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Summary: The Unique Connection

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This 2015 “The Unique Connection” from the Pandora collection performed an experiment displaying the uniqueness of every women. To display every women’s uniqueness, Pandora met up with six beautiful women and their precious loved one, their child. Pandora blind folded the six children and had the mothers line up beside each other. The children were then guided toward the group of mothers, while using their five senses each child had the opportunity to pick out which women was their mom. The children aged from three to nine-year old’s and had success in this experiment. Pandora’s television advertisement displayed just how every woman is unique in personality, shape, and heart through a special bond between their children. Why did Pandora invoke in woman’s uniqueness to reach out to a specific audience? The 2015 television ad speaks to all women, but more specifically to women who are mothers. There are special connections between a mother and their child. Children can use …show more content…
In the television advertisement, you can see how close the children are with their mothers. After they take off the blindfolds, their reactions when they figure out they have found their mother is a feeling of overjoy. They hug and they kiss just giving everyone a warm feeling inside that melts your heart. In Pandora’s ad, they are also only appealing to white women and families. There is, however, not a different race or culture that is involved. This is not meaning that Pandora is discriminating against other races and cultures. There might be a good explanation behind it. Maybe to get the best results, Pandora wanted women of the same race, to ultimately make it harder for the children to pick out their mothers. Culture plays a huge role, on who this advertisement appeals to, but Pandora did this experiment to reach out to all mothers not just a specific

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