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Learning Styles Research Paper

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There are many different ways of learning styles and there is no better learning style than another; but I will explain here three types of learning styles. Visual, Auditory and kinesthetic.Visual learner who learns through seeing thing. These people like to see teacher's body language to fully understand the lecture. They learn best when they sit in front of the classroom and to avoid noise. Visual learner enjoy study through pictures, videos, flipcharts and handouts. Auditory learner, who learn through listing. They understand well through verbal lecture, discussions, talking things through and listing to others. Kinesthetic or tactile learner, who prefer to study through moving, doing and touching things.
However, I am a visual learner …show more content…
Also, I use (Star Memo) app in my phone. It helps me to remember what I have to do and I write some important tasks on it. In addition, am very cautious of paying attention in the class because that will helps me to understand and remember all important information. I also, use the technique of making meaning of what I want to study. Take self -development subject as an example, I have a passion of learning this subject because I want to know what kind of personality am I and how to improve …show more content…
These learning styles function as a guide for studying and future job. People have not enough time and would not miss up their future by choosing and selecting wrong career. So, a good understand of learning style helps to know which kind of job fits one. For example, if one know his/her style of learning and which method of studying he/she need to follow, they directly will look for suitable job.So, here is some careers fit each style. Person who is visual learner, it likely to work as, graphic designer or videography, project manager, packager or prototype developer. Auditory people have to look for jobs that require listing more such as sound engineering, audiology or sound editing. Kinesthetic or tactile learner , preferably to work as doctor, computer programmer and

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