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Laws for International Companies


Submitted By fairme
Words 631
Pages 3
INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGISTRATION * Company outside and inside the European Union may need to register their business with the Swedish company registration office. A foreign company with the European Economic Area that conducts temporary operations with services in Sweden does not need to register. * A minimum pf SEK 50,000 of share capital is required to start a private limited company and SEK 500,000 for the public limited company. * All companies that carry on a business activity are required to maintain accounting records under the Swedish Accounting Act (Bokföringslagen) and to comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. * The name of a branch in Sweden should include the word filial which means subsidiary. * If the overseas domiciled within the EEA, it is only required to submit a copy of the overseas company’s annual report translated into Swedish. * If the overseas company or branch has not handed in the financial statements for the two previous years, the Bolagsverket (Swedish Registration Office) has the authority to, without prior notice, deregister the branch in Sweden
AUDITING GUIDELINES * The auditor of the branch must be a certified accountant. * A branch needs to have an auditor if it meets at least two of the following criteria, for each and every one of the two most recent: * Average of more than 3 employees. * A balance sheet total exceeding SEK 1.5 million. * Annual net sales exceeding SEK 3 million.

The branch must submit an annual tax return to tax office (Skatteverket) for the income derived from its business activities. A branch is subject, for instance, to Swedish corporate income tax. * The tax is deducted from the pre-tax results of operations, subject to certain fiscal adjustments. Machinery, equipment,

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