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Dean Koontz Chapter Summaries

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2. The titles present a new perspective about the view of our world an environment, most of the time many stories are presenting people without disabilities. In this case, it shows a blind person perspective of the facts occurring around his context.

3. The audience the book is intended for young and adult learners, because it shows them a different way to perceive the stimulus of the events from the world. This audience can know more about the people who are blind, the vocabulary and the written form are adequate for these ages. These ages are the appropriate one, because some content will be obscene for low ages. Besides, the audience’s background are good because their experience will be allow them to associate the content with the real …show more content…
Dean Koontz is providing a story with Biblical Significance. He used characters with names like Enoch, Jacob, Celestina and Seraphim. Showing the fighting between the God and Satan or good and evil. Bartholemew Lampion was born after a car accident, in that accident his father is killed. Then, his mother, Agnes, dies on the delivery table, but is brought back to life by the medical staff. Barty is not a regular child—he is a prodigy in everything he does. Besides, he is also aware of all of the different versions of himself through the time and the events.

On the other hand, Seraphim White dies giving birth to her daughter, Angel, the product of a sexual assault. Angel is adopted by her aunt, however, the lives of Angel and Barty will be forever intertwined by the strange events surrounding their respective births. Enoch Cain, Jr., known as Junior, is the story's villain. A sociopathic, he wanders through his life driven by a series of primal urges and delusions. Further, he is charismatic and vain, but not nearly as attractive as he thinks he is. He thinks every woman he meets would sleep with him in a …show more content…
Vanadium is sure that Junior was responsible for Naomi's death and is determined to bring him to justice. For that reason, he plants a seed in Junior's mind by mentioning a name from Cain's dreams: Bartholomew, he is taking advantage that Junior perceive him as a ghost. Junior is obsessed with the previous name. Indeed, he believes he is going to be discovered by someone named Bartholomew. He spends weeks poring through San Francisco phone directories trying to find people with that name; like Herod wanted to kill Jesus in Belen to eliminate all, to make sure he gets the right one. This situation will consume him for the rest of his days.

In fact, Junior Cain is a cold-blooded murderer, but each time he kills he suffers an affliction: violent nausea, profound diarrhea, debilitating boils. He leaves a long trail of bodies in his wake during his misguided search for Bartholomew. The relentless Vanadium perpetually haunts him. The final confrontation, however, it is rushed and unsatisfyingly

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