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Personal Narrative: My Graduate

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I Graduated For many years now this had been a day I dreamed of. A day I knew would be full of accomplishments and satisfaction. Finally, all the hard work I had put in would finally pay off, I was graduating. High school had seemed pretty easy for me but I had several rough patches along the way, just like everyone else. I had given it my best though and I felt happy with how it had all ended. I along with everyone in my class had not lived a normal high school experience. Being such a small school we didn’t have the opportunity to have homecoming games, pep rallys, or any traditional senior activities. Graduation was one of the biggest events we had next to PROM which was never what we had in mind. I was about to graduate and I couldn’t be happier to be with all my friends and teachers who had seen me grow along the way. I was fine up until the moment I was going to walk out. All day I had been trying to mentally prepare myself. This day would be one of the most important days of my life. I was about to walk out in front of everyone. My whole family was out there along with my friends. They had supported me the whole way and were as excited as I was. Just thinking about them being …show more content…
I couldn’t stop smiling as I heard all the cheers for my classmates and I. All the long nights I stayed up, all the stress and moments of frustration were all worth it at this point. I was ready to walk that stage with the satisfaction of knowing I earned it all on my own. I earned my 3.9 GPA. I earned my class rank which was 3 out of 59. I completed Sports Medicine and CNA, in which I did internships and clinicals. I picked up a lot of new knowledge and experience through things like these. I accomplished many goals and I had never felt prouder of myself. I knew I had very well earned to walk that stage and receive my diploma and I had never been more ready for this moment to

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