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Leadership in My Perspective


Submitted By ThomasC92
Words 898
Pages 4
The Personal Leadership Style of Mary Ramos In our times of innovation and change, my personal leadership style involves a great deal of flexibility in order to lead in messy times. I have strived to create an environment that is warm and inviting as well as nurturing. As Michael Fullen states in his book, Leading in a Culture of Change, I want to “foster leadership in others, thereby making themselves dispensable in the long run”. I want to be a leader of leaders or a leader producer. In the chaos field of education, we will be tackled with many daily problems. I agree with the Heifetz (1994, p15 from Fullan p.3) in that we need to learn as leaders how to mobilize people to tackle “…tough problems”. Leadership is not so much in the solutions but in getting people to identify problems and mobilize them to address those problems. The book goes on to discuss convergence of many ideas and skills to be effective. The one type of leader is no longer effective in addressing many types of problems. I have added convergence as a descriptor of my leadership styles and will revisit that later. One component of this convergent style includes Moral Purpose. As a leader in education, I want to create an inviting learning environment in my school community where school is a positive place of many levels of environments coming together in a positive way. I want to create an environment where the teachers are open to discuss ideas and to see me as part of the team to facilitate positive change in the school environment. Another component that is an important part of my leadership style is the ability to understand change. In my observation, change is a given. We are in a fast changing environment so therefore to manage it more effectively, as a leader, I must accept it. My style in order to blend well the positiveness of moral purpose is to embrace a more Affiliative approach. I

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