...Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Kaplan University Abstract Understanding personality type and leadership style is very important for individuals pursuing leadership and management roles. Personality and leadership can affect individual’s professional and career development. There are many assessments online that can help you determine your personality type and leadership style. According to Ledlow & Coppola (2014), “To take the first step, gaining an understanding of your personality type, leadership style, and associated leadership skills is paramount. It matters what you know, who you know, and perhaps most importantly, what you know about yourself” (p. 24). True leaders should be able to discuss their leadership style to others. Rebecca Bauer (2012) presented four questions to use when trying to understand your personality type “What is your energy source? How do you perceive and understand? And how do you make decisions?”. How do you organize your life and interact with the outside world. I used several assessments from the text to determine my personality type and leadership style. Emotional Intelligence, Hemispheric Dominance, Type A, Type B, Type A/B Personality, Jungian, and the Leadership Style test. Using these assessments allowed me to understand the pros and cons of my leadership style and personality type. Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Many leaders do not understand how their emotional intelligence plays a...
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...Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Kaplan University Abstract Understanding personality type and leadership style is very important for individuals pursuing leadership and management roles. Personality and leadership can affect individual’s professional and career development. There are many assessments online that can help you determine your personality type and leadership style. According to Ledlow & Coppola (2014), “To take the first step, gaining an understanding of your personality type, leadership style, and associated leadership skills is paramount. It matters what you know, who you know, and perhaps most importantly, what you know about yourself” (p. 24). True leaders should be able to discuss their leadership style to others. Rebecca Bauer (2012) presented four questions to use when trying to understand your personality type “What is your energy source? How do you perceive and understand? And how do you make decisions?”. How do you organize your life and interact with the outside world. I used several assessments from the text to determine my personality type and leadership style. Emotional Intelligence, Hemispheric Dominance, Type A, Type B, Type A/B Personality, Jungian, and the Leadership Style test. Using these assessments allowed me to understand the pros and cons of my leadership style and personality type. Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Many leaders do not understand how their emotional intelligence plays a...
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...Finding the Leader in You: Self- Assessment/ Johari Window Abstract There have been many studies performed on how personality characteristics have an effect on us as individuals and within are environment. This paper will discuss my personality characteristics and traits and how those characteristics are manifested in my organization. This paper will also explore the development of my personality characteristics and discuss the results of my week one Self-Assessment and the Johari Window, as well the Quick Enneagram Sorting Test (QUEST). The results from these assessments have allowed me to focus in on my leadership style a how I can become a more effective manager. Also I’ll focus on how those attributes have guided my relationships and career choices. Key Words: Characteristics, attributes, assessment, Big Five Personality Dimensions (BFPD), Extrovert, Johari Window Finding the Leader in You: Self-Assessment/ Johari Window In my effort to develop and explain the characteristics that comprise my personality, I determined that there are many personality traits that help to form my personality. In our class discussion, it was addressed how Schermerhorn, Osborn, Uhl-Bien and Hunter (2012) discussed the Big Five Personality Dimensions (BFPD) of Extraversion, Agreeable, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to experience and how they affect our personality positively and negatively. My profile of characteristics include extraversion...
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...Personality Leadership and Learning Style Discovering what type of leader I am has required some self-assessment. I was able to glean a new perspective on my leadership abilities by taking a few surveys/tests to find out my personality, leadership, and learning style. I was surprised at the accuracy of the survey/test outcomes. One of the tests was the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI); this test defined my personality type as an ENFJ (extraversion, intuition, feeling, judgment). I identify very much with the description of ENFJ. When taking the Self-Assessment Tests: The Grossman & Valiga Leadership Characteristics and Skills Assessment I was assessed as having good perception of a good leader, but only moderate perceived leadership ability. This was confirmed when I took the Davis Plus assessment my score of 44 “suggests I am using key leadership skills well—but I ask a co-worker or partner for his or her opinions, to be more certain. These assessments are impressively accurate in my opinion. I believe that knowledge is power. By understanding my personality type, leadership, and learning style, I have clearly gained some insight into my strengths and weaknesses. It opens opportunities for growth where I am weak and builds confidence in my strengths. Finding out that the MBTI test defined my personality type, as an ENFJ was very interesting. It is easy to digest such a lovely representation of my personality...
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...Learning Team Leadership 1 Learning Team Leadership Evaluation Thomas Hong, Ph.D., Arpad Szurgyi, Ph.D., Dawn Dobson, Ph.D., Stephanie Smith, Ph.D., David Benson, Ph.D., and Tim Halton, Ph.D. University of Phoenix Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention June 16, 2008 Learning Team Leadership Learning Team Leadership Evaluation The global economy, geographically distributed organizations, and increasingly rapid technological changes have added a level of complexity that has changed the nature of business interrelationships. Managerial self-awareness and personal reflection play an important role in the leadership development process (McCarthy & Garavan, 1999). The 360-degree feedback process, multisource assessments, and personality inventories are useful in the context of leadership development (Church & Bracken, 1997; McCarthy & Garavan, 1999). Selfassessment and personal reflection are valuable tools in achieving personal and professional 2 growth and success. The challenge, however, is that self-assessment is oftentimes a difficult task due to the subjectivity of personal perceptions of strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of this essay is to report out on the assessment of the leadership styles of individual team members and identify the most important areas for improvement. The essay commences with a discussion on the criteria used for the selection of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a self-awareness leadership instrument. The essay continues...
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...particular nature or personality and qualities making that individual unique capability in gaining an accurate and deep understanding, of the situation at hand. Leaders display traits through patterns in their behavior (Draft, 2011, p. 33). The leader’s self insight exercises taking the form of questionnaires, scenarios and activities provides self-assessments for learners and opportunities to experience leadership issues in a personal nature (Draft, 2011, p. xv). Therefore, knowing each individual leader unique set of qualities, characteristics, and strengths can be beneficial to the leadership role, by giving a perspective to leadership behavior (2013, p. 33). The question in this case is; does leader’s self insight assessments proves effective for learners and offers opportunities for improving leadership? In constructing this paper it was found that chapter three and chapter four contains a total of eight leader’s self-insight exercises in the form of questionnaires, scenarios and activities, all providing self-assessments for learners and offering opportunities for leadership roles. The question remains how will we perform under pressure and respond as a work group leader while, focusing on how the leader’s self-insight contributes to the learner’s leadership development. We should find the answers from the following insights; T-P Leadership Questionnaire: An assessment of style, Are you Ready?, measuring substitutes for leadership, big five personality, measuring locus...
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...Accessing Your Leadership Styles Kaplan University To be an effective leader or a servant leader you must be motivated and have a vision as to where you see yourself and the company. Whether the goal is to double the company's annual sales, develop a product that will solve a certain problem, or start a company that can achieve the leader's dream, the leader must always have a clear target in mind. Leaders need to motivate the team so they can work together toward the same goal, and then understanding the talents and temperaments of each individual and effectively motivating each person to contribute individually their best toward achieving the group goal. To know your own leadership style you must conduct a few leadership assessment tests. The importance of these tests is to test the level of leadership skills you have. Some of these tests will test your leadership abilities, your strengths/weaknesses and how well you can they affect your leadership style, and even your personality. To test my leadership style I conducted two very common tests; the Vark Assessment and the Type A or B Personality Indicator. The Vark assessment provides insight to an individual’s predisposition toward a particular learning style (Coppola & Ledlow 2010). I notice that I am more of a kinesthetic learner My scores were: * Visual 8 * Aural 7 * Read/Write 5 * Kinesthetic 9 According to Coppola and Ledlow, this type of learner requires practical exercise, a hands-on approach...
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...Behavior is critical to organizations. Benefits of self-evaluation/self- assessment as it relates to leaders today. Leadership is all about people. Effective leaders have strong ability to create a compelling vision and lead people to the achievements of goals. Irrespective of whether you are an experienced leader or new and feeling uneasy in a leadership role, one of the key knowledge one should possess is knowledge of self. Leaders are influential. This fact makes the understanding of how exactly the leader effects his followers a vital part for the leader’s and organization success. Knowing oneself is the first step to such understanding. Numerous studies on leadership attributes, be it personality traits, skills or knowledge provide us with a rich coverage of what makes a good leader. Leaders must be visionary, charismatic, curious, creative, competent, empathetic, courageous, have good communication skills and exhibit common sense (Lee Iacocca’s 9C’s), relentless in execution, intellectually and emotionally intelligent. There is hardly anyone that can get the highest scores in all the dimensions. That is where the self-awareness takes the prime part. Self-assessment and evaluation are the exercises that can increase leader’s self-awareness in different areas, from values and personal style to impact on others and own strengths and limitations. Let’s consider some of the areas for self-assessment and evaluation benefits for the leader. Authenticity There were more...
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...presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(3), 489-505. http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=79301650&site=ehost-live&scope=site The authors of Fearless dominance and the U. S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership used an assessment of psychological personality traits that pertain to the ability of individuals to be the president of the United States and also be outstanding leaders. One hundred twenty-one experts from the field of psychology used standardized methods to assess all presidents using an observable control variable that could not be changed or modified and determine whether any presidents demonstrated sociopathic tendencies. The psychological personality assessments included outgoing personality, the level of mental stability, experience, the ability to be agreeable, and whether they have a conscience. The findings indicate many of the assessments were positive but the authors stress that they are not suggesting that all presidents need to be sociopathic and /or mentally unstable to be successful. The article was published in a credible source for psychology. van Eeden, Cilliers, and van Deventer, (2008). Leadership styles and associated personality traits: Support for the conceptualization...
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...workplace and group cohesion. Every individual has different personality traits and tendencies. Managers need to recognize these differences and develop a plan for cohesion and stability. In the University of Phoenix class Organizational Leadership, the members of Learning Team B have all taken DiSC Assessments to understand better these traits and tendencies. In the following paper I will outline a professional development plan for these members both individually and as a group with my ability to lead them. Ebony Ingram Ebony Ingram is an Assessor (Ci) with a predominately cautious style. The assessor is “less guarded and less indirect than most other cautious styles” (University of Phoenix, 2015). An assessor is a wonderful asset to have on a team because they can have great intuition with a head full of knowledge through detailed evaluation. The negative of this style is that even though Assessors are quick thinkers, they may be slow to take action (University of Phoenix, 2015). This is something to keep in mind when putting together a professional development plan with contrasting personnel working together. Rasha Long Rasha Long is a Go-Getter (Sd) with a predominately steadiness style. The go-getter is “less open and less indirect than most other steadiness styles” (University of Phoenix, 2015). This can be beneficial to a group through taking charge in short-term situations and multitasking. One negative of this style is that a go-getter can become rigid and guarded when under...
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...Motivation is a driving force in the everyday lives of men and women as they interact with one another and go about their day. Motivation is defined as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (Robbins & Judge, 2012). As the business world becomes increasingly more diverse, it is important that managers develop ways to handle the variety of motivations they will encounter in the work day. There are many approaches to motivating employees and many ways for employees to accept it. Motivation is the crucial element in setting and attaining goals. Applying the DiSC assessments helps managers deal with their role as a motivator and developer of talent for their team or group of subordinates. As Facilities and Environmental Health & Safety Director, William Maloney is responsible for equipment uptime, maintaining manufacturing capability/continuance, space allocation, employee environment/satisfaction, site cleanliness/overall appearance, employee safety, leases, making sure space and all required utilities are available when needed, and security officers on a daily basis for Spectra Physics Lasers (a Division of Newport Corporation). William influences his employees and team by being straightforward and truthful, demonstrating integrity and fairness, creating the expectation of honesty, balancing employee needs with company expectations, giving support when needed, allowing them to be comfortable in their...
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...Reflective Leadership Plan Sharon D. Sauls University of Phoenix School of Advanced Studies Reflective Leadership Plan The course competencies for Leadership Theories and Practice (LDR/711A) included analyzing historical, theoretical, practical leadership concepts and concerns through doctoral-level research; synthesizing, contextualizing, and evaluating leadership models/theories. Also included was analyzing the role that leadership plays in organizational development and innovation. The doctoral learners’ were challenged to learn and discuss the relationship between the theory and practice of leadership and ultimately integrate personal experience, scholarly inquiry, and reflective approaches to learning and development into a practical methodical leadership plan (UOPX LDR 711A Course Materials). This has been an insightful semester that serves as a great foundation and launching pad in preparation for the first residency and also for this three-five year journey. The course is near its end and the doctoral students are charged with reflecting and developing their reflective leadership plans. This plan will explain my leadership style, strengths, and weaknesses and ways that I will work to capitalize on my strengths and modify my weaknesses. I will address gaps between the leader I am now and the leader I would like to become. I will include a plan that I can realistically implement to close gaps between the two. Finally, I will share...
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...Professional Development Characteristic styles and patterns of behavior are factors that determine the type of interpersonal and professional relationships we build with others. Characteristics and behavioral patters influence a person’s actions and define how those actions have an impact within those relationships. Working within a team such factors will determine what one expects from someone else and how those needs are communicated. Each team member within Team B completed The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment. The results of the assessment and the interactions in relation to this assignment provide the team with a means to develop an efficient professional development plan. The plan addresses the characteristics of each member as an individual and within the group as well as the most effective leadership approach for each team member. Team Assessments and Behavioral Characteristics After an assessment of each of the team member’s personality types with the use of their DISC assessments I was able to develop a professional development plan that promotes an open and communicative environment conducive to forming a productive group. This approach identifies each team member’s characteristics and work styles as experienced through cooperation and participation in the completion of this plan. Through these characteristics and interactions I was able to identify each member’s strengths, weaknesses, preferences and personality type. Such information allows the group...
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...Reflective Leadership Plan Donald Graham University of Phoenix Reflective Leadership Plan I have had many leadership courses throughout my life, this course Leadership Theories and Practice has been the most profound for me. The theories and self-assessments have caused me to reflect on my current knowledge and application of leadership style and theories. I have discovered that my skills and mind set as it relates to leadership needs to develop and grow into the person and the leader I wish to be. I have developed the following action plan for the development and improvement of my leadership skills. Leadership Theory The assessment of my current leadership style or theory is the situational approach. Clawson (2006) described a situational leader as one who is concerned about the contextual factors of the nature of work required (p. 386). According to Hersey and Blanchard as quoted by (Clawson, 2006) the situational theory can be identified using a two dimensional grid of task orientation and people orientation. The situational approach used a contingent pattern of task and relations behavior with little evidence that this approached increased the effectiveness of the leader (Yukl, 2006). I have been an action or task orientated leader to this point in my life. I want to become a transformational leader to realize effective leadership. Yukl (2006) described a transformational leader as a leader that affects their followers to make necessary self-sacrifices...
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...2002). The purpose of this paper is to create my own personal development plan based on the Central Michigan University (CMU) leadership competency model, leadership theories and personality tests. This will serve as a framework to allow me to identify my own weaknesses and strengths, and develop my leadership capacity, allowing myself to be able to achieve the vision I set for myself and the current business environment. The vision I had for myself is to enter the Marketing Industry, focusing on business development, and ultimately becoming an entrepreneur. Business development has been said to be a synthesis of strategic analysis, marketing and sales (The Editor, 2012). The competencies required are ‘strong research skills’, to evaluate the business environment, ‘people and communication skills’, to build partnership and rapport with other organization and with a ‘deal closing instinct’, to ensure closing of sales (The Editor, 2012). This leadership development plan will be helping me in preparing to be a future business development director or an entrepreneur at the end of my career. Lastly, I would seek a Major of the Singapore Armed Forces, who has seen me in a leadership role, to provide feedback on my personal leadership development plan. Central Michigan University Leadership Competency Model The Central Michigan University leadership competency model has identified leaders with several competencies such as skills, behaviors, abilities, knowledge and attitudes...
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