...Some use it to channel their creativity, some use it as a means of making money and some, like me, use it to vent. I always had writing assignments in school but none of them really had an impact on my life until the summer before junior year in high school. That summer was a terrible summer for me. Nothing went the way I had hoped and I was unhappy. My boyfriend and I broke up the night before my last exam. I would talk to my friends about it but I felt like it became too much for them. I knew they wanted to make me happy so they would listen but I didn’t feel right about putting them through it so I started writing. Whenever I needed a break from everyone around me, I would grab a piece of paper and a pen and just start pouring my thoughts onto paper. It was usually about how I was going through a tough time, which now seems increasingly petty, but at that time paper was my confidant. I wrote everything, even if it was a paragraph, or even barely a line. I used to transfer all the bad thoughts in my mind onto paper and just leave it there. I substituted my friends for paper. Paper wouldn’t talk back or tell me that it wasn’t god for me. It would just listen, absorb, and always be there. And that’s when I fell in love with writing. This is when writing became a habit. When I got over irrelevant boyfriend issues, I still had that craving to write something, anything, so I started writing about my day. If I had had a bad day, I would sit with my book and pen and just write till...
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...Although there were specific instructions to not use second person I did not fully understand what that meant. Coming into English 1113, I had not been corrected on my point of view before. Whenever I received feedback on this essay, I learned to be more careful while writing my papers. In “Lean on Me,” there were more corrections made about my use of second person than in “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble.” In everyday conversation, I find myself speaking in second person rather than first or third. I am accustomed to using “you” and “your” instead of “he or she” and “his or hers”. My previous English teachers have not corrected any of my papers on its point of view. I had begun to learn how to correct myself and have others proof read my papers; however, on this particular paper, I failed to do so. Throughout “Lean on Me” I was continuously corrected on my use of second person in my writing. Based on what I have learned throughout English 1113, I am able to notice errors I have made by not writing my papers in either first or third person. During this course, I have developed into a better writer because I have learned from Mrs. Menetre’s corrections. In “Perceptions of Perfection,” I remained in first person for the duration of my...
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...your last name, first name, and course section. For example, using Ms. Sandra King in CSC 115-04, her created email address should be sking-04@yahoo.com or sanking-04@yahoo.com. If the first account name has been used by someone else, change or switch some words around and try again. Please note that several attempts may be required before you can get a unique email address. Since the ISP provides you a FREE email account, the disk space may be limited. Compose and write an error free and grammar sound 1.5 – 2 page essay on “The effect of the recession on HBCUs”. Your paper must be original and of substance and your last paragraph must be conclusions or inferences that you deduced from your previous paragraphs. YOU MUST CREATE A JSU EMAIL ACCOUNT IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE. YOUR JSU EMAIL ACCOUNT IS THE ONLY ACCOUNT THAT HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM IN THIS CLASS. You must submit the following: a. Email a copy of your paper to your JSU email account. b. A hard copy showing that you created a new free email account and your jsu email account by logging into your jsu email account and opening the email that you sent from the new free email account. Print that email. It should show both accounts in the printout. If you decide to submit this to me by email, you will have to use the print screen key to copy and paste it to a word document and send it that way. c. CC your free email account so that you will have a copy on record d. A printed copy of your paper If...
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...5 Forces Analysis on the Paper Industry Looking at the position of the paper industry relative to the five forces model I had to determine exactly what constituted the paper industry. I had to decide between the Paper Mills Industry and Pulp Mills Industry and ultimately decided to analyze the Paper Mills Industry specifically when it came to paper industry as a whole. The NAICS Code that corresponds to the Paper Mills Industry is NAICS: 322121 or SIC Code 2621. Porter’s Five Forces Model of Competition includes the firm’s, or in this case the paper mill industry’s, position relative to current competitors, suppliers, customers, potential new entrants and potential substitutes. Over the next few pages I will conduct a five forces analysis of the Paper Mills Industry. Current Competitors: The degree of rivalry in the paper industry is the center of the five forces and the other four forces branch off of this. The first aspect to look at is the number and position of companies within the paper industry. There were 445 companies in 2009 and as of 2013 there are now 119 companies in the industry. This industry still has many competitors within the industry and therefor, there shouldn’t be any impact of any particular company. This industry is large enough where these firms can prosper without having to steal market share from each other and this is a positive for the paper industry. The second key factor is the industry growth rate and if there is room to increase revenues...
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...REVISING; THE ETHICS ON SPANKING During my time in this class, we had to create our research paper on something that sparked our interest and had plentiful opinions on. As I started to sculpt my work, I tried and included various sources that would support my points thoroughly. Afterwards, I revised my work and found a few parts in which were lackluster and sought to add more details and remove statements in order to make my essay have more clarity. Overall, what I've learned this semester is that I have a good, general grasp of creating and molding papers to my whim; however, I sometimes would need to polish my work slightly in order to improve it. In my paper, "The Ethics on Spanking", the first revision that I wanted to focus on what about adding details to my work. As I read through my essay, I felt as though some sentences could include more information. For example, “These problems and erratic behaviors will carry-on in children causing them to be more hostile towards their peers and coworkers as they become adults”. This statement seems to be absent of any details regarding these behaviors. In order to compensate for this I added more information about my cousin, rather than more factual evidence. The reason being is that by...
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...Report on Pulp and Paper Industry Leif Duncan S. Urdaneta University of San Carlos Technological Center Cebu City, Philippines Abstract Information about the pulp and paper industry that focuses mainly on kraft pulping using wood as raw material for paper production is covered in this report. Content includes a brief account of the global paper production status, a general overview of the kraft paper making process that is presented with a model mill PFD (with materials balance) from ÅForsk Engineering (2011) as well as actual information from Danao Paper Mill, general waste management practices recommendations by authoritative figures, actual waste management of Danao Paper Mill, future trends and direction of the industry in general and that of Danao Paper Mill, and finally, author’s conclusion and closing remarks. Table of Contents Introduction | 4 | Existing Industries | 5 - 8 | Manufacturing | General Overview | | | Pulp production | 9-11 | | Chemical Recovery | 12-13 | | Paper Making | 13-14 | | Danao Paper Mill | 14-15 | | Stock Preparation | 15 | | Repulping | 15-18 | | The Paper Machine | 18-20 | | Mass Balances | 21 | | Process Flow Diagrams | 22-23 | Waste Management | Overview | 24-25 | | Danao Paper Mill | 25 | Future Trends and Direction | Philippines | 26 | | Danao Paper Mill | 26 | Conclusion | 27 | Recommendations | 27 | References | 28-30 | Introduction Starting at around 1965, paper industries around...
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...writing the introduction to the paper. Next, I do the actual writing of the paper and describe each topic in more detail. The last step is to, I revise it in case of any errors. I also revise it to make it better. Each step is important in order to make my writing good. I will discuss in depth and detail about each part of my writing process. As soon as I get the topic and know what I am to write about, I think to myself of some of the ideas that I have that could relate to this piece of writing. Often times, I come up with a story in my own life that can relate or something that I know of that can influence my paper to have more meaning, not only to the reader, but also to me. It will make writing the paper easier if you can make a connection to the topic and relate it to yourself somehow. If I don’t really have a way to connect it I just brainstorm for things or ideas that can be included or used in the piece. I make a list of things pertaining to the paper so I can go through the list easier. If it is a really detailed piece, I sometimes use the web process. If it is necessary to the paper, I will research the topic and try to gather more information about it. If not, I just stick to the list or web. Each one of my idea gathering processes has its benefits and is used depending on the type of paper I need to write. At this point, I would now have all of my ideas and my “helpers” in writing my paper. I would start with the introduction of my paper. In a few paragraphs, I would...
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...sentence and bold the concluding sentence in the paragraph. Use complete sentences. Post your assignment, Review the additional resources I will be taking the time to explain my current writing approach. The first thing that I do is make sure I have a quiet area to work in and a sound mind so that I can focus on my writing. I usually use my laptop to write because pen and paper makes me nervous. I begin writing what I know and like to discuss, which is called discovering and brainstorming. Then after I have discovered and brainstormed, I begin narrowing down what I want to write about such as: Topic sentence and supportive details. After finalizing my topic sentence, I move forward and compose my rough draft. By drafting what I have written, it allows me to add thoughts and to subtract the unnecessary supporting details. Then after I have done that, I revise the draft by rearranging ideas and reshaping sentences to make a smooth and flowing paper. After carefully examining the paper to see if it contains any errors of grammar, spelling, or punctuation for the last time, I then proceed to write my final paper. In conclusion, the four stages of writing which is discovering, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading has helped and guided me to write...
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...When I was in eighth grade I had a huge project in my American History Class. In this project I had to write a ten page paper about the decade of my choice, come up with a question from the decade I chose, find people from the era to help me answer my question, and create a display. This was one of the hardest and most time consuming projects I had ever done. It didn’t help that I was in a lot of other tough classes and in a lot of extracurricular activities. I didn’t know how I would be able to finish it but I eventually did. I was extremely proud of the project I completed and all the work I put into it. The project began in the fall of my eighth grade year and it was due at the end of the year. This project seemed overwhelming. The teacher...
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...is 21. I played soccer all through out high school and I am planning on get involved in intramural soccer here as well. I enjoy watching Netflix and hanging out with my friends in my spare time. When it comes to college writing I would say one thing I do not struggle with is thinking of enough information to write. I think I always have plenty of information on the topic that is being discussed in the paper. Another thing I think I do well at is formatting my papers. One of my strong points is knowing when to start a new paragraph and knowing how much information I need to put in that certain paragraph. There are also several things I want to improve on when writing college papers. One thing I would like to improve on is organizing my thoughts. Another thing I struggle with is my choice of words. I am not very good at using a wide range of vocabulary in my papers. I also want to improve on my use of punctuation. Lastly, I would like to improve on thinking of better topic sentences and also the ending sentences of each paragraph. I struggle with trying to think of the last sentence in the paragraph because I do not want to repeat information, but I do what to recap what I was just discussing in the paragraph. Since there are many things I would like to improve on when it comes to college writing, I am planning on meeting with you many times so I can get help that I need in order to make a good grade. If needed, I will also get a tutor so they can help me with my writing...
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...expect some (most or all) of us will feel strongly about certain issues, we need to treat each other respect even if we disagree. Be careful with the words you choose and your delivery. We don’t have to agree but we do have to treat each other with respect. Objectives * Students will be familiar with writing for different audiences. Part of the UHWO GLOs (General Learning Outcomes) requires students to effectively communicate information for an intended audience. The UHWO catalogue explains that part of being able to effectively communicate information will necessitate utilizing different type of information literacy. * We will become familiar with using primary and secondary texts in our research papers. This course will ready students for their future term papers as they continue their journey at UHWO. * Students will learn the...
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...My observations of this course and the assignments given have shown me a huge difference in how I started to where I currently am. I have improved my style of writing and the way that I edit my papers. I also noticed that my thesis statements have become more impactful, straight to the point, and easily convey the topic of my entire paper. In my WRT 101 class, my professor said he noticed that my thesis statements have gotten better and I have more supporting details for my argument. I received an A on my last two papers in his class and my overall grade has increased since then. This class is also really helpful to the World Civilization class, however, I think it would be even more beneficial to the class if the study sessions were more organized for the midterm and the final. Despite this, I do not believe it is the staff's fault but more the students because they don’t realize the importance of the help until it is too late....
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...some common mistakes made by students in research paper writing. Textbooks, internet, and correction given during class seminar presentation constituted the sources of information gathered. It was realized that in the effort to give the best in writing research papers, students unconsciously make mistakes in topic selection, objectives of research, writing format hypothesis or thesis statement, literature review, research methodology, paragraphing, use of tense in sentence construction, referencing and quoting to mention but a few. This writing also incorporated some tips in avoiding these mistakes mentioned and therefore concluded and recommended that The mistakes stated above should be avoided at all cost when writing research papers. They can contribute to low grades or disqualification of your project. Therefore, it is advisable that students seek for guidance from their instructors or professionals in research papers writing. INRODUCTION Research assignments give you an opportunity to demonstrate practically the skills and knowledge learnt in class. In the effort to give the best in writing research papers, students unconsciously make mistakes. This article highlights common mistakes students make in research paper writing especially in their early days of undertaking...
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...University of Phoenix Material Communication Styles Worksheet You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling. Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students. Hi John, I just wanted to send you this e-mail to let you know what I have learned about the University of Phoenix in the last few days. The online learning system is a great tool. It has a Center for Writing Excellence that you can submit your papers to and it will show you what corrections need should be made. There is also an online library with lots of useful articles and links, as well as a Center for Math Excellence. Posting your assignments online is also really easy you just go to your classroom page, and then click on assignments. Once you find the assignment that you want to post all you have to do is click on it and then upload your document. The forums that are set up in the discussion section of the classroom is where you interact with your instructor and fellow classmates. Enrolling in this school seems to be the best decision that I could have made. Let me know if you have any questions or would like me to set you up with my enrollment counselor. See you later, You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class...
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...moves on. If I want attention for an hour or so, however, I'll tell them my horrible secret — for several years I made much of my freelance income writing term papers. I always wanted to be writer, but was told from an early age that such a dream was futile. After all, nobody ever puts a classified ad in the paper that reads “Writers Wanted.” Then, in the Village Voice, I saw just such an ad. Writers wanted, to write short pieces on business, economics, and literature. It was from a term paper mill, and they ran the ad at the beginning of each semester. Writing model term papers is above-board and perfectly legal. Thanks to the First Amendment, it’s protected speech, right up there with neo-Nazi rallies, tobacco company press releases, and those "9/11 Was An Inside Job" bumper stickers. It's custom-made Cliff Notes. Virtually any subject, almost any length, all levels of education — indulgent parents even buy papers for children too young for credit cards of their own. You name it, I've done it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the plurality of clients was business administration majors, but both elementary education majors and would-be social workers showed up aplenty. Even the assignments for what in my college days were the obvious gut courses crossed my desk. "Race in The Matrix" was a fashionable subject. The term paper biz is managed by brokers who take financial risks by accepting credit card payments and psychological risks by actually talking to the clients. Most of the...
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