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Personal Narrative: My Interest In The CMTI Graduate Program

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I am very interested in the CMTI graduate program at the University of Rochester because it focuses on working closely with physicians to identify clinical needs as well as creating and manufacturing a design to solve a problem that was identified. After participating in research as well as working on various design projects in class, I have found that I am interested in the research and development field of engineering. Due to my interests, the CMTI program seems like a perfect fit for me. For this reason, I conducted an informational interview with a student currently in the CMTI program, Caeli Quiter. Like me, Caeli also was a biomedical engineering undergraduate at the University of Rochester. She pursued the biomedical optics track. Caeli …show more content…
Prior to this informational interview, I was unaware of how the students were paired with a doctor, or even that they were paired with a doctor of a certain type. Caeli was assigned to an anesthesiologist which allowed her to observe a wide variety of surgeries. One thing that surprised me, in a good way, was that she said that all of the doctors were very welcoming and told the students exactly what they wanted to be fixed. The reason this surprised me is because when I spoke with my real reader she addressed that doctors could be dismissive of the engineers, which could become disheartening. However, it does make sense that the doctors that the students are paired up with are welcoming because both hospitals where the practicum takes place are teaching hospitals. Caeli acknowledged that her favorite part of the program was the OR rounds during her clinical practicum. She also recommended speaking with the doctors because they are very helpful. This is something that I will keep in mind if I participate in a similar program because I often struggle with going out of my way to ask questions and will have to work to change that

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