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Legalizing Prostitution

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Prostitution is often commonly referred to as the oldest profession in the world. While it is often said jokingly with a wink and a smile, the phrase is rooted in some truth. It is not clear whether it actually is the oldest profession, especially when compared to careers like farming, military, and teaching. Regardless, prostitution has been happening since the days of early civilizations. “It [prostitution] stains the earliest mythological records. It is constantly assumed as an existing fact in Biblical history. We can trace it from the earliest twilight in which history dawns to the clear daylight of to-day” (Sanger, 1897, p. 35). For most of history, the act of prostitution was legal. Today sex work is generally treated by society …show more content…
They aim to create legislation, campaigns, and resources to provide a safer environment for women who are there by choice and to end and monitor any trafficking that might occur. Countries like Amsterdam, Australia, Indonesia, and Germany legally allow prostitution. In some countries, everything related to sex work is legal from prostitution to owning brothels and even sex trade. In other countries with legal prostitution, only the act of prostitution is legal and pimping or owning brothels what will get one in trouble. Each of these countries have varied success with the legislation and policies in protecting women. So is legalizing prostitution helpful or harmful to the women involved? If prostitution was legalized it would create more harm than benefit for women.
It is common for prostitutes in poorer countries to engage in unsafe sex multiple times a day. Condoms and other sexual health products are not common due to the lack of availability and added costs that would be put upon the prostitutes themselves. Not to mention, information about the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is not common knowledge, as it is for you or I. Sex education and the widespread availability of contraceptive products in the United States is often taken for granted. One of the arguments in favor of legalizing prostitution is that it would help monitor the sexual health of

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