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Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution

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The legalization of prostitution has been a controversial topic of discussion, with arguments ranging from morality issues to economic benefits. Those in favor of legalizing prostitution argue that doing so would allow men and women in the industry to receive higher quality healthcare and would increase protections against violence, abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases. Legalizing prostitution would also allow sex workers to receive labor rights and would uphold the U.S. Supreme Court decisions that granted specific rights to women. Those that oppose legalization argue that prostitution corrupts society’s morals, spreads diseases, increases the likelihood of human trafficking, reverses the progress of women in society, traps women who do not have a choice but to join the industry, and …show more content…
Those who oppose legalization counter that labor rights for an industry that establishes the use of reproductive body parts as a commodity would not be valuable in a court of law because of its violation of human rights. The prospect of tax revenue from legalized prostitution is another valid point in favor of legalization because of the high demand for sex that has been in existence for thousands of years. However, opponents argue that it corrupts society to encourage obscene acts in exchange for money. The U.S. Supreme Court case, Miller v. California, supports the opposition’s argument because the Court held that “A work may be subject to state regulation where that work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex… [that], taken as a whole, does not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value” (413 U.S. 15, 1973). On an international stage, those in favor of legalization argue that in countries, such as Sweden, that have legalized prostitution, violence against women has been greatly decreased, and there have been fewer cases of human

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