that all laws should be fair and just. However, another somewhat narrower sense of the word is that equity is that specific body of law which supplements the common law and is invoked in circumstances where the conduct of a defendant is deemed unconscionable. Where such unconscionable conduct has arisen, the role of equity is to temper the rigor of the common law by the award of an appropriate equitable remedy. This project examines what is Equity how it came into exist, its relationship with the common law and examines some of the important maxims of equity. Acknowledgement I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Anil R. Nair as well as our Vice Chairman Prof. (Dr) N.Balu who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic Equity, which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to...
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...Desmond (2016) decided to study poverty. Desmond (2016) understood that poverty was not an occurrence with complete focus on the surrounding poorness, but rather a relationship between the rich and the poor. His desire to understand that relationship drove him to study evictions—a great representation of such. Desmond visits the “Brew City” of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, where he portrays the hardships of eight families to show how the same issue affects different people in different ways, though all poorly, in his ethnography Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. Desmond did an amazingly maintained the focus of his novel on poverty instead of getting...
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