...Gay marriage should be legalized ? Gay marriage has been a widely debated in many countries for a long time, such as America and UK which started approving gay marriages, In 2013, homosexuals are fighting for their right to get married to someone of their same sex. There are several reasons why gay marriage should be agreed. First of all, it is a human right that every person who has the right to marry, and it is possible for everybody to show their love and affection to their beloved one. In addition, they want to marry to create a firm personal and legal foundation given by the government or the community through specific right, such as economic, taxes, and the right to make medical decisions. Furthermore, it's claimed that children who are raised by gay parents can do as well as whom by normal parents, and they are more open minded. Also, the same sex parents can raise the adoption rate. In 2010, the census revealed that a quarter of same-sex couples are raising children, with 65,000 children being adopted by homosexual partners alone. It’s better allowing theirs two moms or dads to settle down and have the job of being responsible parents Every individual person should have equal rights, the love they commit to one another must be equal as well, regardless of the sexuality,Even though to most of the traditional people think gay marriage shouldn't be legal. It's necessary to set aside from gender issues and look at this debate from a new standpoint. The tide is...
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...Should the same-sex marriage be legal? Felling in love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Men and women fall in love, get married, and build a family unit in society. At the same time, the same-sex love is becoming more acceptable by society because it is also driven by nature. Should the same-sex marriage be legal becomes one of the most hot topics. Some people embrace the view that same-sex marriage should be legal because they consider same-sex as a natural behavior which should be protected by law. I concern, however, the harm of the same-sex marriage outweighs than benefits. So it should not be legal. First and foremost, the law is established to protect eligible right of citizens. So it should not be legal if the behavior will block the right developing direction of society. To begin with, not all natural behaviors are allowed to be legal. For example, marriages in proximity of blood are forbidden by law. Why is it forbidden even though intermarriage is also driven by nature? It is forbidden because it will influence the quality of new generation due to high probability of inherited disease, as well as bad influence in morality, which would disturb the harmony of society. So does the same-sex marriage. Some people may do not agree because they consider the same-sex tendency as a consequence affected by certain order of DNA, which cannot be controlled by human mind. So they think the law should not deny the instinct of human, which is controlled by DNA. But...
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...Marriage Should Be Legal No Matter What 1 Marriage Should Be Legal No Matter What Chrystal Jones PHI103: Informal Logic Instructor: Robert Gala March 25, 2013 Marriage Should Be Legal No Matter What 2 Marriage Should Be Legal No Matter What I believe with that if you love, cherish, and care for someone and they feel the same way as you, than the next logical choice in the relationship is to get married. But in the crazy world, everybody wants to tell you that you can marry who you want. Back in 50’s and 60’s, people would burn crosses and destroy homes all because a white person and black person got married to each other. Now in 2012, while there are no burning crosses or destroyed homes, people are getting angry because men want to marry men and women want to marry women. I believe that no matter what marriage should be legal everywhere because when you find your soul mate, that person doesn’t have to of the opposite sex, they can be of the same sex. This past May in the North Carolina, we had an amendment of whether gays should be allowed to be married in our state. The amendment was really pushed all the churches and older Republicans and Democrats, it stated that marriage would be considered legal between a man and a woman and nothing else. Generally, my parents and I agree on all political points but on with this one we greatly disagreed...
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...Supreme Court and won. So because of that it was a landmark of the Civil Rights movement that ultimately changed the United States Supreme Court decision on prohibiting interracial marriage. Marriage should be an expression of peoples love and devotion to one another and should not be limited to one man and one woman. On another note. Marriage has not always been between one man and one women. As far as ancient cultures go. Rome and the Fujitan Provence in ancient China had Gay Unions. Gay Unions were also allowed in ancient Indian cultures and in France as well. France had something called Brotherments dated as far back as 600 AD. Historical evidence, including legal documents and gravesites, can be interpreted as supporting the prevalence of homosexual relationships hundreds of years ago, said Allan Tulchin of Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. (Bryner, 2007). So the fact of the matter is that this topic has been around longer than most people care to admit and because of that most people are not willing to do the research or take the time to listen to others’ arguments on the subject at hand. And, on that note. Most people usually make up their own minds on something before doing any kind of research. If they haven’t made up their minds, then they certainly have an opinion. Allowing Gay Marriage will make gay...
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...Conflicting viewpoints Name Institution Should Gay Marriage be Legal? Introduction The family is an important institution in the society. This is because it enables people to maintain the moral fabric of the society, hence keeping the nation moving. According to biblical teachings, a family comes up through marriage between a man and a woman. Once the two get married, they are to honor God’s commandment of fulfilling the earth through procreation. This aspect makes children an important, but not a must aspect of a family. This is because there are some people who cannot bear children naturally. When it comes it same sex marriages, the concept of a family loses meaning. This is because people in these marriages cannot have kids of their own. At the same time, their sexual acts are unnatural if not extremely weird to heterosexuals (Greenberg, 1993). Based on these factors, legalizing same sex marriages will definitely be destroying the moral marriage institution. Kids who are growing up will not know the importance of having a family, something that is likely to have a serious impact on the continuity of the nation’s traditions. As a result of these scenarios, I am against the idea of legalizing these marriages as they are likely to compromise the wellbeing of the society. Body Points that oppose my viewpoint Today, there are people who strongly believe that same sex marriages should be legalized. These people give various reasons to support their position. These reasons...
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...agree with the idea of gay marriage being legal in the United States. They feel like the nation shouldn’t decide the law and that marriage is supposed to be a state law. Another thing they ask is, how are two people of the same gender supposed to reproduce? Christians may not agree with gay marriage because it goes against their religion and the Bible. However, there are many reasons why gay marriage should continue to be legal in the United States; here are three… The first reason why gay marriage should continue being legal is because it doesn’t affect you. When two people of the same gender get married, how does that affect you and your daily life?.... I thought so. If gay couples want to get married, that shouldn’t be any of your business and they should have the right to. If it doesn’t affect you physically then why should it matter to you? If that’s what makes them happy then you should accept it and move on....
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...All legal same-sex marriages recognized for tax purposes NOVEMBER 2013. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision (Sup. Ct. Dkt. No. 12-307 (6/26/13)), which invalidated a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), P.L. 104-199, the Treasury Department and IRS announced in late August that “same-sex couples, legally married in jurisdictions that recognize their marriages, will be treated as married for federal tax purposes.” The IRS also issued a revenue ruling (Rev. Rul. 2013-17) providing guidance on the topic. The ruling will apply to all federal tax provisions where marriage is a factor, for all federal taxes, including income, estate, and gift taxes. Tax provisions in which marriage is a factor include filing status, personal and dependency exemptions, the standard deduction, employee benefits, contributions to IRAs, the earned income tax credit, and the child tax credit, among others. According to the IRS, more than 200 provisions in the Code and Treasury regulations include the terms “spouse,” “marriage,” “husband,” “wife,” or “husband and wife.” Under the revenue ruling, the IRS will treat gender-neutral terms, such as “spouse” and “marriage,” as including, respectively, an individual who is married to a person of the same sex if the couple is lawfully married under state law and such a marriage between same-sex individuals. The terms “husband,” “wife,” and “husband and wife” will be interpreted to include same-sex spouses. ...
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...In his article, “Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal” Thomas B. Stoddard discusses the injustice that homosexuals life because they are denying their right to marriage. Karen Thompson and Sharon Kowalski were married to each other spiritually but not legally. In 1983 Sharon was in a car accident, and she was left in poor health. As a result, she could not walk and talk very well. Karen tried to get guardianship over her life partner, but she was refused since both of them were not legally married. Subsequently, Sharon’s parents were given guardianship over their daughter, and they both decided to move her to a care home hundreds of miles away. When Sharon’s health improved, she decided to reunite with her life partner once again. Stoddard...
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...Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? Why should gay marriage be legalized? Gay marriage is wrong & disrespectful to god. The institution of marriage is a tradition between a man and a woman, not two men or two women. Marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates (between 40% and 50%) and with 40.6% of babies being born to unmarried mothers. Allowing gay marriage would weaken the institution. Gay marriage could also mess up a lot of cultures, like those that believe in polygamy, which means a marriage that includes more than one partner. It could also affect other nontraditional relationships. There are also a lot of religious groups that don’t believe in gay marriage, like Christians, Catholic Churches, Islam’s, and American Baptist Churches. This may lead to churches being forced to marry couples and children being taught in school that gay marriage is the same as opposite-sex marriage. What kind of message are you setting for your children? Its one thing for a person to be homosexual, but for them to teach their children that is okay when it’s not. Those who are homosexual and are in a relationship, at some point in time want kids. When they raise this child, are they going to teach him/her right from wrong or are they going to teach him/her that it’s okay to have a relationship with someone of the same sex? Homosexual behavior is unhealthy. Even if homosexual activity was just as healthy as sex between a man and a woman, gay marriage should still be opposed because...
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...1998, Arizona incorporated into statute a new type of marriage called “covenant marriage." (The law can be found in Sections 25-901 through 25-906 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.) This pamphlet describes what steps must be taken to enter into a covenant marriage. It also lists the limited reasons available for a legal separation or divorce for those in a covenant marriage. The pamphlet contains only general information. If you have questions about covenant marriage, please ask a member of the clergy, a marriage counselor or an attorney of your choice. What is a Covenant Marriage? The State Legislature has created a type of marriage in Arizona called "covenant marriage." It does not replace the kind of marriage already available. Instead it offers an additional option to couples who wish to marry. The covenant marriage differs both in the steps necessary to get married and the reasons why a legal separation or divorce may be granted by the court. To enter into a covenant marriage, the couple first must have counseling (called "premarital counseling") from a member of the clergy or a marriage counselor. Then, when applying for a license to be married, both persons must show their intention to enter into a covenant marriage by signing a special statement (or "declaration") on the application form. In a covenant marriage, legal separation or divorce (in Arizona, a "dissolution of marriage") may be granted by the court only for specific reasons...
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...are joined by blood, marriage, or adoption. It is also a group of people residing together consisting of parents, children, and other relatives by blood or marriage. Finally, a family is a group of people residing together who have consented to an arrangement similarly to those of blood or marriage. Explain What Constitutes a Marriage. Marriage is a legitimate contract between a man and a woman who mutually promise to live together in a relationship in law for life, or until the legal termination of their relationship. Once both parties have entered into a marriage contract, the legal status of both parties will have changed giving the husband and wife new rights obligations and benefits. Public policy is intensely in favor of the institution of marriage. Conventionally, marriage has been viewed as vital to the preservation of morals and is believed to sustain the family unit in our civilization. In the United States, marriage is regulated by individual states. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that states are permitted to reasonably regulate marriage by stipulating who can marry and the method in which they can dissolve a marriage. All states limit people to one living husband or wife at a time, and will not issue a marriage licenses to anyone who has not divorced a living spouse. Once someone is married, the only way they can be legally liberated from his or her spouse is by death, divorce, or annulment. People who enter into a subsequent marriage without legally dissolving...
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...Legal Studies Research Paper Series Research Paper No. 07 - 25 E-marriage: Breaking the Marriage Monopoly Adam Candeub Mae Kuykendall This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1491704 Candeub-Kuykendall: Draft. Do Not Cite or Quote Without Permission E-MARRIAGE: BREAKING THE MARRIAGE MONOPOLY Adam Candeub and Mae Kuykendall ∗ ABSTRACT: This Article advocates updating the law governing marriage formation to recognize the shift in social interactions from real to virtual life. We argue that couples can use internet communications not only to marry when separated by great distance but also to choose which state’s laws will authorize their marriage. In particular, same sex couples could marry under the laws of a state that permit such unions, regardless of where they exchange vows. States inadvertently have created geographic monopolies, requiring each marriage receiving the benefits of their licensing laws to be performed within their borders. This Article’s model builds upon established precedents, such as proxy marriage and choice of law for multijurisdictional and internet contracts. Using the power of internet communications, our proposal allows states to compete over marriage’s procedures and substance. Depending on a couple’s preferences for “e-ritual” and a state’s desired level of regulatory control, couples could consume the trappings of a traditional ceremony...
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...Marriage Versus Cohabitation The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast marriage and living together. Marriage refers to a social institution, relationship, intimate, a legal or religious ceremony, where a man and a woman agree to live together as a married couple. From a legal perspective, marriage is a contract that binds two parties that is recognized by the government, and it can only be dissolved through divorce. Living together is also referred to the notion of cohabitation. This where individuals of different sexes engage in a let us come together union without any binding decision to stay together as husband and wife. Obligations and rights of each partner that are founded on original intentions guide the agreement. The cohabitation agreement is not legally enforceable. Marriage involves a legal and binding contract between two people that includes health care benefits and tax benefits. Cohabitation does not require a legal contract and does not include such benefits. A majority of today’s marriages evolve through cohabitation before maturing into a wedding. The idea of living together before being married is on the rise since young adults think that it is beneficial to understand each other, and establish if they can get along together. Beliefs that living together will improve the quality of a marriage are false. It is established that living together does not improve stability in marriage or increase satisfaction. Compared...
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...Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal. A broad definition of marriage includes those that are monogamous, polygamous, same-sex and temporary. People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious. Who they marry may be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire. In many parts of the world, marriages are arranged. Forced marriages are illegal in some jurisdictions. Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community or peers. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution irrespective of religious affiliation, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting via a wedding ceremony. The act...
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...Divorce is a very common word in today's society. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage or a complete or radical severance of closely connected things (Gottman, J. 1994).). This dissolution of marriage has increased very rapidly in the past fifty years. Throughout this paper I will discuss divorces effects on children. The dissolution of a marriage is a legal act that may not coincide with the emotional tearing asunder. Divorce is typically a painful process for all concerned. While it can take adults time to regain psychological equilibrium, there is debate whether children ever recover a stable perspective. Post-divorce hostility between adults, in addition to directly harming kids, is a sure indicator that the emotional split is incomplete. In the U.S., divorce rates have been rising since the beginning of the 20th century, and especially since the 1970s, when no-fault divorce was instituted. Some experts contend that the easing of divorce laws has helped make marriage stronger by rooting it more deeply in personal choice, although it does little to give people the skills needed to work out the inevitable difficulties that arise in marriage. Divorce is a big scary word for many. To some, it is a word that represents failure and a reason for them to raise the white flag in defeat. Trials and tribulations seemed to take their toll and cause reason for a significant change in lifestyle, routines, and marital status. To...
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