...technology, requirements, and cooperation between intelligence agencies is charged to the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) and the Global Intelligence Working Group (GIWG). Working in concert, the CICC and the GIWG advocates for local police force agencies in the development and communicating of criminal intelligence to promote public safety and our Nation’s security. The recognition by the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) of the prominence of the state, local, and tribal law enforcement (SLTLE) are vital ingredients concerning our country’s intelligence process. In order to establish the link necessary for improving intelligence and data sharing at all echelons of government, the creation of the CICC was a product of the NCISP. Law enforcement agencies from varying levels of government comprise this Council. In May 2004, the CICC was formally established and provided advice the refinement and implementation of the NCISP. (Carter, 2009). The U.S. Office of Justice Programs funded the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiatives which exists also charged with the development of methods and guidelines to effectively share information across the criminal justice system. The Global Initiative is responsible for the creation of the subgroup, the Global Intelligence Working Group (GIWG). The NCISP was the first product the GIWG created. By design, the GIWG’s mission is to make available law enforcement organizations a capability to gather, analyze...
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...Fusion centers can make law enforcement agencies more competent and effective in stopping crimes (to include terrorist attacks) before they take place. As long as the centers follow the laws they are governed by, they will remain ethical and can be a helpful addition in protecting the United States. Fusion centers in the United States perform a valuable role in countering terrorist threats, their positive influence far outweighs any negative actions they have conducted, and continue to provide an invaluable service to US law enforcement. Fusion is the integration and analysis of large amounts of information and intelligence for actionable policy ends (1). According to CongressionalResearch.com, “Fusing foreign intelligence with a wide spectrum of domestic information is the stated primary purpose of fusion centers” (2). Fusion centers, if managed properly, can be a valuable tool in not just countering terrorist threats but also in helping tribal, local, state, and federal law enforcement in stopping criminal activity as well as mitigating the after effects of natural disasters. Fusion centers allow for better communication and encourage the sharing of intelligence and information. The information that is analyzed and manufactured into intelligence by fusion centers is collected by tribal, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies as well as private organizations. In Colorado in 2011, there were two bombs placed at a mall bookstore. Local police notified the Federal...
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...The Roles of Local Law Enforcement in Homeland Security Ever since the Terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001in New York City, the role of local law enforcement has drastically changed. On November 25, 2002 the Homeland Security Act (HSA) was signed into law by President George W Bush.” What the Homeland Security Act did was it helped to restructure law enforcement in the United States on the Federal level. Before the Homeland Security Act, the Federal law enforcement fell under the Department of Justice. After HSA was enacted into law it split the Department of Justice into the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Under the Department of Homeland Security umbrella "there are twenty two agencies and about 170,000 employees, all with functions related to homeland security." (Katz) While the development of this new Department of Homeland Security was a great goal, they just didn't have the available manpower to be able to distribute the men and women to protect all the trouble areas. This is one of the reasons why the role of local law enforcement is so vital to homeland security. The Federal agents and the local police departments work hand in hand to help each other cover the blind spots. One way that the Federal and local agencies work together is through the sharing of information. Through investigations and the cyber crimes divisions, any information that is gathered is available to the organizations to help with any...
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...Terrorism has changed the role of intelligence in law enforcement. Borders have higher security and surveillance. People don’t have as much privacy as they used to. Phone calls, texts, emails are being recorded for safety purposes. Technology has improved. Law enforcement uses high, new technology. Before 9/11 things were different, people weren’t recorded without suspicious acts. For safety purposes the people in United States gave up some of their rights. Travel record is huge and airports have all kind of different scanners and cameras. In general, law enforcement has more control over the people and their daily activities. People are being watched, bank accounts are controlled, and phone calls are recorded, which means American’s way of...
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...followed the 9/11 attacks many problems were revealed within the criminal justice system, especially those affecting the law enforcement community. One of those problems was the lack of interaction between the police departments and other local/state law enforcement with the federal law enforcement agencies. Local law enforcement agencies are the primary responders to any incident of crime or terror, therefore developing a better interagency collaboration in order to share information is essential in order to prevent future attacks. Prior to the 9/11 attacks many of the agencies believed in keeping information within their own realm due to protocols and security clearances. These criminal justice agencies each had pieces to a puzzle, but because these agencies never worked together, those pieces would never be put together to reveal the bigger picture. The 9/11 events revealed the lack of interaction and set about a positive change that would impact the way the criminal justice system approached their problem solving. One of those changes was the reorganization of the federal law enforcement agencies, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration (Brown, 2007). Another positive change was the reorganization of federal, state, and local governments for the purpose of increased information intelligence and sharing. Despite the positives changes that occurred to improve interagency collaboration, there were several...
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...Compare and contrast the pre and post 9/11 law enforcement response to terrorism. What strategies could be implemented to increase future law enforcement capability in countering terrorism? Andrew McAdam Student Number: Word Count: “Things will never be the same.” (Miller, Stone & Mitchell, 2002, p. 3) Law enforcement has undergone dramatic changes as a result of the devastating events in the United States on 11 September 2001 (9/11). This essay will examine how law enforcement, specifically within Australia, has shifted its policies and strategies to fight the post-9/11 terrorist threat. An analysis of police actions towards terrorist related incidents since 9/11, displays how law enforcement agencies have demonstrated their ability to respond to the various threats of terrorism as they arise. “Since 2001, numerous terrorist attacks have been thwarted in Australia. Thirty-eight people have been prosecuted as a result of counter-terrorism operations and 20 people have been convicted of terrorism offences under the Criminal Code.” (Counter-Terrorism White Paper, 2010, p. ii) Australia’s State and Federal policing agencies have ‘a long tradition of reactive patrol’ (White, 2012, p. 487) However, uniformed policing plays an important role in counter-terrorism operations. Due to their knowledge and close working relationships within the local community, police are in the best position to detect and prevent terrorist actions from occurring. “So far, terrorist attempts in...
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...Interagency cooperation is a big problem within the intelligence community. I will be talking about what causes this and why it is a big problem. I will also be talking about how I think these issues can be fixed and why they should be fixed. By the end of the paper I hope you have a clear understanding of the issues I bring up and find the solution to be clear. The intelligence community as a whole has big issues with interagency cooperation. I personally spent over 20 years in the military specifically in the intelligence field and can say without doubt this is an issue. Especially between the federal and agencies and military. The intelligence community is made up of 17 agencies which all have the same issue. Now while all these agencies...
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...Law Enforcement Today Law Enforcement Today In today’s society there is a variety of issues police departments face. They fall from corruption in the departments, multicultural society, racial profiling, corruption, stress and pressure. Because of the many issues, officer’s jobs become more challenging on a daily basis. Society within the United States continuously evolve, it is the home of a country that has different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. It creates issues for police when the departments are not as diverse which could lead to racial profiling along with language barriers. This makes it hard for officers to investigate crimes when officers are unable to speak the different languages. When an officer assumes or determines the race of an individual when a crime happens, or happened, is called racial profiling. The departments are trying to resolve this issue by employing more officers that speak more than one language or of different ethnicities. Along with racial profiling, officers face corruption. Many officers are sworn in and vowed to protect and serve their country. Unfortunately, there are some officers that do not live by that oath. Some officers fall into the temptation of bribery, which can result from low salaries. Another form of corruption is taking evidence (drugs, money) to make personal gains financially as well. Stress and pressure is another issue, police officers cannot show signs of weakness while on the...
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...April 20, 2013 Michael S. Hudson Policing Function The policing functions vary between the levels, in law enforcement. The levels include the local, state, and federal police functions. Local, state, and federal vary because each observes a variety of functions in their jurisdiction that has been assigned to them. Discussion of police functions as well their viewpoint and the possibility of future changes in laws that will influence law enforcements. The police function in various attributes to protect, and serve the people; the policing functions existent through various organizations to continue protecting, and serving the people, and the nation. The employment of racial and ethnic minority officers increased slowly but steadily as well as hiring women for the force, they are on the frontline not just handling juveniles and woman prisoners. The law enforcement functions are better with the increase of officers, this give them the help they all need. The law enforcement agencies are starting to recruit college students; this includes all the law enforcement agencies. There are many roles in which local law enforcement agencies take part in everyday (Gil, 2009). The local law enforcement agencies are in place to provide routine patrol of the communities within their jurisdictions provide emergency services, maintain records, uphold traffic enforcement laws, conduct criminal investigations, planning and analysis, maintain property, They also handle crime prevention...
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...Merging Resources and Analyzing Data Domestic and Global Intelligence for Security Management Merging Resources and Analyzing Data It is essential for any organization to have effective utilization of all of its resources In order to do so, an organization must have sound policies and procedures in place. In regards to homeland security these procedures are led by multiple law enforcement partnerships. Bringing uniformity to multiple organizations to collectively analyze data is certainly a challenge. Many Federal, State, and local agencies have been providing good intelligence products, still there are areas that require improvement. These areas potentially hinder the gathering and sharing of intelligence. Legal, procedural and cultural barriers add up to what the 9/11 Commission refers to as the “human or systemic resistance to sharing information” (Kean et al., 2004). Combining local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to work together in order to protect and deter against potential threats is the mission for Homeland Security. When analyzing the multiple areas of law enforcement, they must be looked at both individually and nationally. By doing so, we are able to design the state and local roles while maintaining our homeland security’s overall mission. It’s important for the flow or information or intelligence be passed along both smoothly and accurately. Ultimately, the collection and analysis of all information will help increase our ability to prevent...
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...continued, so did the improvements of the police agencies of law enforcement today. The first police department was established in 1731 was the Boston Police Department. Within each police agency, they also have their own jurisdiction of federal level, state, local, and private levels. The biggest protector of America is the Department of Homeland Security that includes jurisdiction of the nation. The first modern police agency mimicked several qualities from the British system. For instance, night watching was an early form of police patrol in English cities and towns (Schmalleger, 2009). Wealthy English families would pay others to night watch for them for their own security. The first modern police department that was established in London, England was guided with a mission of crime prevention and control, the strategy of preventive patrol, and military style organization that American Law Enforcement followed by as well. As time progressed, the first uniformed officer was employed by New York City in 1693 followed by the first police department established in 1731 in Boston, Cincinnati. In more recent times, we currently have more advanced technology for law enforcement agencies to use in protecting cities and towns and preventing crime. Scientific methods of investigation dramatically improved crime solving as well (Schmalleger, 2009). Police agencies currently have substations in store fronts in local neighborhoods, officers reaching out to the public for...
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...Law Enforcement Today Paper Chelsea Berry Foundations of the Criminal Justice System June 2, 2013 Gary Lair Many police departments are facing budget problems, forcing them to cut their police force down. Many officers are being asked to do things they normally don't do such as patrolling. Police departments are also facing increasing crimes due to the poor economy. More people are engaging in criminal activities. Local and small agencies interact with the communities that they patrol on a daily basis. Sharing information between agencies are important not only for Home Land Security but for the public’s safety as well. Law enforcement agencies are using The Home Land Security Information Network which allows them to securely collaborate with partners across the country. Law enforcement professionals also use HSIN to share information including Be on the Lookouts (BOLOs), Requests for Information (RFIs), For Your Information (FYIs), Intelligence Reports, and other Law Enforcement Sensitive documents. HSIN allows users to create and distribute messages to large, mission-specific contact lists. This rapid, secure information exchange provides law enforcement professionals with critical intelligence as they conduct work in the field ("Homeland Security Information Network - Law Enforcement Mission", n.d.). The purpose of this State and...
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...High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program Institutional Affiliation: Date: Information about the Program The program to be focused on in this paper is called High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program. This program is established with a purpose of enhancing Anti-Drug Abuse policies by providing assistance to Federal, local, state, and the tribal law enforcement organizations working in regions speculated to be critical drug-trafficking areas of the United States. The program's ultimate aim is to minimize drug trafficking in United States of America by offering an environment that allows federal, states, local and tribal law enforcing agencies cooperate in order to facilitate efficient information sharing, as well as effective implantation of law enforcement. The other objectives of this program include; promoting reliable law enforcement intelligence to agencies with this responsibility and to offer assistance in coming up with coordinated law enforcement techniques which maximize utilization of existing resources to minimize the delivery of illegal substances in affected areas and in the United States region at large (Thomas and Kathyrn, 2000). The Director, in consultation with the Attorney, the Secretary of Homeland Security, heads of the National Drug Control Program agencies, General, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Governor of the state concerned, have the mandate to identify and name any specified area of the United States as a...
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...2016 Janna Taaffe Abstract Fusion centers were developed post 9/11 so that multiple agencies could exchange information among other agencies. What happened prior to and after 9/11 allowed the United States to see that agencies were not communicating and even though they had received warnings they did not know that an terrorist attack would have happened in the United States. It is of importance that different agencies has communication with each other so that if one receives information then everyone else can be aware of the information too. Interagency Collaboration The importance of fusion centers is that they develop and distribute products that utilizes the assistance of local entities leading up national-level information by sharing critical state and local intelligence and information with the federal government and amongst each other. This became very important after 9/11. The tragic incident that occurred on 9/11 is a pivotal point in the changes that have come into existence due to the national security of the United States. This incident allowed the agencies to become more forthcoming about information that may have been acquired that would have benefitted everyone as a whole if all the agencies had access to the information. Federal mechanisms that have contributed to the interagency collaboration and efforts, include the President, appointing a coordinator and the various agencies. They have the mechanisms that are used and are addressed as range of...
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...society would live in a state of chaos where people would live in a state of solitude, afraid to go out due to the crimes around them. The police agencies play an important role in the direction of justice. Some of the ways that the police agencies execute these functions is to execute all orders and warrants lawfully issued to the officer by authority. They also collect intelligence and communicate the intelligence that affects the public peace. They are also responsible for the prevention of the acts of crime or public annoyance and apprehend offenders and bringing them to justice. This is just to name a few of the functions of the policing agencies. There are mainly three different types of policing agencies. They are federal policing agencies, state policing agencies, and local policing agencies. Each type of police agency has similarities and differences. I am going to explain some of the differences of the each type of policing agency. The federal law enforcement agencies are smaller but more difficult. They do not have regulatory powers and do not provide basic services of criminal investigations or local services. The role of each agency is specified by federal statutes and have a less complex role of...
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