...Covenant Marriages A covenant marriage is an optional form of marriage that intends to signify the commitment between a couple. It consist of all couples, including already married couples can change their original marriage to a covenant marriage. It was founded in 1999, by a Baptist minister and his wife. This organization now claims fifty thousand couples and sixty-five cooperating ministries. This system of marriage was designed to strengthen couples in a relationship. They wanted to return to the biblical values of marriage as being “forever”. Along with the pledge of “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘till death do us part” there are other requirements when considering a covenant marriage. Couples who choose covenant marriages must complete a series of pre-martial counseling sessions. They must sign affiants attesting to their understanding that marriage is a life-long commitment. If a couple is at risk of divorce they must get approval only if infidelity, physical or sexual abuse, or conviction of a felony were the causes. One of the main reasons why covenant marriages are successful is because it aims for the couple to complete counseling sessions or separate for at least 2 years to save their marriage if possible. During counseling sessions it will tackle the reasons many couples divorce. Martial disaffection starts when there is a gradual loss of emotional...
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...Introduction This week the class read Chapters 21-26, 41-42, and 50 of the book The Pocket Guide to leading a Small Group. Early and Dempsey captured and explained the details of starting and maintaining a new group. Important points discussed were creating a small group covenant, the importance of asking good questions and leading the small group discussions, finding and training an apprentice, finding a host for the group as well as how to birth a new group. This week we also learned how to deal with potential problems within the group like difficult people and integrating children into the group dynamics. Similarly, in chapters four and five of Jeffrey Arnold’s book, The Big Book on Small Groups, he thoroughly explained how to start a new group and the importance of the building blocks of community within the small group. In addition to reading the texts, Rod Dempsey’s lecture titled, How to Lead a Group, enhanced the reading and discussion as he outlined ten effective ways to lead a small group. In this lecture, the 5 W’s were introduced; Welcome, Worship, Word of God, Works, and Witness. Beginning Steps and Outline Creating a new group should begin with a dream and prayer. “The place to start, when attempting to gather a group, is on your knees.” This follows in the footsteps of what Jesus did prior to selecting his disciples (Luke 6:12-16). Arnold makes a very important statement about the thousands of intangibles that affect how ministry occurs. Only God is in...
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...is both the only, and the best way of avoiding the prohibition on the passing of the burden of a positive freehold covenant. Critically assess this statement with reference to academic opinion and case law. The mutuality principle is a form of legal standard that was created by case law. This principle is based on the fact that an organisation cannot receive money from itself. It is also based around the fact that if a certain amount of people are able to contribute towards a common fund that have been created by them and are controlled solely by them , then any additional funds for the common purpose will not be held as income but saved for whichever later reason they see fit to spend it. The case Commissioner of Income-tax v. I.T.I. Employees Death & Superannuation Relief established that mutuality principle also offers a tax shelter as money that is being saved cannot be treated as a taxable income. Every covenant has two sides the Benefit and the Burden. The benefit is when a promisee’s has the right to enforce his wishes or a promise and the burden is the promissor’s obligation to fulfil the duty. The case Halsall v Brizell were the claimaint wanted to enforce a covenant upon the defendent who were reluctant to pay the full amount to the claimant when it was due. The case established that if the succesor wanted to take the benefit of a covenant, he also has a responsibility of taking the burden of making sure he pays for it. The Pure Benefit and Burden principle...
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...Group 1 Alias Essay Sydney Bristow is a delightful woman who surrounds herself with peaceful people. Her community as a fiancée, grad student, friend, and bank worker involves her fiancé Daniel, her roommate Francie, her friend Will, and her fellow classmates and Professor. Being a part of this community shows loyalty and honesty. She has an excellent relationship with them all because they communicate often, they reveal secrets to one another, and they give advice when it is necessary. All of them live the life of an average person; they work and or go to school and volunteer in their community. For the most part they are happy people. Their world is rather sweet; they do not face many issues while being a part of this “Sunny Subculture”. Sydney’s life is wonderful from this perspective, she really do not have to worry about besides school. She has a loving fiancé who is ready to marry her and start a family with her very soon. This is the life many people would love to live without the CIA involvement issues. The environment is colorful from Sydney’s red wig, to the bright sunlight shining on her and Will while they run on the track. It is full of color everywhere they go. This is a bright environment with delightful people. Sydney is loyal to everyone around her and her job also. She is too loyal and honest in a way because her honesty leads to the death of Danny. Sydney was determined to keep Danny and her co-workers happy at the same time. She reveals her secret to Danny...
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...What is Covenant? A covenant is a contract or agreement between two or more parties. Covenant is how God has chosen to communicate to us, to redeem us, and to guarantee us eternal life in Jesus. These truths, revealed in the Bible, are the basis of Christianity. The Bible is a covenant document. The Old and New Testaments are really Old and New Covenants. The word "testament" is Latin for Covenant. There is a pattern to the covenants found in the Bible. Basically, it is as follows. The initiating party describes himself and what He has done, then there is a list of obligations between the two (or more) parties. What follows is the section dealing with rewards and punishments that govern the keeping and breaking of the covenant. The Ten Commandments fit this pattern and are a covenant document. My Covenant With God As, a student of Sta. Teresa College which is catholic school, I will always love Him. I will always attend mass especially during an advent season and also during Christmas. And because of STC, my faith to God become strong and my knowledge about God is widen. I will also avoid bad doings like being a selfish. How would you perform your covenant with God? I will perform my covenant with God by doing His words. Because God will never neglect us because God loves us. He will always here for us, He will always protect us in any calamities or problems. What are my covenant with my parents? I will always respect and love them. Because if they are not...
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...University of Phoenix Material Appendix D Part I Define the following terms: |Term |Definition | |Ethnic group |people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture. | | |wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn | | | | |Anti-Semitism |the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people | | |wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn | |Islamophobia |Extreme or irrational fear of all Islamic persons | | |wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn | |Xenophobia |Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries | | |wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn | |Persecution |the act of persecuting (especially on the basis...
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...Didnt read lolВсе повече и повече нови продукти навлизат в нашия живот. Преди години смартфоните и таблетите изглеждаха по-скоро като лукс, отколкото като необходимост, а днес много хора трудно биха си представили ежедневието без тях. По целия свят стартъпи разработват нови технологии и джаджи и търсят своето място на потребителския пазар. Ето няколко по-интересни устройства, които в близките години ще се развива и налагат все повече във всекидневието: Ilumi След като телефоните и часовниците ни поумняха идва ред на … електрическите лампи? Ilumi а едни от първите крушки, които правят много повече от това просто да осветят дома Ви. Тази лампа може да се контролира изцяло с помощта на приложение за смартфон. Изплзвайки Bluetooth 4.0. технологията, с която разполагат всички модерни смартфони, ilumi може да бъде програмирана да свети в богат цветови спектър и яркост, за да превърнете дома си в дискотека. Друго, което предлагат тези електрически крушки е опцията да ги нагласяте кога да светят. Ако просто алармата на телефона не е достатъчна, за да Ви изтръгне сутрин от обятията на леглото, ilumi може да помогне. Може да светят периодично, когато Ви няма, за да се създаде илюзията, че домът не празен. Ilumi имат и вграден сензор за движение, с които светят, само когато сте наоколо. Крушктие идват в две разновидности – 12-ватовата A21 и 15-ватовата PAR30, съответно $89 и $90. Цените им изглеждат доста солени, но като се има предвид, че идват с гаранция до 20 години и са енергоспестяващи...
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...Planning and Building Regulations * Legislation The principal legislation is the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (‘TCPA 1990’), as amended. Much of the detail of the system, however, is to be found under various statutory instruments brought into force under this Act. * When is planning permission needed? Planning permission required for the carrying out of ‘development’. In basic terms, planning permission is needed in respect of any activity which constitutes ‘development’. ‘Development’ is defined in s 55 of the TCPA 1990 as follows: “… the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land…” This definition includes the erection of new buildings, the demolition of and alteration to existing buildings and/or the making of a material change of use (please refer below) to a property. Note that provided any one of these elements is present, the possibility of the need for planning permission needs to be considered. It is possible for there to be building works but not a change of use and, equally, for there to be a change of use without building works: in both cases, the proposals may amount to development and so require planning permission. As regards change of use, only a material change in use requires permission. ‘Material’ is not defined and is a question of fact and degree in each particular case. * Matters which...
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...Interview of a Mormon… By: Amy Stone Hum/130 Due: 8/16/15 Instructor: Michael Merez In my study of the Mormon religion I found out they feel that some of the scriptures of the Bible are written incorrectly. They also believe that Adam was not made of the dust of the earth that he was God and the father of Jesus Christ. Their belief also believes there are “different levels in the afterlife”. They are as followed: A. The Celestial Kingdom B. The Terrestrial Kingdom C. The Telestial Kingdom D. The Outer Darkness… They also believe that Jesus was born of Mary, but as a virgin. They are taught that God and Mary had a “physical relationship. Also believe and are taught “Salvation can be earned by faith and good works”. This is not true in order to be saved you need to ask forgiveness for your sins. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did on the Cross for your sins, and confess your sins. A brief history of the founder Joseph Smith Jr. in 1820 claimed he had a “vision from God telling him all Christianity was an abomination in their site and he was not to join any”. When he told others about his vision they “persecuted him”. He was 15 at this time. In 1823 when he was 18 he met “the angel Moroni “the glorified son of one Mormon”. Moroni came to Joseph “three times” and said to him to look for Gold-Plates on a hill in Palmyra, but to wait four years before he took them and not to show the tablets to...
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...this paper was conducted at The Church of Latter Day Saints in Buckhannon, WV. The inside of the church does not differ much to other new churches built in today’s society. It consists of the Chapel and classrooms. Interviewing one of the members of the church gave me in-site into some of their beliefs. A Mormon church service is three hours long it is divided up into three parts the main worship service, Sunday school and they then breakup into two classes priesthood for men and relief society for women. When asked about the roles of women in the Church it was told that they are the mothers and the leaders of the family. They tend to the needs of not only their families but the church families also. Celestial marriage was explained that it is an eternal marriage. A marriage that is performed in the temple and that will last for all eternity. If your spouse dies and you are of a...
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...The Mormon Religion As I previously stated, I visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple located at 9900 Stoneybrook Drive Kensington, Maryland 20895. The website for the church is http://lds.org/church/temples/washington-dc?lang=eng. I was unable get in contact with a specific point of contact before I visited the church for the first time, so I attempted to attend on a Sunday, not realizing they’re not open on Sundays. I later learned that the church was not a church at all. It was a temple. On my next visit I was denied entrance because I was not Mormon. After realizing there were rules to being permitted entrance to a temple, I contacted my friend who is a Mormon and was also my inspiration for the religion I chose for this assignment and she went to the temple with me in order for me to get an up close and personal experience at the church. The people at the temple were very friendly. When I first drove up to the temple I noticed that the building did not look the way I was used to church’s looking. I grew up in the south and I am used to somewhat small churches, often constructed by the members themselves. The size of this temple was very intimidating from the outside. It was the largest church I had ever visited or even seen in person. There was beautiful landscaping leading up to and surrounding the temple. The structure of the building was exquisite! The temple was all white and several stories tall. The outside looked to be made of stone...
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...Tabernacle and Temple Comparison The Tabernacle was a sanctified place where God chose to meet his people, the Israelites, during the 40 years they roamed in the desert under Moses’ guidance. The leaders and people came together to worship and offer sacrifices. The detailed layout of the Tabernacle and its courtyard is important because it shows God’s given way for man to approach Him. This setup informed the Israelites they could only come to God in the way he prescribed. The Tabernacle entailed a tent-like structure covered by rug-like layers for a roof, and an exterior courtyard. The Tabernacle was separated into the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies (The Tabernacle Place, 2006). It was made of acacia wood boards coated with gold and fitted together to form the walls. On top, four layers of curtains represented a roof to protect the Tabernacle from sun and rain, the innermost layer was knitted with good linen and embroidered with angel figures, the second layer was made of goat’s hair, the third layer was made of rams’ skins dyed red, and the outermost layer was made of porpoise skins (The Tabernacle Place, 2006). The curtains were held to the ground with loops and clasps. The Tabernacle was enclosed by a tall fence made of lined draperies (The Tabernacle Place, 2006). The whole compound was surrounded by a high fence with only one entrance. The gate was concealed by a curtain or screen made of finely twisted linen with the colors blue, purple and...
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...Introduction There seem to be some incidents that are difficult to understand in the Bible, so Thomas G. Long questions whether every biblical text can be preached. The mysterious death of the man named Uzzah is one of these incidents, described in 2 Samuel 6:1-10. The passage is about David and his soldiers’ moving the ark to Jerusalem. As the ark processional arrived at the threshing floor of Nacon, oxen stumbled, the cart bearing the ark tipped, and the man named Uzzah reached out to steady the ark. Then God struck Uzzah dead. David became angry and named the place Perez-uzzah. On one hand, it is believed that this incident is caused by Uzzah’s violation of the divine directives, which are that the ark should be handled correctly according to God’s instructions. As Ingrid M. Haase, “scholars have always stressed the inherent sacredness of the ark and that it did not need puny man’s attention to survive.” Since the sanctity of the ark was so extreme and its violation so serious, when Uzzah had reached out to the ark, this alone was reason enough to be put to death. On the other hand, David F. Payne analyzes Uzzah’s death in the following manner, providing a somewhat naturalistic cause: “Uzzah, with the best of intentions in the world, instinctively put out a hand to steady the ark, and having done so was horrified at his own action, and overcome by fear suffered a heart attack or something of the sort.” According to Eugene H. Maly, Uzzah slipped and fell on the rocky...
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...I know this church is true: Deconstructing the falsehood of the LDS Establishment. “I know this church is true.” These words echo through every chapel of the 29,253 Wards and Branches (churches) in the LDS faith every first Sunday. Anyone sharing their testimony mechanically recites this followed by its companion phrases “I know the Book of Mormon is true” and “I know Joseph Smith was a prophet.” After obligatorily reciting these lines every congregant old enough to talk and brave enough to stand behind the pulpit shares their testimony of how the church affected their lives since the last time they bore their testimony. This profession of belief in the church serves a dual purpose in the eyes of many LDS members. They are taught from an early age that bearing one’s testimony wipes clean any sin leaving them spotless and without fault. (Smith 1835) This is one of the many fallacies heaped onto members and converts of the LDS faith commonly referred to as Mormons. This trinity of mantras is a short version of the church’s foundation and its belief system. The fast Sunday recitation is the cornerstone by which all temple-worthy members live their lives. It is also the stumbling block by which the façade of godliness within the Mormon faith can be deconstructed. By using the words of the Book of Mormon and other holy texts, as well as the words of their leaders, one can reveal a works-based system that is neither effective nor Biblical. The trinity of Falsehood LDS apologetics...
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...Mormons What is Mormonism? Who is a Mormon? And what place does Mormonism have in the religious tradition of the United States today? This paper will attempt to give readers a better understanding of the Mormon religion by detailing the history of the religion from its beginnings to today. It will also describe what a typical church or “temple” (as Mormons call their place of worship) service is like. It will also describe any holidays the Mormon people celebrate that correspond with the Christian holidays of other Christian sects. It will not attempt to judge the Mormon religion, as either good or bad, as has been so frequently done in the popular media. Rather than judging it, this paper will attempt to achieve a greater understanding of the religion in its context in the Christian religious tradition and the American religious tradition. In 1820, according to the Mormon faith, Joseph Smith (1806-1844) prayed to God to ask him for a sign that would tell him what church he ought to join. Instead, Jesus Christ and God appeared to the young man and told him he ought to found what the Mormon Church is today. Smith was fourteen at the time, a farmer from the region of western New York known as the "burned-over district" because of its unrelenting religious enthusiasm. (All About Mormons Website) Mormons believe that this revelation to Smith was similar to that of God to Saul. They refer to Smith as “The Prophet” because his revelation was transmitted to...
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