Premium Essay

Leadership and Management Theories


Submitted By natld
Words 4371
Pages 18
Introduction to Leadership and Management Theories

Most individuals, at some points in their lives, lead and manage. They assume leadership in family situations, on the sports field, and in many other conditions, such as work. Leadership is not just about the qualities of a select few, although the leadership skills of chief executives and their teams are vital.

There are significant and essential differences between leaders and managers. Most of the time, the two work alone depending on the situation. However, certain activities require both outstanding leadership and management skills. For example:

Project manager. One must ably manage the resources associated allocated to the project and while exercising leadership skills to build a strong team.

Delegation. one must plan what to do and the other persuade someone to do it.

Change "Management." If one is putting a new light bulb in the socket, one can management that change. However, real organisational change has both a leadership and a management component.

The difference between leadership and management can be shown by considering what happens when you have one without the other.

Leadership without management
...sets a direction or vision that others follow, without considering too much how the new direction is going to be achieved. Other people then have to work hard in the trail that is left behind, picking up the pieces and making it work.

Management without leadership
...controls resources to maintain the current situation or ensure things happen according to already-established plans. For example: a referee manages a sports game, but does not usually provide "leadership" because there is no new change, no new direction - the referee is controlling resources to ensure that the laws of the game are followed and current situation is maintained.

Leadership combined with management

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