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Leadership Influence Paper

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My research this week concentrates on leadership influence, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Leadership influences organizational direction through power, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). In order to provide direction, leaders utilize two categories of power, personal and position, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Personal power is derived from our character, being able lead from our own behavioral influence, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Position power is the power that is bestowed upon us based on our position within the organization, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). This power is driven by our position not our internal ability to influence. A leader that has personnel power is considerably more effective than a leader with only position power, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). With power, we view …show more content…
Each aspect of leveraging plays a significant role in influencing directional change. Throughput focuses on the mission through guidance involvement and hands on application, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010).. Output leverage focuses on timeframes, what is being completed to accomplish the task in order to meet deadlines, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Output leverage establishes compliance to standards and implementing correctional applications to achieve expected outcomes, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Input is similar to throughput leverage regarding direction. Input leverage identifies areas of deficiency and develops methods to overcome obstacles by implementing effective solutions to resolve the problems, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Control is necessary to maintain stability and apply direction when needed, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). With leadership control, we view the direct opposite in chaos. Chaos is not always negative and at times is necessary to evoke change within the organization, (Wit, & Meyer, …show more content…
As leaders, we tend to always want to control a situation from the top down. To stay on top of situations engaging is imperative, but also knowing when to disengage is just as important. Supervision is necessary but at the same time, autotomy is just as important for the success of the mission. In management, having control of activities and functions within the agency maintains a status quo regarding daily events and occurrences. According to the authors, chaos, which is the complete opposite, is sometimes needed to evoke change within an organization, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Chaos can actually be beneficial to break up monotony and instill new thought processes through strategic application, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). Chaos can also provide pathways to improved practices, stimulating the need for reorganization and development, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). By comparing organizational leadership and dynamics perspectives, we see differences of focus, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). From a leadership perspective, it is imperative to utilize power as needed to insure organizational stability from the top down, (Wit, & Meyer, 2010). The organizational perspective differs, focusing on bottom up direction with self-organization. The differences are also noted regrading strategy. The dynamic perspective puts the organization first

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