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Language and Literacy


Submitted By faymglenn
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Language and Literacy
American InterContinental University

The vernacular is basically a common language used in a country. During the medieval times Latin and French were the popular literature used at that time. However, there was a limitation as to those who could learn Latin. Those who were able learn of this finer language during this time were those who were wealthy. Eventually the average citizen learned the vernacular language as well.

The vernacular language began in different countries such as Europe and Italy. The vernacular was spread through these countries via writings by writes such as Dante Alighieri. Education was another way vernacular language was spread. The rise of literacy impacted these countries.
Origins of the vernacular language
Vernacular language is native language of the Romans. It is also known as the romance language, which seems logic since romance derived from the Old French term “romans”. (Sayre, 2012) Before the vernacular language, Latin language was the official language for many countries. However, once the vernacular became popular Latin became obsolete. You see Latin was commonly used by people of upper classes and members of the clergy. (CEC, 2013) People who were involved in the government also used Latin language. After the rise of the vernacular language, Latin was used less and soon became hard for people from other areas of the country to understand.
Spread of the vernacular language
The spread of the vernacular language came from the French. It was the French who converted their literary work into vernacular language, which spread like a wild fire. As the vernacular language became more and more popular, writers began to use the vernacular language as well. There were writers such as Dante Alighieri who was one of the greatest medieval Italian writers during the middle Ages. (Sayre, 2012) Dante was famous for the Divine Comedy, which talked about the Christian’s soul from Hell to Purgatory to Salvation. Before the vernacular language, writers would use Latin as their primary language until the 12th century. Before the end of that century there were government documents that were written in the vernacular language. (Sayre, 2012)
Women’s literacy was on the rise in the 12th century, which is what also help spread the vernacular language. During this time women like Eleanor Aquitaine who created the city of Poiters which became a literary movement that was focused on courtly love (CEC, 2013). This literary movement became a place where romance was expressed through poetry. People who wrote romantic poetry were known as troubadours. Women troubadours were called trobairitz. Through poetry they were able to explain what they were feeling inside. Some expressed how they longed for another, the suffering they have endured, how they have fought temptation, and their loyalty. As these poems were created they were written in the vernacular of the day.
Christianity was another rise during the middle ages time period. Around the 14th century the vernacular had spread throughout majority of Europe. The use of vernacular language from the monarchies that began to consolidate provided an increase in nationalism. (CEC, 2013) The common people began to read and understand the bible themselves, so they felt like they were connecting with the readers in their community than those who were afar. Once they started reading there became a demand for printing of bibles along with a wide spread of the vernacular.
In conclusion, the vernacular language started in Europe. There were several factors that started the spread of the vernacular language. The French started the spread of the vernacular. The women of the middle ages expressed the feelings through poetry started the spread of the vernacular. Also making Christianity available for the people also spread the vernacular language. References
Career Education Corporation. (2013) Language and literacy [Multimedia] Retrieved from
Sayre, H (2013) Discovering the humanities. Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved from:

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