...Q: Rashi explains they were arguing over 2 worlds. Don’t be misconstrued, it wasn’t that Y wanted the next world and E wanted this world, that’s not an argument, nor is it a compromise, it is an agreement. A: The conflict begins with E wanting to switch olam hazeh and olam haba. Shabbat – Ikar vs Tefel * Esav asks his father ‘Do we take maaser off salt or wheat’ i.e maser of tafel products. Esav wanted to elevate tafel, physicality. * The entire purpose of the tefel (secondary, subservient) is to aid the ikar, without the tefel, the ikar couldn’t work. The left hand aids the right, if your interest is in the left then both the right and left fail. To accentuate this point, there is a minimum amount you can carry on Shabbat, you can carry it in a kli as heavy as you want as the purpose of the kli is the ikar, and so it becomes one with the ikar, in perfect harmony, the tefel is elevated to become part of you, the reverse is that the ikar is degraded to tafel, when your focus is on the tefel, you fail on both the tefel and ikar. * 2 dimensions: Orange and orange peel, car and destination, body and soul, right and left hand, salt and food, straw (tafel to food) and wheat (shell to wheat). * Torah (spiritual) and mitzvah (tzavta [Aramaic] – together - sevet [Hebrew] – crew, a group of individuals that work together) when you do an action in this world, you connect it to the source, the next world. To do a mitzva when you are commanded is better than spontaneously...
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...used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods like leavened bread, alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles and yogurt. Inorganic substances such as soda and cream of tartar are also used to chemically alter an ingredient. PLANTS Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct cultivars. Seeds of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthy fats, such as Omega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings is seed-based foods. Edible seeds include cereals (maize, wheat, rice, et cetera), legumes (beans, peas, lentils, et cetera), and nuts. Oilseeds are often pressed to...
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...the factual content of the paper. • Use fewer than 10 words. • Describe your specific investigation. o For instance “The Effect of Road Salt on Lentil Seed Germination and Growth” rather than “Seed Experiment” Abstract Provide a brief overview of the report in your own words The abstract should contain 5 parts (as outlined in abstract rubric) o Purpose, Hypothesis, Procedure, Results, Conclusion Be specific about results - do not use phrases like "it worked". Be very careful NOT to copy text from the lab handout. The abstract should be one paragraph and contain scientific terminology Problem • State the problem specifically in question form. o For instance, “What is the effect of road salt on the germination and growth of lentil seeds?” Hypothesis State the hypothesis using the "If, then. because" format. • Predict the results based on the problem stated. • Gather preliminary research and information before writing the hypothesis in order to ensure that the problem is testable and relevant. o For instance, “If salt is added to soil, then lentil seeds will not germinate because salt will dehydrate the seed” Introduction • Provide...
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...Understanding your fats and Fiber According to the “Face the Fats” article we have bad fats, better fats, and best fats. Bad fats are considered saturated fats and trans fats. Bad fat is anything with butter on it or in it. Examples of saturated fat items would be steaks, loaded potatoes, and deserts as well. Examples of trans fats would be anything deep fried like fast food French fries or fried chicken. Better fats are monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. These fats are better for you and are not as bad on your hear health. Examples of better fats would be olive oil and canola oils. Polyunsaturated fats contain omega 3 and omega 6. In order to find the amount of these fats you should subtract your saturated and trans fats and you are left with mono and poly. The best fats would be the fats your body needs like omega 3. Saturated fat is anything that has butter in it. Mostly found in fast food restaurants, this fat is derived from animal products and comes from dairy, meat, and eggs. Unsaturated fat is derived from plant products. Trans fatty acid is the process of adding hydrogen to vegetable oil this is really bad for your cholesterol. Hydrogenated fat is when hydrogen is added to liquid oil and it is turned in to a solid form like Crisco. Trans fatty acids are harmful to your cholesterol levels. The function of lipids in the body is for energy storage in the body. Lipids are also the difference between good and bad cholesterol. The function...
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...Saturated fats have a chemical makeup in which the carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats consist of foods like steaks, burgers, and anything with butter. An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there is one or more double bond in the fatty acid chain. Unsaturated fats include foods like avocado, nuts, fish, soybean, canola oil, and olive oil. Trans fatty acids are manufactured fats created during a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenated fat is a type of fat made through the process of hydrogenation, whereby the fat is hardened using hydrogen. Coronary artery disease is a condition that may affect the arteries of the heart and produce reduced flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cardiac tissue, type 2 diabetes is a form of diabetes mellitus in which the pancreas produces some insulin that is defective and unable to serve the complete needs of the body, hypertension is the result in high blood pressure. The functions of fiber in the body is to regulate our bowel movements. Lipids are the fat cells in which stores energy in our body. You can find dietary fiber in most fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Some of the foods with the highest dietary content are pears, dried figs, split cooked peas, lentils, kidney beans, wheat bran flakes, bran cereal with raisins, brown rice, oatmeal and dry mixed nuts Some of the benefits in a high fiber diet include a lower cholesterol. Having a lower cholesterol then turns into the lowering of the...
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...However, there are lot differences of celebrating the Independence Day on 31 August and today in terms of spirit and technology. On 31st of August every year, we as Malaysians celebrate the National Day. A lot of people enjoy celebrating the National Day. We enjoy singing the National Songs, decorating our classroom, watching the countdown concert, counting down the time to midnight and watching the parade on National Day. But when we do all those things, do we feel anything or we just celebrate National Day without understanding or feeling anything?? Don’t you at least feel proud being a Malaysian?? At least, we should APPRECIATE living here in Malaysia. There are a lot of reasons why we should. We have to remember that everything we have is given to us by God. We should appreciate even the smallest thing that God gave us. Having good health, a happy family, and a peaceful environment. All this things we have to appreciate because God can take it back from us anytime. We should never take for granted of anything that God has given to us. When we learn to appreciate things, we will live happier because we realize that the...
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...also one of the more famous as well. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir performs in more than 28 countries and in multiple cities around the US. One of the biggest things the Mormon religion tried to instill on every member is leading by example. This is a practice that most members of the church try to follow. Some of the things include cursing, drinking, smoking and pretty much anything that is bad for their bodies. Mormons believe that by leading by example they are spreading good to others so that they make the right choices. I feel that the reason that the Mormon religion is criticized so much is due to the face that people that practice other religions take this as a threat to try to change what they believe in. Food supply is another very big part of the Mormon culture. For years the Church has counseled their members to build a year supply of food and other necessary supplies in case of emergencies or if tragedy were to strike. To prepare for this there are certain guideline that need to be followed. These include mostly of nonperishable items like grains and other dried foods such as beans and lentils. Depending on the size of the family will depend on how much of each item need to be purchased. References All About Mormons. (2011, January). Retrieved from http://www.allaboutmormons.com/mormon_culture.php LDS FOOD STORAGE, MORMON FOOD STORAGE. (2007, July). Retrieved from...
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...In Australian society today it is very common for people to meet over a cup of coffee in a cafe. This essay will firstly touch on the history of the growing of coffee and its consumption. The essay will then explore the rituals and relationships that occur through café culture and link this to Symbolic Interactionism as well as discuss coffee in relation to Globalisation Theory, and in particular to Ritzer’s McDonaldisation theory. It will conclude with the argument that the consumption of coffee is not only limited to people’s enjoyment of flavour or the feeling that caffeine provides, but is a social interaction in itself. Coffee is native to the mountains of Ethiopia, with the first historical records of it being roasted and brewed by the 1500’s. According to Mark Pendergrast, author of Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World, the general consensus is that coffee beans were then transported from Ethiopia, across the Red Sea to Yemen. For a time no fertile beans were exported, but an Indian pilgrim took fertile seeds to India and began the growing of coffee plants. The consumption of coffee then spread to England and to Europe by 1650. It is said that by the year 1700 there were over 2000 coffee house in London alone (ABC Rear Vision, 2009). Coffee beans are now grown in the area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, in countries which are (mostly) developing. According to the International Coffee Organisation, Brazil produced and...
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...The College Student’s Guide to Grocery Shopping Healthy Eating Made Easy Introducing Healthy Foods… To College Student’s Everywhere 1 | www.syattfitness.com This book is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of the guidelines herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader and should be discussed with a health professional prior to implementation. 2 | www.syattfitness.com CONTENTS Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…4 Chapter 1: Protein………………………………………………………………………………………….……….5-9 Chapter 2: Carbohydrates……………………………………………………………………………….……10-14 Chapter 3: Fats……………………………………………………………………………………………….....15-19 Chapter 4: Beverages……………………………………………………………………………………………20-22 Chapter 5: Supplements……………………………………………………………………………………….23-25 Wrapping Up………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 3 | www.syattfitness.com The College Student’s Guide to Grocery Shopping Healthy Eating Made Easy Welcome to The College Students Guide to Grocery Shopping – Healthy Eating Made Easy! As a current college student myself, I understand that university life is a non-stop whirlwind of classes, sports, clubs, work, random shenanigans, and excessive fraternization with the opposite sex. Trust me, I get it. I also understand that learning how to strategically and consistently incorporate healthy options while enjoying the benefits...
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...One day the King declares that he will have a festival, lasting three days. Another reference to the number 3. All of the beautiful maidens are invited so that the prince can choose a bride. The step-mother sees a great opportunity for one of her daughters to marry a wealthy man, but not if Ashenputtel is there. She demands of Ashenputtel to perform not one but two seemingly impossible tasks, pick one, then two, bowls of lentils from the ashes. Ashenputtel has no problem, with a couple of magical incantations and all of her little familiar spirit friends to help, she obeys her step-mother quickly. The step-mother still refuses to be kind or to keep her word. Off they go to the festival, leaving Ashenputtel at home to magically ask the Hazel tree to provide her with all she needs. Twice she eludes the prince and makes it home after the dancing is over but on the third night the prince puts a sticky substance on the stairs and captures her shoe. We all know what happened then: the Prince took the shoe, found the maiden and...
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...that we consume a certain amount of foods in each food group. We also need to make sure that we get our daily vitamins, fiber and many other nutrients on a daily basis. Dietary fiber adds bulkiness to our diet. It makes you feel full sooner; it can be supportive in controlling our weight. Fiber aids digestion, helps prevent constipation, and is used for the treatment of diverticulitis, diabetes, and heart disease. The main function of fiber though, is to regulate digestion in our bodies. Soluble and insoluble fibers are a little different; they both supply imperative elements that keep you making a healthy lifestyle. When we talk about insoluble fiber, this fiber does not dissolve in liquid. Its task is to keep the digestive tract free of anything that might cause a blockage in your body. It will absorb liquid and expand in the tract, successfully speeding your process of moving bulk through the tract while scraping the interior walls clean of any residue. Then there is soluble fiber, which attracts water and form a gel that slows the digestive process down. It postpones your stomach from emptying and makes you feel full longer. This helps us control our weight and over eating. When your stomach is slower at emptying, it may affect our blood sugar levels. This can have a beneficial effect on our insulin sensitivity, which can help control diabetes as well as lower LDL our bad blood cholesterol. When it comes to fiber and our intake of it, adults need to intake a different amount...
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...liver, mutton, pork, veal etc. | Seafood | Grouper, Mackerel, Red Snapper, Salmon, Sardine, Trout, | Yellowtail, swordfish, snapper, shark | Barracuda, conch, clams, crab, squid, turtle, | Eggs & Dairy | Soy Cheese, Soy milk, non-fat sour cream, goat milk, * Also limit egg consumption to occasionally organically grown eggs preferred, | Feta, goat cheese, goat milk, mozzarella, ricotta, string cheese, yogurts, * Type As can tolerate small amounts of fermented dairy products, but should avoid anything made with whole milk, | ALL Cheese that have MILK -American cheese, blue cheese, brie, butter, cream cheese, gouda, | Oils & Fats | Linseed (flaxseed) oil, Olive oil | Canola oil, cod liver oil, | Corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, | Nuts & Seeds | Peanut, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds | Almond butter, Nuts: - almonds, chestnut, walnuts etc. | Brazil nuts, cashew, pistachios, | Beans & Legumes | Beans-black, green, lentils – green, red, black-eye peas | White beans, green peas, pod peas, snow peas | Kidney beans, | Cereals | Cereals - Amaranth, buckwheat | Cereals - cornflakes, cornmeal, cream of rice, oatmeal, oat bran, rice puff, rice brands, | Cereals – cream of wheat, granola, grape nut, wheat germ,...
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...Nursingdegree.net states that the necessary nutrients found in a plant-based diet are “carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, antioxidents, vitamin C, vitamin E, phytochemicals, and protein”. Yes, the last nutrient may surprise you, but protein can be found in a vegan diet. It is found most commonly in beans, nuts, lentils, peas, and soy products. The harmful effects of a diet including meat and dairy include, “ cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, macular degeneration, cataracts, arthritis, and osteoporosis”. Not only are these products not the best for our overall health, but the way that farmers raise and kill these animals is also...
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...PART ONE Introducing The Contemporary Business World In the Opening Cases in Chapters 1 to 5, you will read about five situations that may seem to have little in common at first glance: Canadian megaprojects that focus on the extraction of oil and nickel, the importance of productivity for our standard of living, the unethical behaviour of some business managers, entrepreneurs starting new businesses, and the exporting of Canadian goods and services to other countries. All of these situations, and many more that are described in this text, have a common thread—they all demonstrate the key elements of business as well as the excitement and complexity of business activity. Each case tells a part of the story of our contemporary business world. Part One, Introducing the Contemporary Business World, provides a general overview of business today, including its economic roots, the environment in which it operates, the importance of entrepreneurship, the various forms of ownership of business firms, the globalization of business, and the ethical problems and opportunities facing business firms. ■ We begin in Chapter 1, Understanding the Canadian Business System, by examining the role of business in the economy of Canada and other market economies. We also present a brief history of business in Canada. Then, in Chapter 2, Understanding the Environments of Business, we examine the external environments that influence business activity. These include the economic, technological...
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...E AT I N G P L A N You’re closer than you think. And you get closer every day. TABLE OF CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction.................................................................................1 How the Fix Is Done .................................................................2 Get Started in 5 Simple Steps ................................................4 Added Zing!...............................................................................8 • To Treat or Not to Treat? ...................................... 10 Hydration ................................................................................. 12 • The Water Bar ........................................................ 13 • The Tea & Coffee Bar ........................................... 14 Multivitamins: ActiVit for Active You .................................. 15 Calorie Charts ........................................................................ 18 Container Food Groups ........................................................ 20 • Replacement Food Container Groups ............... 38 Recipes ..................................................................................... 41 • Seasoning Mixes ................................................... 42 • Container Recipes ................................................. 44 • Green Container ................................... 44 • Red Container ....................................... 46 •...
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