...Annotated Bibliography: Student Well-Being in Adolescent Years Emmeka Lenson 17422604 McDougall, B. (2013, August 9). Tragedy of Tormented Teenagers – mental illness hits one in four. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved from http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ‘Tragedy of tormented teenagers – mental illness hits one in four’, is an article about the growing number of adolescents being diagnosed with mental health disorders. As many as one in four teenagers are reported to have established psychological problems and research shows that the majority of them are not receiving any treatment. 80% of young adults with mental health issues did not identify their problem at its first signs, and thus missed out on prompt treatment. Numerous adolescents are either too embarrassed to seek help from others or do not know how, so instead they suffer in silence. Mental health is extremely important to adolescent well-being and to normal development and functioning. Out of the thousands of young people diagnosed with mind diseases, 14% are now affected by developmental disorders due to late identification and treatment. It has been discovered that people who have a mental illnesses, have a life expectancy 15-20 years lower than an average healthy person. Statistics also reveal that for every Australian Year 12 class, at least one or more students have attempted to commit suicide and many more have experienced suicidal thoughts. Mental health problems are one of the main causes of adolescent...
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...quickly, and its most frequent drop has been among its youngest readers, elementary school students (National Endowment for the Arts, 2004). McKool’s (2007) research has found that there is a “strong relationship between the amount of out-of-school reading a student engages in and his or her success in school” (p. 111). It has also been found that students’ academic levels do not remain the same with no growth, but their academic levels actually drop if they do not read in their free time (Hughes- Hassell & Lutz, 2006). The current literature focuses on younger students, especially those in elementary school. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential differences of what influences middle grades students’ reading interests, leisure reading habits, and reading and academic achievement. This study found that gender, race or ethnicity, parents’ educational levels, academic success (grades), and citizenship did not influence middle school students reading interests. Gender, race or ethnicity, parents’ educational levels, academic success or grades, and citizenship did...
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...Qualitative Study of Reasons for (Non) Participation in Physical Recreation Griffith University Gold Coast Campus Introduction The objective of this qualitative study is to investigate and compare the responses of both single men and women who do not participate in physical recreation. The first part of this report will primarily focus on a brief review of research material gathered in relation to the objective of this study. Secondly this report will give a short description of the research method used to gather the data for the quantitative research and thirdly it will discuss and describe the major reason for the non-participation in physical recreation of single men and women. There will also be a focus on the on the issue and the comparison between the genders with the hope to find the reasoning between the two genders, as well as to determine if possible that one gender exercises more than the other and thirdly the report will discuss and describe the major reason for the non-participation in physical recreation of single men and women. This research will also centre on three (3) primary questions in order to determine the difference between single men and women and how physical and recreational activities impact or do not impact on their everyday work and lifestyles. The questions will also be used within the interview process between the two genders, to again determine the findings and come to a conclusion. Findings will come from: Is motivation or...
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...Kevin Sattakun CAFF 321 Professor Ostlund 22 November 2015 Stress Management in the Workplace The majority of people in the world would be immensely happier if one thing did not exist in their life: stress. What is the one thing that Americans’ have in common that causes them the most stress? It’s something that takes up a majority of peoples’ time and puts food on the table. That one thing is work. Work is a large part of why people in the United States and all across the world want to pull out their hair and call it quits. An enormous aspect of why work might be stressful is caused by the actual work environment. You can tell the difference between stress levels when walking into a newspaper HQ and walking into a jewelry store. An article called “Toward Human Sustainability: How to Enable More Thriving at Work” talks about how to create a less stressful work environment. The article gives managers and companies detailed instructions on how to lower stress and what its positive outputs in the workspace are. An issue that works against lowering stress in the workplace is the fact that Americans just are not taking days off from work anymore. A website by the name of “Project: Time Off” creates blog posts and detailed analyses on what exactly happens when Americans do not take time off. One of these analyses include “Overwhelmed America: Why Don’t We Use Our Earned Leave?” This analysis includes abundant data and explanations on how the relationship between worker and company...
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...“Work Ethic: Do New Employees Mean New Work Values?” 2010 Journal of Managerial Issues, 22 (1), 10-34 Raymond K. Van Ness, Ph.D. State University of New York at Albany, Kimberly Melinsky, Ph.D. ABD, The College of Saint Rose, Cheryl Buff, Ph.D. Siena College, and Charles F. Seifert, Ph.D. Siena College ABSTRACT This study compares and contrasts the individual dimensions of work ethic of graduating college and university students to those of workforce professionals. The Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP) is used to operationalize seven dimensions of work ethic. The findings indicate that while students and workforce professionals differ within the individual dimensions, quantitatively, they have the same overall work ethic. Variances within the dimensions of work ethic may have important implications for corporate managers. Keywords: Work Ethic, Work Values, Dimensions of Work Ethic “Work Ethic: Do New Employees Mean New Work Values?” INTRODUCTION The concept of work ethic has evolved from the writings of the early 20th century scholar, Max Weber (Weber, 1904-1905), who has been frequently credited with contributing to the success of capitalism in western society with what became known as the Protestant work ethic (PWE) (Hirschfeld and Field, 2000; Hill and Petty, 1995; Kalberg, 1996; Chusmir and Koberg, 1988). Weber highlighted the value of work commitment and raised questions as to why some people place a greater importance on work and appear more conscientious than...
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...Recreation and Leisure in Canada Assignment AHSC 242 Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................................3 Part 1: Understanding/Recognizing how free time is spent.........................................................................4 Trends and Patterns........................................................................................................................4 Work and Leisure Occurring Simultaneously.................................................................................4 Motivation of Leisure......................................................................................................................5 Influence on Leisure........................................................................................................................5 Defining Leisure – Response Theory (MacNeil)..............................................................................5 Part 2: The Role of Leisure in our Lives.........................................................................................................6 Moving Away from home and entering a Serious Relationship....................................................6 Escaping Reality...............................................................................................................................7 My Life without School......................
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...Some students find it difficult to come up with impressive and insightful essays when they are being told to submit one in class. Since writing requires you to be skilful, creative and smart all at the same time this makes writing essays all the more difficult. Students are compelled to generate essays for their own good like when they are being prepared for college or when they are required to write essays about themselves for documentation purposes. For whatever reason, some students find it a struggle to come up with a mix of words and make it appear sensible and brilliant. Here are a few suggestions on how to write your very own essay without straining your brain too much. First of all, one must know that you have to keep it simple. You have to know that as a student, not much is expected from you so you shouldn’t pressure yourself too much. Just make a carefree and free flowing essay that mainly talks about yourself and no one else. If you do have to include any other person in your essay in which you believe is quite necessary then it has to be done minimally. Perhaps you can mention your parents and your siblings. Other than that, it would just be a complete waste of your time. So start off with an introduction about yourself, what your name is, where you live. Like this example here: I am (insert name here) and I am currently residing at (insert address here). This introduction will give the reader the idea a bit of who you are. Then you can include the basics such...
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...work/leisure relations are examined—compensation, generalization, and segmentation. All three theories have received some support; however, the review indicates that much of the available research evidence is constrained by conceptual and methodological problems. A number of paradigms for describing work/leisure patterns are reviewed, and it is concluded that most of these paradigms are more suitable for classifying leisure definitions than for guiding empirical research. Research in this field requires objective definitions of attributes common across life spheres. A task-based description of work and nonwork is discussed, and its research utility is illustrated. It is recommended that future research be concerned with describing different work/leisure patterns, the processes underlying these patterns, and the life consequences associated with different patterns. The meaning and the relationships between labor and leisure, work and contemplation, or in the most general sense, work and nonwork have been a source of intellectual, political, and religious debate for a considerable period in Western history. However, the view that the interplay between labor and leisure forms a major social and intellectual problem is a largely postindustrial phenomenon (Wilensky, I960). 1 Wilensky proposed that there are a number of social trends linked to industrialization that account for this development. Industrialization resulted An earlier version of this was included in a report prepared...
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...present some arguments of the limitations about the theory and some other economic models. Foregone Earnings In the reality, during a constant period of time, if people attempt to be able to do something, they always need to give up the chance of doing other things, and the differences between the benefits brought by the two groups of things could be called as the foregone earnings or the opportunity costs. As Investopedia (2013) explained that the foregone earnings are the differences in earnings or performance between what is actually achieved and what could have been achieved with the absence of specific fees, expenses or lost time. Theoretically, when simplifying the analysing, we often choose to compare one work activity with a leisure activity and consider the...
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...schedules. Many employers are trying to move away from the traditional time patterns and are allowing employees to match their work schedules more closely to their lifestyles. Three of the modifications in the traditional workday that are being utilized by many organizations are: the compressed workweek, flexitime, and job sharing. Compressed Workweek Typically, the compressed workweek consists of a four-day, forty-hour week where the employees work ten hours a day. How-ever, “some organizations are experimenting with a three-day, thirty-six hour week {average of twelve hours per day}” {Quiable, 1980, 341}. An advantage of the compressed of the workweek is that workers have an extra day to handle personal matters or participate in leisure activities. This additional free time tends to reduce employee absenteeism and tardiness and to increase the morale and job satisfaction of the employees. Another advantage of this schedule is the reduction in the time and expense of commuting to work by 20 percent each week {Chruden and Sherman, 1984, 42}. One major disadvantage of this work schedule is the employees, increased fatigue which results from longer hours worked each day. Flexitime Another alternative that is becoming popular is one whereby employees may determine their own daily work schedules. Their arrival and departure times each day are flexible. However, all employees must work a forty-hour workweek and be present during certain core or peak workload hours each day...
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...Part 1 最 常 考 问 题 及 参 考 答 案 注意很多问题后要加理由,不然考官就会问你“WHY” 第一部分很多是问个人信息的问题,答案因人而异,这里提供的答案可以做为范本,不符 合你的情况的可以做些修改。符合你的情况的,你可以练熟!还有一些问题,就是我们提 供的问题的变化,就是不同的问法,但是你可以用同一个方式来回答的,要记得考试时候 能听明白,然后会转化哦! 1. Your Work or Your Studies • Do you work or are you a student? Well, I am a senior in Zhejiang University and I’m planning to pursue my master’s degree in the U.K after my graduation. That’s why I take this test. 1a) Your Work General Description of Your Job • What job (or, what work) do you do? I’m a teacher at an English training center. I’ve been working there for several years. It’s my pleasure to see my students make progress, so I think this job is very suitable for me. • What is the nature of that work? It’s a teaching job. I help the students improve their English language skills and most of them are planning to take IELTS. • What do you do in that job? I teach English, both productive and receptive skills. My job is to help my students succeed in their studies and pass exams if they need to. • Would you say your job (or, your work) is very important? 、 I think so. I think the world will be much worse if there’re no teachers, especially good...
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...Eat That Frog BY: Brian Tracy 1 Table of Contents Preface Introduction Chapter 1 .......................Set the Table Chapter 2 .......................Plan Every Day In Advance Chapter 3 .......................Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything Chapter 4 .......................Consider the Consequences Chapter 5 .......................Practice the ABCDE Method Continually Chapter 6 .......................Focus on Key Result Areas Chapter 7 .......................Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency Chapter 8 .......................Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin Chapter 9 .......................Do Your Homework Chapter 10 .....................Leverage Your Special Talents Chapter 11 .....................Identify Your Key Constraints Chapter 12 .....................Take It One Oil Barrel At A Time Chapter 13 .....................Put the Pressure on Yourself Chapter 14 .....................Maximize Your Personal Power Chapter 15 .....................Motivate Yourself Into Action 2 Chapter 16 .....................Practice Creative Procrastination Chapter 17 .....................Do the Most Difficult Task First Chapter 18 .....................Slice and Dice the Task Chapter 19 .....................Create Large Chunks of Time Chapter 20 .....................Develop a Sense of Urgency Chapter 21 .....................Single Handle Every Task Putting It All Together 3 Preface Thank you for picking up this book. I hope these ideas help you as much as have helped...
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...10 Minute Guide to Getting Organized Introduction Acknowledgments Trademarks Lesson 1. Why Get Organized? The Characteristics of an Organized Life Where to Find Organization Who Needs to Be Organized The Rewards of Being Organized The Characteristics of an Organized Person The 30-Second Recap Lesson 2. Easy Organizing Basics Getting Started Planning the Day Ahead Creating a "To-Do" Template Put Technology to Work The 30-Second Recap Lesson 3. Balancing Home and Office Two-Income Households Longer Working Life Setting Goals Single-Parent Household Living Alone Live to Work or Work to Live The 30-Second Recap Lesson 4. Finishing a Day's Work in Advance Getting Up to Go to Sleep Plan Ahead to Save Time The 30-Second Recap Lesson 5. Using High-Tech Tools and Software High-Tech Tools Software Intranets A Word About Low-Tech The 30-Second Recap Lesson 6. Understanding Your Company The Secret of Change Factors of Change The Politics of Change Opportunity Factors The 30-Second Recap Lesson 7. Organizing Your Office Your Desk and Chair The Science of Ergonomics The 30-Second Recap Lesson 8. Managing Your Computer Hardware Software System Tools The 30-Second Recap Lesson 9. Organizing Your Staff Conducting a Survey Implementing Solutions The 30-Second Recap Lesson 10. Managing Your Budget Companies and Budgets Universal Principles Ratio Analysis Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Sales Breakeven Analysis An Example of Budget Analysis ...
Words: 33647 - Pages: 135
...WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE - ROBIN SHARMA THE TRAGEDY OF LIFE IS NOT DEATH, BUT WHAT WE LET DIE INSIDE OF US WHILE WE LIVE. NORMAN COUSINS Contents Preface 1. Discover Your Calling 2. Every Day, Be Kind to a Stranger 3. Maintain Your Perspective 4. Practice Tough Love 5. Keep a Journal 6. Develop an Honesty Philosophy 7. Honor Your Past 8. Start Your Day Well 9. Learn to Say No Gracefully 10. Take a Weekly Sabbatical 11. Talk to Yourself 12. Schedule Worry Breaks 13. Model a Child 14. Remember, Genius Is 99 Percent Inspiration 15. Care for the Temple 16. Learn to Be Silent 17. Think About Your Ideal Neighborhood 18. Get Up Early 19. See Your Troubles as Blessings 20. Laugh More 21. Spend a Day Without Your Watch 22. Take More Risks 23. Live a Life 24. Learn from a Good Movie 25. Bless Your Money 26. Focus on the Worthy 27. Write Thank – You Notes 28. Always Carry a Book with You 29. Create a Love Account 30. Get Behind People’s Eyeballs 31. List Your Problems 32. Practice the Action Habit 33. See Your Children as Gifts 34. Enjoy the Path, Not Just the Reward 35. Remember That Awareness Precedes Change 36. Read Tuesday’s With Morrie 37. Master Your Time 38. Keep Your Cool 39. Recruit a Board of Directors 40. Cure Your Monkey Mind 41. Get Good at Asking 42. Looking for the Higher Meaning of Your Work 43. Build a Library of Heroic Books 44. Develop Your Talents 45. Connect with Nature 46. Use Your Commute Time 47. Go on a News Fast 48. Get Serious About Setting Goals 49...
Words: 35643 - Pages: 143
...Part 1: A. I think there is a big difference in college writing and casual writing. I fell like college writing has is more structured. You have to capitalize the words that need to be capitalized, Indent at the beginning of each paragraph, and write paragraphs in the write structure. College level writing is more in-depth and detailed than casual writing. B. My favorite hobby is listening and creating music. Music is very strong, meaningful, and a way to express feelings. C. I love listening and creating music. Listening and creating music is very fun to me, it’s also very relaxing. Music can be very useful in many ways. You can give a positive message in music and also get people to enjoy it by expressing on a rhythmic beat and words. Listening and creating music gives an outlet to express many different emotions, sad, mad, and happy. Creating music is fun from recording lyrics to mixing and creating the whole sound. Music is what I do in my free time, it’s my favorite hobby. Part2: A. I have to basic step that I think is going to be the most difficult for me is “Drafting”. The reason I chose drafting is because I never utilized that step unless it was required by the teacher, and counted as part of the assignment. I’m going to start utilizing all of the steps that where listed. When I write my text paper I’m going to sit down and plan my paper, Also planning and taking the proper steps actually make the paper easier to...
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