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Learned Helplessness Literature Review

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Much of the existing literature and advancing scientific knowledge on delirium focuses on understanding the physiological process of delirium. The gap in the literature is in the research into prevention of delirium. If practitioners were to know the trajectory of delirium over time, they could more adequately implement treatment. Accordingly, this research will advance the body of knowledge on the topic by focusing on a group of symptoms and tools that represent changes in an individual’s level of consciousness and thinking over a designated period. This designated time is the period of maximal onset of the process of delirium in the intensive care environment. In addition to addressing the gap in the literature, the research will focus on …show more content…
Indeed, learned helplessness is a psychological condition which can cause a person to feel completely powerless to change their circumstances for the better. Moreover, it is the failure of an individual to engage in behaviors that will allow them to escape from or avoid aversive stimuli that are often exhibited in the ICU environment. Learned helplessness consists of three components: emotional, motivational, and cognitive (Seligman, 1972). First, practitioners initially see the onset of learned helplessness as an emotional disruption in an individual’s behavior due to feelings of powerlessness and lack of control imparted by the restrictive and aversive stimuli that are associated with the use of mechanical ventilation or merely over stimulation in the ICU environment. Secondly, the individual will experience a significant reduction in motivation; they become passive and introverted related to the inability to control their environment. The third and most damaging component is progressive cognitive deficits. Researchers associate the consequences of cognitive deficits with the individual’s failure to perceive a healthy relationship with practitioners. Furthermore, this results in the patient no longer having the ability to make choices or control of their environment. That is, learned helplessness would become an inescapable aspect of one’s experience in the ICU …show more content…
When patients are put in the ICU environment and subjected to mechanical ventilation and other unfamiliar stimuli, they lose their independence and are powerless to control or cope with their surroundings. As a result, these circumstances can increase the development of extreme anxiety which may lead to the development of

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