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Language and Learning


Submitted By bubz92
Words 1476
Pages 6
* In the educational field, the teaching learning cycle is a model used in contemporary teaching in both school and adult educational settings. Rothery (1996 in Derewianka & Jones 2012, pg 43) who originally developed the model used this to aim at disadvantaged children for teaching literacy and writing in the KLA (Key learning areas) who were from socially disadvantaged areas. Over time the model has been phased across other areas of the English language such as listening, speaking, reading as well as writing. The key involvement of the teacher also known as ‘expert other’ in the teaching learning cycle is guiding the learner to understand key concepts in academic literacy through use of scaffolding strategies to transform students from dependent to independent self-directed learners. There are four stages to the TLC and with each stage there are different strategies that the teacher uses to guide the student to being an independent learner and how the teacher is the crucial factor in guiding them in that direction. *
According to Derewianka & Jones (2012, pg 45) the first stage ‘building the field’ is a critical stage in grasping the student’s attention to understanding a concept or theory that is about to be learned. The importance of this stage is that the ‘expert other’ referred to, as the teacher has to build students prior knowledge to a topic that is being presented. A student cannot learn and be able to produce ideas if there is no prior knowledge. By slowly building knowledge for the learner and scaffolding their thinking students can slowly understand the concept and elaborate on it through further discussion (Salmon 2007, pg 459). How students build their field of knowledge is through activities that encourage discussion. One of these activities that teacher can implement is pair-share which is a strategy to foster student interaction.

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