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Language Acquisition


Submitted By abyars01
Words 595
Pages 3
Language Acquisition
ESL 523: English Language Teaching
Andrea Byars
May 14, 2015

Language Acquisition
Anale was born in Los Angeles. Spanish was the primary language spoken in her home and neighborhood. Although she has been in school her whole life, she does not have a literary foundation in her first language (L1), but is motivated to learn English. Her grandparents say that English is of a higher status, and encourage her to learn it.
Learning to speak in one’s native tongue is a practice that basically begins in the womb when the newborn becomes familiar with how voices resonate. Being that this is an intrinsic talent, it is understandable that learning a second language would be an insurmountable amount of work.
The scenario states that Anale has been enrolled in school for most of her life, but she does not have the literary skills to function academically. There are a number of reasons that this problem could exist; first, she may believe that as a result of her scholastic experiences that her literacy skills appeared to be more developed in English as opposed to Spanish. Next, there is a chance that Anale has become so absorbed in learning the core curriculum in her secondary language, that she failed to receive the necessary literary training in her own native dialect. Therefore, her literary skills are more influential in English because it is imperative that English Language Learners learn academics in their native language in order to be instructionally fluent in English. According to Jim Cummins, “Concepts are most readily developed in the first language and, once developed, are accessible through the second language. In other words, what we learn in one language transfers into the new language (Freeman & Freeman, 1994)”.
The fact that Spanish is the primary language spoken in Anale’s home and community is a definite plus

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