...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0142-5455.htm Mentoring for gender equality and organisational change Jennifer de Vries and Claire Webb Organisational and Staff Development Services, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, and Mentoring for gender equality 573 Joan Eveline Business School, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia Abstract Purpose – There is considerable literature about the impact of mentoring on the mentees but little is known about the effect of the mentoring relationship on the mentor. This paper aims to address that gap. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews with 15 mentors and survey responses from 128 mentees are used to examine a formal mentoring programme. Most emphasis is on the perspective of the mentors, raising questions about how they view outcomes for themselves and their mentees, as well as the effects of mentoring on the workplace culture over time. Questions about the mentoring relationship, including gender differences, are analysed against the background of a decade-long organisational change strategy. Findings – Mentors report significant benefits for themselves and the mentee as well as the organisation itself as a result of their participation. The findings suggest that a long-term mentoring programme for women has the potential to be an effective organisational change intervention. In particular, men involved in that programme increased...
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...Introduction The idea of mentoring is rooted deeply in Greek mythology (Homer, 1980). The term “mentor” originally comes from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. As a good friend, Mentor was asked by Odysseus to watch over his palace and his son when he left to fight in the Trojan War. In this position of responsibility, Mentor coached and counseled Telemachus, Odysseus' son, guiding him in his development from infancy to early-adulthood. A significant number of organizations, such as commercial ones, are adopting mentoring programs as a vital part of their professional development plans. Mentoring is an effective tool to foster professional development to both the mentor and mentee. The practice of mentoring beginning teachers emerged in the 1980s as a professional development strategy for achieving a variety of goals. Teacher mentoring programs are now perceived as an effective staff development approach for beginning teachers. Cooper and Miller (1998) state that the benefits of mentoring include :faster, more effective integration of new teachers, retention of quality professionals, increased transfer of skills from one generation to another; gains in productivity and performance; increased learning from professional development activities; enhanced communication, commitment, and motivation; and a stabilizing factor in times of change. Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model for the first time in 1995. Shumbayawonda (2001) says “In 1995 Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model...
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...Section B Coaching and Mentoring, Challenges for coaching and mentoring in supporting organization change. Coaching is task oriented. The focus in on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively, speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically. This requires a content expert (coach) who is capable of teaching the coachee how to develop these skills. Mentoring is relationship oriented. It seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentoree shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Although specific learning goals or competencies may be used as basis for creating the relationship, its focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work/life balance, self-confidence, and self-perception, and how the personal influences the professional. Coaching is short term. A coach can successfully be involved with a coachee for a short period of time, maybe even just a few sessions. The coaching lasts for as long as is needed, depending on the purpose of the coaching relationship. Mentoring is always long term. Mentoring, to be successful, requires time in which both partners can learn about one another and build a climate of trust that creates an environment in which the mentoree can feel secure in sharing the real issues that impact his or her success. Successful mentoring relationships last nine months to a year. Coaching is performance driven. The purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance...
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...coaching and mentoring is on the rise within the workplace. Several organizations have adopted the process of coaching and mentoring as development tools to develop those employees who are seeking future advancement. Also, they are setting the foundation for future leaders. The adaption of these developmental tools within an organization is providing employees with the necessary feedback and support to establish and plan their career. Coaching and mentoring provides an employee with the necessary leadership and management skills they would need to strive up the career ladder within an organization. These processes are both ‘helping’ activities, employed either as distinct interventions or together as part of a package of personal development? Coaching and mentoring are deemed a highly effective way to help employees through talking, sense of direction and guidance, self esteem, efficacy and accomplishment. The differences in the application stages of these processes are naturally reflected in the results. Coaching and Mentoring In my opinion, Coaching and Mentoring are excellent programs for organization to have in place, especially for personal whom are seeking future advancement and want to excel in their careers with the organizations. A recent CIPD (Chartered Institute of Development) surveys have reported that the use of coaching and mentoring as development tool are increasing within organizations. According to those who responded, 72% use formal mentoring schemes...
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...Running head: Mentoring To Develop Ethical Employees Mentoring To Develop Ethical Employees Patricia Norris Kaplan University AB203: Human Resources Management Instructor McCurdy 10/30/2011 Mentoring To Develop Ethical Employees Mentoring employee’s ethical behavior has become a major role in helping companies, to develop positive business ethics for their employees. In encouraging and responding to employees with ethical and other concerns the companies are creating a positive environment. By placing senior mentor with junior employees companies are demonstrating ethical leadership, by offering their employees role models that will encourage them to use ethical behavior in all business matters. In general a senior executive can mentor junior employees in behaving ethically in the following way. By providing the junior employees with “career support including coaching, protection, sponsorship, challenging assignments, and visibility among the organizations managers” (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2011). A senior executive mentor should be a person who demonstrates honesty and fairness in all professional matters, and who is a great role model in business ethics and behavior (Mentoring, 2007). Having a CFO who places high priority on ethical behavior, will help an employee meet his or her ethical standards, “CFO were once valued primarily for their quantitative skills, but today they need a broader range of ethical skills” (Noe...
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...Importance of Mentoring In Nursing Cynthia B. Harris Chamberlain College of Nursing NR504 Leadership & Nursing Practice Spring A March 20th, 2011 Professor Schoenly Importance of Mentoring In Nursing My Vision for nursing is for nurses to become more proactive in mentoring nursing staff both new and old. The role of the nurse mentor is often referred to as preceptorship. Although mentoring and precepting are different, they are still similar but often overlap. By nurses taking part in mentoring their peers, they are helping to promote leadership skills, teaching skills, and foster professional development for all nursing staff. The CNA (2004) states, “Mentoring involves voluntary, mutually beneficial, and long-term professional relationships among nurses if done effectively and respectfully. In this relationship, one person is an experienced and knowledgeable leader (mentor) who supports the maturation and education of a less experienced person, for example, new nurses and returning nurses (mentees) to the work place with leadership. There are so many opportunities for the seasoned nurse to teach new and returning nurses but because of often hectic schedules, staffing issues, and nursing shortages this often falls to the wayside. This can lead to lack of confidence, frustration, and feelings of being “lost” out in the work area. Nurses often streamline their duties to complete their shift in a timely fashion and opportunities to mentor or teach are missed. These...
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...Home Page» Science Importance of Mentoring in Nursing In: Science Importance of Mentoring in Nursing Importance of Mentoring In Nursing Cynthia B. Harris Chamberlain College of Nursing NR504 Leadership & Nursing Practice Spring A March 20th, 2011 Professor Schoenly Importance of Mentoring In Nursing My Vision for nursing is for nurses to become more proactive in mentoring nursing staff both new and old. The role of the nurse mentor is often referred to as preceptorship. Although mentoring and precepting are different, they are still similar but often overlap. By nurses taking part in mentoring their peers, they are helping to promote leadership skills, teaching skills, and foster professional development for all nursing staff. The CNA (2004) states, “Mentoring involves voluntary, mutually beneficial, and long-term professional relationships among nurses if done effectively and respectfully. In this relationship, one person is an experienced and knowledgeable leader (mentor) who supports the maturation and education of a less experienced person, for example, new nurses and returning nurses (mentees) to the work place with leadership. There are so many opportunities for the seasoned nurse to teach new and returning nurses but because of often hectic schedules, staffing issues, and nursing shortages this often falls to the wayside. This can lead to lack of confidence, frustration, and feelings of being “lost” out in the work area. Nurses often...
Words: 318 - Pages: 2
...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0262-1711.htm Integrating leadership development and succession planning best practices Kevin S. Groves College of Business and Economics, California State University, Los Angeles, California, USA Abstract Purpose – Organizations often fail to utilize managerial personnel effectively for leadership development and succession planning systems, and many execute these critical practices through separate human resource functions that shift the responsibility for leadership development away from line managers. The purpose of this article is to present a best practices model for optimal development of the leadership pipeline and a series of practical recommendations for organizations. Design/methodology/approach – A group of 30 CEOs and human resource executives across 15 best practice organizations were asked via semi-structured interviews to describe the content and delivery of their respective organizations’ leadership development and succession planning practices. Findings – Analysis of interview data indicated that best practice organizations effectively integrate leadership development and succession planning systems by fully utilizing managerial personnel in developing the organization’s mentor network, identifying and codifying high potential employees, developing high potentials via project-based learning experiences and manager-facilitated workshops, establishing a flexible...
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...Introduction Many companies are now beginning to grasp the significance of mentoring and coaching their employees. Although many entry-level jobs do require a college education and a few years’ experience, it is crucial to provide the necessary tools and training to those employees interested in climbing the corporate ladder into managerial or supervisory positions. Now more than ever, companies are realizing the need to provide leadership advancement opportunities to its employees so as to motivate them, stay competitive and productive, which in turn positively impacts the bottom line of the business. Mentoring and coaching programs are now habitually used in many organizations to improve leadership qualities (Watt, 2004). Problem Organizations today still have to deal with the burden of their workers making costly mistakes due to the fact that they are not well equipped to handle some situations. If for instance the employees of the company happen to fall behind schedule on a certain project or if their current skill-level is not adequate enough to deal with a change that is required by a client or account that the business is servicing, then the company will most likely either waste a good opportunity or suffer a great loss. Cause Many employees entering the workforce, even successful college graduates, have not had the time and opportunity to develop the necessary skills required to effectively manage and work in a professional environment. Through job training the employees...
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...Foundation Design: Coaching and Mentoring Introduction Organisations are increasingly evolving quicker due to globalisation and advances in industries and technology. These events have made market environments progressively more competitive and have changed the economic climate in which organisations operate. Unfortunately some organisations have had to implement restructures and reductions in workforce to ensure survival. Foundation Design are one of these organisations whose company size has gone from 1,513 employees to 780 employees. During the restructure of the organisation the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) identified that changes were required to its leadership profile and coaching and mentoring programmes. These changes were made to embed new skills and behaviours and support cultural change within the organisation. Why Coaching and Mentoring? Foundation Design are making steps to move towards a learning organisation, one that recognises the benefits in developing its employees, as individuals and teams. Learning is also seen as a step in the facilitation of behavioural change. The ‘Learning organisation’ was developed by Peter Senge (1990) and supported the need for learning and development of workforces, coaching is one way of making these developments. Coaching can support learning which is taking place through Leadership training and can assist in bridging the knowing-doing gap, by encouraging action to be taken. Coaching is ‘the facilitation of...
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...Organizational leadership 3 marks 1) What do you mean by “charisma”? Ans: Charisma is a trait found in individuals whose personalities are characterized by powerful charm and magnetism (attractiveness) and superior capabilities of interpersonal communication and persuasion. According to Weber, charisma is a pure form of authority based on the gift of divine grace. The term charisma is applied to a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. 2) Who is a charismatic leadership? Ans: Charismatic leadership is a leadership based on the leader’s ability to communicate and behave in ways that reach followers on a basic, emotional way, to inspire and motivate. 3) Define the term “transactional leadership”. Ans: A transactional leader is one who guides and motivates his follows in the direction of establish goals by clarifying role and task requirements. It involves exchange relationship between leader and the followers. It is a perception for mediocrity and that transformational leadership leads to superior performance in organization facing demands for renewal and change. 4) Differentiate between transformational and transactional leadership. Ans: ...
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...Management and Leadership Management versus Leadership is an often discussed topic. Some believe that both are the same and others believe they are completely different. Managers can be leaders and leaders can be managers. Some people are better managers than leaders and vice versa. Managers and leaders have many different responsibilities within any organization. Both are needed to create and maintain a health organizational culture. Managers tend to be thought of as ones who deal with the day-to-day tasks of an organization, whereas leaders can effect change in people. True leaders inspire others to do things and motivate them to keep going. Managers give the method to change and organize how it will be done. There are many great managers who are also great leaders. There are also many great managers who are not great leaders and great leaders who are not great managers. “According to the current wisdom, managers are principally administrators—they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress. Leaders on the other hand, get organizations and people to change. That's true, as far as it goes, but there is a more useful distinction between management and leadership: Management is a function that must be exercised in any business, leadership is a relationship between leader and led that can energize an organization.” (Maccoby 2000) Due to the differences and similarities between managers and leaders, it needs to be brought to everyone’s attention what...
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...Mentoring & It’s benefits -Md. Abdullah Al Mamun Mentoring “Mentoring is an intentional, developmental relationship in which a more experienced, more knowledgeable person nurtures the professional and personal life of a less experienced, less knowledgeable person. Both mentors and mentees realize many benefits from mentoring, as do organizations that encourage, structure, and support mentoring. Effective mentors develop the leadership capacity of their mentees while increasing their own skills. They transfer their knowledge and expertise back into their organizations. They nurture the alignment between employee aspirations and organizational imperatives, and they create depth and loyalty within their organizations. Leaders who take mentoring seriously and handle it effectively have a profound impact.” - Seven Keys to Successful Mentoring E. Wayne Hart The Benefits of Mentoring When we focus on Developing People through mentoring, we benefit in many ways - not only as mentors and mentees, but as an organization. The Benefit to Mentors In terms of Developing People, mentors take personal responsibility for supporting and developing others. In doing so, they: Develop their coaching and leadership skills Stay abreast of issues by connecting with other Learn from their mentees Create opportunities to share strengths with others Obtain a different perspective Create new support networks across different functional areas Provide internal satisfaction by helping others...
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...INTRODUCTION Mentoring is defined in an organizational context as a professional development tool, which takes the form of transfer of knowledge from an experienced person – termed as mentor – to a comparatively less senior person in the organization. Through mentoring professional knowledge and experience is transferred to a less experienced person (Hirschfeld, Thomas and Lankau, 2006). The goal of mentoring is to assist the mentee in personal and professional development. Learning and development in organizational contexts is closely associated with the concept of mentoring. Mentoring brings the values and practices focusing on continuing education and links integrated transmission of knowledge through a special link between two persons. Mentoring is an interpersonal relationship providing support, exchange and learning, in which an experienced person invests its ability and expertise to promote the development of another person to enable him to acquire skills and achieve career goals (Holmes, 2008). The mentor is an experienced person who has the confidence and wisdom to promote the transfer of its assets to others less experienced. A mentor is motivated and willing to offer their skills, knowledge and vision of life to a younger member of the organization to support attainment of personal and professional development goals (Gentry, Weber and Sadri, 2008). The mentee is a person in search of personal and professional fulfillment. The mentoring relationship is characterized...
Words: 2878 - Pages: 12
...aspects of the theme; f) Justify why you chose this theme; g) Provide a brief one paragraph outline for each of 6 readings or articles that are relevant to this theme (articles in the reader can be used); h) In the light of the theme develop either a booklet, or a policy relevant to your role as a leader The nurturing and development of teachers in Catholic Schools is a constant consideration for all educational leaders. A successful Catholic education facility needs to demonstrate consistent commitment to the ongoing development of the whole child. This development needs to reflect the Gospel teachings, while offering current theories and practices embedded in student learning opportunities. Professional development and mentoring of staff is a vital component in order for all staff to stay abreast of the latest pedagogy. Professional development should be purposeful, ongoing and reflective and it takes many forms depending on the individual needs and the needs that are influenced by the context of the school. Individual, target groups, whole staff, pedagogy and practice, content...
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