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Pro Sports Cons

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Some think sports are good for children and teens and others think sports are bad for children and teens. Sports are good for children because it helps them learn important things like responsibility.
One reason that competitive sports are good for children and teens is that they can learn lessons like responsibility. The article, “Pros and Cons of Sports Completion at the High School Level,” by Grace Chen, who is an education researcher and writer, as well as an educator, states this: "Researchers at the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports at Michigan State University report, 'Kids who participate in organized sports do better in school, have better interpersonal skills, are more team oriented, and are generally healthier.'" This shows …show more content…
Teenagers enhance skills in self-reliance and team interaction, and develop new structures of self-motivation, discipline, and personal responsibility." This suggests that valuable skills can be taught, or even enhanced when children and teens play sports. These skills can help teens and children in the future. These skills can be used when they have jobs, or even when they are in college. They know how to work as a team, which can be useful with co-workers, and they are responsible, so they can get work done when needed. Similarly, “Facts For Families: Children and Sports,” by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, of which qualifications were not available, shares a similar view. "Sports help children develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn to play as a member of a team, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem." This suggests that children and teens can learn lessons and also have benefits like new friends and even just having fun when …show more content…
In her article, “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at the High School Level,” Grace Chen, an education researcher and writer, as well as an educator, shares her views. "While teens adopt an array of new and enhanced skills through participation in athletics, teens even more notably become more rounded college applicants (Metzl & Shookhoff, 2003). When applying to colleges, regardless of the collegiate location or status, most schools will review an applicant’s full four-year transcript, which includes grades, course load intensity, test scores, and extracurricular activities." This shows that the lessons children learn during sports can help them in the future. Also, from the same article, Grace Chen states, "More specifically, Metzl and Shookhoff (2003) further assert that sports help teens develop an array of personal skills, including resilience, attitude control, time management, and long term thinking abilities." This suggests that children learn valuable skills from sports, which can be used later in life. In addition, Grace Chen also writes, "When children and teens participate in group competitions and activities, they learn skills that apply to opportunities both on and off the playing field." This shows how sports teach children and teens lessons that can be used in all situations, not just in sports. The evidence supports that though some people believe that

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