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Learning Memory Evolution Lab Report

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Dudurkaeva 3

Name Petimat Dudurkaewa
Course NROS 381
Professor Dr. Wulfila Gronenberg
Date 03/11/2015
Learning, Memory, & Behavioral Plasticity, evolution
Summary of the Question, Hypothesis, and Results
This experiment was conducted to test the effects of skin countershading of the terrestrial animals on the 3D object recognition by the predators. Done by a group of five researchers consisting of George Lowell, Simon Sanghera, Olivier Harris, Graeme Ruxton, and Innes Cuthill, the carefully conducted test attempted to confirm the implications of countershading on the prey visual cognition. The group constructed avian baits from paper tubes, printed with predicted optimal countershading for the specified location, date, and the different weather conditions (Allen 768). The researchers …show more content…
The frogs are housed in small cubed cells and provided with juvenile crickets as food and water in petri dishes. The rooms are illuminated independently by daylight LED bulbs that could be changed to different colors as required. The experimentation process also requires a transparent cylindrical containers that the frogs would be put into to ensure equal distribution of light during testing and capturing (Merilaita 25). The researchers should take caution of the possibilities of the frogs to change color out of stress, during handling or out of other invasive techniques. Additionally, the current digital cameras do not capture low light ranges of between 300 and 400nm that are preferred due to their presence in the natural settings. However, it should be noted that any intensity of light is applicable as the animals reflect low levels of light to enable use of the digital photography. It is essential to consider the photographic method due to its ability to enable capturing of full spectrum range of the color changes by the

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