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Leadership and Your Career


Submitted By cristyale14
Words 666
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Leadership and Your Career
Cristina A Flores-Roselló
University of Phoenix
MGT/ 521
Dba. Carmen Bonilla-Quianes

Leadership and your career
Leadership is a characteristic that not many people possess. There are people that know how to drive a group or an organization but that is not the same as leading it. Leading is getting the organization or that group of people to a whole new level. When someone leads is aiming for a big change. Leaders also have traits like charisma, intelligence, persuasion, positive energy but the most important is that they influence almost everyone he or she touches.
The behavioral approach, especially the relationship oriented leadership is the theory that appeals to me the most because it talks about empowering employees, being considerate and serve to others. When a leader or manager has those characteristics in any work place everything works. They focus on listening and are aware of their employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Also the leader is committed to see and help his subordinates grow. A key element in any organization is the customer service because without customers the business is not going to prosper. Also when you are considerate with employees, depending on their situations, you win them. They are going to work satisfied and knowing that if they give their best there is going to be a reward or compensation for the excellent work they are doing. However, when you as a leader or manager empower your employees, you are giving them the certainty and the security they need to make better decisions and lets them believe that they matter.
At a work environment almost everyone has seen that transformational leaders are the ones that turn around the company and gets it to a new and better direction. These kinds of leaders are those who inspire employees again when almost everybody thought that the organization

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