...BUS 660 Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership Instructor: Katrina Esau UPS Case Study 1.) What are the major skills Jovitta Carranza has demonstrated in her career at UPS that have made her a successful leader? One of the things that I noticed right away is that Carranza was not afraid to take advantage of opportunity even if it meant moving across the country. She showed that that she was committed to UPS by moving multiple times to different parts of the country in a ten year period. Many people are not willing to relocate for a promotion let alone do it multiple times. She also was not afraid of stepping up into new roles and responsibility. She also was willing to move out of human resources into operations, which showed she was willing to work outside her comfort zone to accomplish the mission for the company. 2.) Consider the spiral of experience that Jovitta Carranza has traveled. How has her experience affected her ability as a leader? Carranza was able to see many different leadership styles as she moved across the nation in her different roles. By being in different parts of the country she was able to become more diverse. She was also able to pick apart other leaders by recognizing their mistakes and successes. By doing this she was able to learn and not make the same ones. She also surrounded herself with capable people who were all about UPS and getting things done. 3.) Take a look at characteristics of successful...
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...LEADERSHIP, MOTIVATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT MOST PRESSING TOPICS IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Organization behavior is the study of behaviors and attitudes of people in an organization. After all human behaviors and attitudes determine effectiveness of any organization. The approach used in studying OB is the system approach. In other words, this approach interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. In this paper we propose to study leadership, motivation and organizational conflict, as among the most pressing issues in organizational behavior. Further, we shall discuss how these issues can be addressed. 1. Critical role of motivation It is critical for managers to understand why and how employees are motivated if they are to make full use of a worker’s capacity to learn and perform. For a manager, motivating employees to learn and perform at their best is a complex and difficult challenge. No two individuals, that is, no two employees including the two who are doing the same job are alike. At any time two different individuals will have two distinct needs and desires. Moreover, what motivates an employee to perform well today may not motivate him the next year, or next week, or even next hour. However, a motivated set of employees represent tremendous...
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...Three most pressing issues in Organizational Behavior and the practices that might be implemented Organization behavior is the study of behaviors and attitudes of people in an organization. After all human behaviors and attitudes determine effectiveness of any organization. The approach used in studying OB is the system approach. In other words, this approach interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. In this paper we propose to study leadership, motivation and organizational conflict, as among the most pressing issues in organizational behavior. Further, we shall discuss how these issues can be addressed. Critical role of motivation It is critical for managers to understand why and how employees are motivated if they are to make full use of a worker’s capacity to learn and perform. For a manager, motivating employees to learn and perform at their best is a complex and difficult challenge. No two individuals, that is, no two employees including the two who are doing the same job are alike. At any time two different individuals will have two distinct needs and desires. Moreover, what motivates an employee to perform well today may not motivate him the next year, or next week, or even next hour. However, a motivated set of employees represent tremendous promise....
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...Leadership and ethics Name Professor Course Date Some of the ethical issues that management may need to address include corporate social responsibility. This refers to the operation of a business or organization in a manner that takes into consideration the environmental and social aspects created by enterprise. It implies the commitment to create policies that include responsible practices in the undertakings of the entity. Corporate social responsibility policies serve as self-regulatory measures for the organization in monitoring and ensuring that it complies with ethical standards, regulations and societal norms. This practice takes responsibility of the organizations actions to facilitate a positive impact of the organizations...
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...Cambridge Studies 6 Why Do Change Management Strategies Fail? ---Illustrations with case studies Xiongwei SONG∗ Department of Politics, University of Sheffield ABSTRACT: Change management is crucial to the survival and development of organizations, the more effectively you deal with change, the more likely you are to thrive. However there are a large number of failures of change management. Organizational change itself is a considerably complex activity; any tiny mistake in change management could lead to the failure of organizational change. Consequently this paper is impossible to encompass all factors that could result in the failure of change management. This paper attempts to explain why change management strategies fail from four perspectives (leadership, culture, people issues and quick response) that are major factors to determine whether change management is successful or not. INTRODUCTION Change for organizations both large and small, whether in the private, public or voluntary sectors has been inevitable for the past decades or so. Such trends of organizational change are increasing in frequency, pace, complexity and turbulence under current situation, and there appears to be no sign of abatement. The concrete purposes of change management for different organizations are probably not the same, but the ethos of change management is the same, that is, making the organizations more effective, efficient, and responsive to the turbulent environment changes. Through...
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...[pic] |Leadership and Organizational Behavior – BUS 520 | |Student Course Guide | |Prerequisite: None | |Quarter |Fall 2010 | |Meeting Days/Time |Wednesday 6pm-10pm | |Instructor |Karmetria Burton | |Instructor Phone |678 362 0842 | |Instructor E-mail |Karmetria.burton@strayer.edu | |Instructor Office Hours/Location |5-6 pm Wednesdays or by appointment | |Academic Office Phone Number | | |INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL - Required ...
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...Running Head: BP OIL SPILL (2010) BP Oil Spill (2010) kemy Emesih Southern New Hampshire University Abstract In researching this topic, the organizational roles, structures and behaviors at various levels of employee hierarchy and how they played into one of the biggest crisis in the United States – BP oil spill 2010 was examined. Also looked at, was the dysfunction within the organization and if the cleanup had led to a better organizational structure, culture, communication, leadership and behavior. What are irredeemably forsaken are reputation and trust that can lead to a company folding up if it is not built on a good Organizational structure, culture, personality, communication, decision making and ethics. Some research questions were asked and used to answer some of these issues. What were the behavioral approach as it pertained to leadership? How did leadership influence, change or manage people? Did it inspire a vision, put people first and act decisively when there were issues? Etc. As stated above, this research paper specifically looks at BP Organizational structure and communication, culture, leadership and behavior as a whole and provides some solutions that could better help, prevent or avoid future crisis. BP Oil Spill 2010 Introduction In every company or organization, there is a structure and there are rules and regulations...
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...Michael; Hage, Jerald. December 1968. Organizational Interdependence and Intra- Organizational Structure. American Sociological Review. Vol. 33 Issue 6, p912-930. Bhargava, Shivganesh; Sinha, Beena. April 1992. Prediction of Organizational Effectiveness as a Function of Type Of Organizational Structure. Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 132 Issue 2, p223-231. Brossard, Michel; Maurice, Marc. Spring 1976. Is there a Universal Model of Organizational Structure? International Journal of Sociology. Vol. 6, Issue 1 p41-75. Chegini, Mehrdad Goudarzvand. (2010). The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Staff Productivity Public Organizations. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 6 Issue 1, p127-129. Clegg, Stewart; Kornberger, Martin; Rhodes, Carl. May 2007. Organizational ethics, decision making, undecidabilty. Sociological Review. Vol 55, Issue 2, pg393-409. Causon, J. (2008). The diversity advantage. Engineering and Technology. Vol 3 Issue 18, p78- 81. Dani, S; Burns, N; Backhouse, C; Kochhar, A. June 2006. The Implications of Organizational Culture and Trust in the working of Virtual Teams. . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part B – EngineeringManufacture. Vol. 220 Issue 6, p951-960. Doyle, Robyn; George, Usha. Feb 2008. Achieving and Measuring Diversity: An Organizational Change Approach. Social Work Education. Vol 27 Issue 1, p97-110. Felmlee, Diane H. (1986)...
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...AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY KEMISHA N WARE A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP AT THE LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY PADM520 JUNE 2014 Introduction An organization’s culture forms over years of interaction between the persons involved in that organization. Those in the leadership positions set the tone and standards that will be followed by others involved. But what happens when that leadership fails to lead? How does an organization tackle the issues of poor communication, no defined or set policies, an inadequate administrative system and lack of leadership? This is the problem that Local Education Authority (LEA) was faced with when its new leader, Ales Rakovich, took over the organization as the LEA head when the organization had a negative culture already in place. Rakovich failed to make changes within the organization, which resulted in multiple mistakes. Mistakes made included failing to communicate with one another and failure of the secretary to handle correspondence and effectively perform her job functions. Rakovich reported to the head of the Regional Education Authority (REA). More than once, the REA expressed their dissatisfaction with the job performance and working habits of the LEA staff. As the head of the LEA, Rakovich was responsible for organizing and monitoring the organizations work. But after failing to effectively lead the organization, not only was the LEA’s reputation damaged but so...
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...identified the importance of leadership and workplace learning as critical determinants of M&A activities and outcomes. However, surprisingly little systematic attention has been paid to conceptualising or studying the impact and effect of either leadership styles or learning on the success of M&As – either in the academic or in the practitioner literature (Cartwright and Cooper, 2001) Although scholars and practitioners recognise that acquisitions frequently fail to live up to their potential (Larsson and Finkelstein, 1999), the impact of leadership on the outcomes of the acquisition process and the learning that takes place, has not been well developed or even widely recognised. A review of scholarly and practitioner focused writing on M&As suggest that while much has been written on the actual M&A process, others have only occasionally noted the critical importance of leadership and learning in the success or failure of M&As. Even in those cases where the leadership impact has been acknowledged, past work on M&As has neither examined nor proposed any details concerning what constitutes what learning that actually takes place during M&A or how it makes a difference. A review of academic and practitioner literature on M&A reveals that discussion of the primary determinants of M&A process and outcomes rarely ever mention the workplace learning that takes place nor the leadership necessary to facilitate that process. Instead, when they do refer to leadership, they tend to focus exclusively...
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...of a project when developing a business case, and it's essential when you're identifying the tasks that you need to complete to deliver your project” (Mind Tools LTD, 2011). In this assignment, Tables one, two, and three are provided as tools to identify issues/opportunities, stakeholders, and the end-state goals. Issues and Opportunities One of the issues facing Intersect Investments is employee retention. The company needs a stable work force to help the company better serve the customer. The company is struggling with low employee morale. The company must develop a culture that helps promote positive motivation amongst their employees. The company will need to strengthen their culture with “the idea is that strong cultures create goal alignment, employee motivation, and needed structure and controls to improve organizational performance” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2003). Sales have been anything but steady for Intersect Investments. Sales have been steadily declining. Much like employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction is also below a healthy level. Improving employee satisfaction will also improve customer satisfaction. Intersect Investments needs to improve the overall commitment of their workforce. “Organizational commitment also improves customer satisfaction because long-tenure employees have better knowledge...
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...Organizational change can make an organization capable to better respond the future trends, technological changes, social and economical changes, and can also provide a competitor edge in this age of high competitions. Change can also improve the performance of an organization which at the later end may lead organizations towards a long term success and sustainability. While talking about organizations the leadership and its role are the most concerning issue in managing organizations and organizational change. It is accepted by scholars that organizational leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization. It can help the member of an organization and working teams to face the challenges and to work for organizational goal in a worthy way. The role of a leader is also very prominent while addressing the change issue for organizations. The process of organizational change is very demanding and challenging. The strategic leadership is eagerly needed for organizations, which is well capable to predict the essential alterations and changes, in advance and create required commitment and highly suitable atmosphere for worker and teams to understand and adopt these changes successfully. The leader is a person, anyways, who can have different competencies, capabilities and characteristics. Different scholars present different theories and discuss the characteristics of leadership. They also point out some capabilities of a leader which can make him more...
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...Ethical Leadership •What are the components of a comprehensive framework for ethical decision making in business? Ethical Issue Intensity Business Ethics Ethical or Individual Factors Evaluations and Unethical Organizational factors Intentions Behavior Opportunity Ethical-Issue Intensity The first step in ethical decision making is to recognize that an ethical issue requires an individual or work group to choose among several actions that various stakeholders inside or outside the firm will ultimately evaluate as right or wrong. The intensity of an ethical issue relates to its perceived importance to the decision maker. Ethical issue intensity, then, can be defined as the relevance or importance of an ethical issue in the eyes of the individual, work group, and/or organization. It is personal and temporal in character to accommodate values, beliefs, needs, perceptions, the special characteristics of the situation, and the personal pressures prevailing at a particular place and time. Senior employees and those with administrative authority contribute significantly to intensity because they typically dictate an organization’s stance on ethical issues. In fact, under current law, managers can be held liable for the unethical and illegal Moral intensity relates to a person’s perception...
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...Leadership and Management Issues in Public Institutions Student Name College/University 1. Introduction Diversity, along with many other challenges, when managed well through the leadership qualities, becomes a strength of that organization resulting in a competitive edge over the competitors. 2. Role of Leadership and Management Leadership and management practices devise solutions for all types of organizations: public institutions and private sector organizations. These solutions have been developed by tackling and resolving the day-to-day operations and managerial problems encountered by the organizations and now have become the certified standards to practice wherever and whenever required. These practices are on a pattern of change due to the novelty of problems caused by the phenomena of diversity, added to the list of challenges. (Ospina, 2001) a. Difference between public sector and private sector An organization which is working for a government department may have similar issues to the one operating in the private sector as all the basics of the principles of leadership and management are same but the way a public sector organization deals or have the tendency to deal with the challenges make it different in its nature. This is because of the fact that the organizational development and change management procedures and practices are not of that pace which are identified profoundly in the private sector, thus the ultimate outcomes are also slower in response...
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...Organizing Your Writing Sekou Konate Walden University Abstract Scholars discussed the issues of leadership, ethics, power and decision making. A review of the literature related to those topics to clearly make management moving and adapted to the context of organizational change by stating the theme to link the topic as a block. Title of the Paper in Full Goes Here Many authors described the change in their scholar works. This literature discussed the ethical, leadership, power and decision making regarding the organizational change. The purpose of my essay will be to demonstrate my ability to organize these different point of view in literature, synthesize different categories and then formulate the common themes among these articles The proposed solution for these different authors converged to make a pertinent social change regarding the leadership, the ethics, power, and the decision making in organizations. Those four topics related to management will be developed in different viewpoints in the same order as enumerated above. Leadership The author described the reflective change in individuals leading a societal project. Smith laid out a framework for leader undergoing an organization change. The author described the executive and management behavior regarding the implementation of principals to become a leader. According to Smith (2001), one of the main causes of successful organization’s failure is the lack of reflection. The author went on to suggest...
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