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Leo's Four-Plex Theater


Submitted By jpmorf88
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Leo’s Four-Plex Theater

To address the issue of cash receipts, the owner would be well advised to create a control making the cashiers more responsible for any shortages by either having to pay for their shortfalls or linking their salary to the shortage that occurs. Furthermore, additional data should be printed on the tickets to address from which ticket booth each sale took places and have a designated schedule to cross reference which employee was responsible for selling the tickets associated with the shortfall.
As the refreshment stand suffered from a lack of cash collection for sales and failure to process sales for many items, the management should segregate the duties and have separate employees responsible for delivering the snacks (only after payment with a receipt) and entering sales/collecting cash. This would ensure that any one employee couldn’t give special treatment to their friends or preferred customers. Another option would be to hire employees from a different town where they would be less likely to provide free food to customers with which they are unfamiliar.
The ticket collectors should be instructed to focus on the existing control system regarding the ticket dating and coloring and be held accountable for any deviations between those who view the movies and the number of tickets received along with their respective ticket colors. Additionally, security cameras or other surveillance techniques should be implemented to reduce the number of non ticket bearing entrants into the theater.
Overall, the theater should create a code of conduct for the employees to adhere to so the standards of the company are visible and understood by all employees. Furthermore, the manager should take a greater level of responsibility for the underperformance and have their salary linked to both the effectiveness of the new control systems and adherence to the code of conduct.

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