...organization whose membership is made up of over 1,400 private companies and government organizations. ANSI facilitates the development of national standards by accrediting the procedures of the organizations that develop the standards. In order to gain ANSI approval, the document must be developed by a cross-section of both manufacturers and end users. ANSI is also a founding member of the ISO. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an organization of many national specifications bodies from over 160 countries and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The ISO standards are developed by the people that need them, through a consensus process. They ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality (ISO Org., 2015). Each ISO member is the principal standards organization in its country. The members propose the new standards, participate in their development and provide support in collaboration with ISO Central Secretariat for nearly 3.280 technical groups that actually develop the standards. The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) represents a wide variety of electronics manufacturers in the United States and abroad. It was developed to ensure the equipment of different manufacturers was compatible and interchangeable. In 2007, the EIA announced that it would be dissolved and formally ceased to exist on February 11, 2011. It continues to live on in the merger of one of its previous sectors, the ECA, and the National Electronic Distributors...
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...Google’s Innovation Metrics Meghan Schuetz ORG530: Business Ethics and Sustainability Colorado State University – Global Campus Professor Victoria Figiel June 3, 2013 Google’s Innovation Metrics Metrics are an important tool used to monitor the performance of the success of innovation. Managers must select metrics based on the strategy of their company and their current need. This requires a good model to manage innovation and a balanced scorecard of a business innovation model that describes inputs, processes, outputs, and outcome from generating ideas (Module 5, 2013). The innovation process will be ineffective if leaders attempt to measure the wrong things at the wrong time. Yet innovation has to be measured or else it cannot be managed (Davila, Epstein & Shelton, 2013). A closer look at Google Corporation will be done showing what innovation metrics are relevant to their organization and why. Google Corporation Inputs. Tangible and intangible elements that are devoted to a company’s innovation effort are considered inputs (Davila, Epstein & Shelton, 2013). Google has a very unique corporate culture that’s main goal is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. It has been documented that a large portion of what Google does is based off of data (Bulygo, 2013). Google has created tests that they use to create an environment that facilitates happiness. This is important because happy employees tend to be more creative and productive. An example...
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...000 people worldwide. As of January 2011, Dell employed 39,500 people in the Americas region, with manufacturing facilities in Austin, TX; Nashville, TN; Winston-Salem, NC; and Eldorado do Sul, Brazil. Dell employed 32,100 people in the Asia-pacific region with manufacturing facilities in Malaysia, India, and China. Dell also has manufacturing facilities in Europe. Recently, the company closed facilities in Ireland and moved all manufacturing in Europe to Poland (Farfan, 2008). Dell Mission Statement Dell Computer Corporation’s mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. In doing so, Dell will meet customer expectations of: * Highest quality * Leading technology * Competitive pricing * Individual and company accountability * Best-in-class service and support...
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...many different lifestyles, effecting environment, political systems, economic development and prosperity, and the physical well-being of individuals (www.globalization101.org). The concept of globalization has been in act for many years, however recently, the severity of the merging cultures is becoming much more apparent. There are many types of globalization, each focusing on a different aspect in today’s current world issues. Economic globalization refers to the integration of multinational and transnational companies around the world, the seek of global markets and the idea that more global wealth is needed. Moreover, technological globalization refers to the explosive growth of communications over the past 5 decades and how it is thoroughly spreading to many parts of the world. Through both of these types of globalization, we develop the cultural aspect of globalization, defining the harmonization of the world’s cultures to create a single union. It is inevitable that the world will eventually merge and be entirely westernized, however it is solely a question of whether or not this is a positive movement. The Main Players The never ending expansion of technology has drastically taken over our world, one mobile network at a time. With exceptional products produced by Apple, RIM, Samsung and other leading companies, it is no wonder that the use of cell phones has increased significantly. The combination of the mass cell phone producers with the network carriers creates...
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...Difference between Supercomputers and Mainframe computers In this report I am going to talk about supercomputers and Mainframe computers. I will also define where they are used and what is the difference between these two machines. Mainframe Mainframe is a high performance computer used for different purposes. It is known for its reliability, availability and scalability. It is a huge and powerful computer and acts as a base for enterprise IT. It consists of frames which together make a mainframe. They are produced by various companies, including IBM, HP, Honeywell, and Bull. But the leading companies who have half the market share are IBM and HP who provide the most powerful mainframes to enterprises. The other brands are providing small to medium sized mainframes. According to M. Manoj article (2009), “Nearly all mainframes have the ability to run (or host) multiple operating systems, and thereby operate not as a single computer but as a number of virtual machines. In this role, a single mainframe can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller servers.” The features of mainframe include: It can store extremely large volume of data It has very high processing speed Simultaneous support of thousands of users Ability to communicate with other applications Almost impossible to hack into the mainframe The operating systems managing mainframes are MVS (multiple virtual storage), ESA(Enterprise System Architecture) and z/OS (zero downtime operating system). ...
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...Managing Organizations and Leading People Pacing Guide for C200 Western Governors University Pacing Guide The following chart outlines all of the activities – learning resource reading, online material and quizzes, MindTap activities etc. – required for this course of study. It is highly recommended you complete all of the activities listed here to become competent in the objectives and to successfully complete the performance assessment task and objective assessment for this course of study. You may use this outline as a quick checklist as you work through the course and complete each activity. If you engage in all of the learning activities to develop your competence, this course of study may take up to six weeks to complete. Depending on your educational background, work experience, and the time that you are able to dedicate to your studies, you may be able to accelerate your progress. If you wish to do so, please consult with your course mentor. Week 1 Activity Read the following chapter in Management Learning Resource or Site Chapter 1 (“Innovative Management for a Changing World”) Complete the chapter review discussion questions and activities Watch the OTJ Video (“Camp BowWow”) Camp BowWow Complete the OTJ Video Assessment Camp BowWow Assessment Complete Interactive Quiz 1 Interactive Quiz 1 Complete the Aplia Assignment-Innovative Management for a Changing World Aplia Assignment Read supplemental articles ...
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...word is of military origin, deriving from the Greek word strategous, which roughly translates as general. Or Strategy is defined as the comprehensive (complete/broad) & integrated (included/ incorporated) plan to assure that the basic objective of the co or enterprises are achieved. CORPORATE STRATEGY/ STRATEGIC MGMT: It focuses on how managers formulate and implement, and evaluate strategies or plans aimed at developing and maintaining competitive advantage. Here competitive advantage means “the reason some firms enjoy higher levels of performance than their rivals or competitors” FEATURES OF STRATEGY: It includes planning & implementation. It is creative in nature. It is a dynamic & flexible program. It includes all the levels of Org. but maximum efforts are done by Top & Middle Mgmt. Its Life Span is Limited. It is Future Oriented or Forward Looking It offers Broad Guidelines or blueprints to be successful. Strategy is a well defined roadmap of an organization. (mission & Vision are defined). COMPONENTS OF STRATEGY: The strategy statement of a firm sets the firm’s long-term strategic direction and broad policy directions. It gives the firm a clear sense of direction and a blueprint for the firm’s activities for the upcoming years. The main constituents of a strategic statement are as follows: a) STRATEGIC INTENT(PLAN/TGT/GOAL) An organization’s strategic intent is the purpose that it exists and why it will continue to exist, providing it maintains a competitive advantage...
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...Strategy & Leadership Emerald Article: Global competition 2021: key capabilities for emerging opportunities Armen Ovanessoff, Mark Purdy Article information: To cite this document: Armen Ovanessoff, Mark Purdy, (2011),"Global competition 2021: key capabilities for emerging opportunities", Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 39 Iss: 5 pp. 46 - 55 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/10878571111161525 Downloaded on: 29-03-2012 To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 954 times. Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Additional help for authors is available for Emerald subscribers. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com With over forty years' experience, Emerald Group Publishing is a leading independent publisher of global research with impact in business, society, public policy and education. In total, Emerald publishes over 275 journals and more than 130 book series, as well as an extensive range of online products and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 3 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on...
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...specific set of departmental skills, knowledge, and experience that allows one organization to outperform another. * Department – A group of people who work together and possess similar skills or use the same knowledge, tools, or techniques to perform their jobs. * Effectiveness – A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals. * Efficiency – A measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. * Empowerment – The expansion of employees’ knowledge, tasks and decision making responsibilities. * First-line manager – A manager who is responsible for the daily supervision of non-managerial employees. * Global organizations – Organizations that operate and compete in more than one country. * Hawthorne effect – Worker’s productivity is affected more by observation or attention received then by physical work setting. * Human relations movement – Advocates behavior and leadership training of supervisors to elicit worker cooperation and improve productivity. * Human skills – The ability to...
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...The Role of Leaders in Innovation MBA6006: Leading Innovation Global Org Capella University Submitted to: Scott Yorkovich Submitted by: Shameka Smith Holmes Due: January 19, 2014 Leadership Models: Leadership models may be defined as guides that suggest specific leadership behaviors to use in specific environment or situation. In addition, they often use a graphic representation to visually show the required leadership behavior. Leadership is not about personality; it’s about behavior, an observable set of skills and abilities. And when we first set out to discover what great leaders actually do when they are at their personal best, we collected thousands of stories from ordinary people and the experiences they recalled when asked to think of a peak leadership experience. Evaluation of the different leadership models as presented in Fry & Hatwick's research and how style dramatically impacts a leaders ability to influence behavior and be innovative in an organization. Just like in the Innovators DNA, disruptive and innovative leadership is essential for progress and growth. In Dyer's research, the authors use numerous real world examples of great companies such as Apple where their motto is to "think differently" which is what disruptive DNA is in a nutshell (Dyer, et. al, 2011). Fry contends under the "trait theory" leaders may be born, or made if they have specific qualities such as intelligence, responsibilities, and ethics (Fry, 2004). In examining...
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...Institutions Corporate Development: Managing Acquisitions and Partnerships (A Management Perspective) Professor: Maurizio Zollo E-mail: maurizio.zollo@unibocconi.it Office: Via Roentgen, 1 - 4-A1-09 Phone: 02 5836 2525 Teaching assistant Emanuele Bettinazzi emanuele bettinazzi@phd.unibocconi.it Learning Objectives: Acquisitions and partnerships have become fundamental tools to manage corporate growth. No company today can afford to rely exclusively on organic development processes to fill its strategic gaps. However, realizing the expected value through external growth has proved to be far from obvious: value is being destroyed just as frequently (and copiously) as it is being created. In this course, we will discuss the factors leading to success and failure in corporate development processes, focusing on four different but interdependent set of questions: • When should acquisitions be preferred to partnerships (or vice versa) in the implementation of a given strategy? • How should the value potential and the risks connected to a given development opportunity be assessed? • How can the potential be translated into actual value creation through appropriate design and execution choices in the post-transaction phase? • What are the barriers to learning how to manage corporate development processes and how to remove them to ensure a rapid development of the required capabilities? The course is designed to cater directly for the needs of those aiming at careers in: • corporate...
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...Amway is the largest multinational direct selling company . It is started in 1979 by Jay van andel and Rich devos. Amway operates 97 countries like India, China , Malaysia and etc . They have 150 products and in four categories. They used multilevel marketing strategy to deal in beauty , health care and home care product . The business was creating by huge chain of 3 million sales people globally . It is vast product portfolio that contains more than 450 products with 89 million members worldwide. In 1995 Amway was established in India. Their main office in Delhi and over period of 15 years .it was able to open 152 offices along with 64 warehouses with 500 employees . Its sales turnover showed increment of 7% in year 2012 leading to Rs. 2288 crore making it ahead of its competitors. Amway products which are 15 % cheaper than competitors and which are sell by door to door and advertising all over India. Mission • Provide best business opportunities • To deliver best quality products like home care, personal care, cosmetics and wellness in semi urban and urban area. Vision • Helping people to achive their goal by offerning better brand and opportunities for the future. PRODUCTS Amway has 140 quality products in four categories which are environment friendly and makes strong foundation for its success. • Personal Care • Home Care • Nutrition and wellness • Cosmetics Sales and Marketing Plan: The basic idea...
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...Engineering: An Introduction for High School Annapurna Ganesh Chell Roberts Dale Baker Darryl Morrell Janel White-Taylor Stephen Krause Tirupalavanam G. Ganesh Say Thanks to the Authors Click http://www.ck12.org/saythanks (No sign in required) www.ck12.org iii To access a customizable version of this book, as well as other interactive content, visit www.ck12.org CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market both in the U.S. and worldwide. Using an open-content, web-based collaborative model termed the FlexBook®, CK-12 intends to pioneer the generation and distribution of high-quality educational content that will serve both as core text as well as provide an adaptive environment for learning, powered through the FlexBook Platform®. Copyright © 2011 CK-12 Foundation, www.ck12.org The names “CK-12” and “CK12” and associated logos and the terms “FlexBook®”, and “FlexBook Platform®”, (collectively “CK-12 Marks”) are trademarks and service marks of CK-12 Foundation and are protected by federal, state and international laws. Any form of reproduction of this book in any format or medium, in whole or in sections must include the referral attribution link http://www.ck12.org/saythanks (placed in a visible location) in addition to the following terms. Except as otherwise noted, all CK-12 Content (including CK-12 Curriculum Material) is made available to Users in accordance with the Creative Commons...
Words: 61128 - Pages: 245
...Managing Change in Organizations Assignment MANAGING CHANGE IN ORGANIZATIONS Case Study of Procter and Gamble (P&G) Introduction The world of business is facing different changes in the environment which create opportunities and threats. As a result, businesses make changes in different processes that are related to work place more abruptly and often compare before. This is because these changes can influence the speed and quality of the performance of companies including:acquisitions, merging, innovation, restructuring and downsizing which can result to the growth of climate of uncertainty (FEAP n.d.). Currently, the business world is facing different changes that are related to technology, regulation and competition and economic condition which affect theperceptions and behavior of the customers and other stakeholders of the company. Due to this, change is considered as inevitable in the world of business, because change constitute growth and development. According to Peter Drucker, any change in any organizational culture and management is considered as normal and healthy (cited in Dulebohn 2006, p. 37). It will be impossible for any business to grow and improve without improving any changes in order to cope with the changes happenings in the environment it’s operating. Any change to be done inside and outside the organization can help the entire organization to adjust to the current situation of the market and industry, by improving...
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...A PROJECT ON “BRAND LG” [pic] Presented By: Gurjit Singh – 3022 Heman Makwana – 3023 G. Kalaiarasan – 3025 Kalpana Patel – 3026 Acknowledgement We would like to thank Prof Sohan Mahanty for providing us with such an important and challenging opportunity of preparing a project report on Branding which has enabled us to learn a lot about the Branding strategies, LG’s product innovations and marketing tactics for the Indian market. It is a matter of great pleasure to express our sincere gratitude and thanksgiving to our Director – Dr. Bigyan Prakash Verma. Last but not the least, we extend our sincere thanks to all the people who helped us directly or indirectly in way of ideas and valuable thoughts for making this project, a grand reality. History of LG Brand: | LG's history dates back to 1947 when Lucky Chemical Industrial Company (LCIC), the first chemical company in South Korea, was | |established. In 1958, LCIC started Goldstar Company to manufacture consumer durables. Within a year of its inception, Goldstar manufactured| |South Koreas first radio, A 501. | |In the 1960s, it started exporting radios to the US and Hong Kong and manufactured Korea's first telephone, refrigerator and black & white | |television. With the consumer durables business picking-up, LCIC changed its name to Lucky Goldstar. ...
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