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Law Enforcement


Submitted By cazares87
Words 775
Pages 4
Week One Assignment

Crystal Cazares CJA/204 Mr. Samuel Ramos 9/17/2011

The Criminal Justice System is a set of agencies and processes created by the government to control crime and impose penalties on those who do not follow the laws. How the justice system works depends on the jurisdiction that is in charge, or where the crime was committed. Different jurisdictions have different laws, agencies and ways that they handle criminal justice processes. There are two main systems that the government uses to control crime, the state system and federal system. The state justice system handles crimes committed within their state boundaries, and the federal justice system handles the crimes committed on federal property.

There are five components that play a main role in the criminal justice process. The five components are law enforcement, prosecution, defense attorneys, courts and corrections. Law enforcement officers write reports on crimes that happen in their area and arrest people who have violated the law, for this to happen a crime must be committed. A crime is defined as any violation of the law either divine or human. The next step would be to investigate the crime scene and collect any evidence that is found, followed by an arrest. After an arrest is made the next procedure would be booking. Booking is an administrative procedure where the accused has their fingerprints, picture and personal information taken. A preliminary hearing is then established, the purpose of this hearing is to see if there is enough evidence against the individual to proceed with the process. An indictment is followed after the preliminary hearing. Some states require an indictment be returned by a grand jury before prosecution can continue. The grand jury hears evidence from the prosecutor and

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