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Leo's Argument Regarding The Propohesy Of Prophet Muhammad

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The snippets of Leo’s response in the class reading material gave a powerful counter argument regarding the prophesy of prophet Muhammad and claimed it false, and here is his response to Umar regarding the prophesy of Prophet Muhammad “I know that you are troubled by the truth of the us Christians, so you want to find a companion for your lie, that we said that God sent them, written, down from heaven just as you say about your P’urkan, although we are also not uninformed that ‘Umar, Abu Turab, and Salman the Persian wrote your [scripture]. And yet you, lying, spread rumor that God sent it down from heave. These were some tough times between early Christians and early Muslims to understand each other when the religion came in the way, each of them stick into their version but mainly these arguments and intolerance and division among them were sparked by the interpretations …show more content…
This was when he understands that something of a greatness may be associated with this miracle and he was very compassionate, generous and welcoming. The intended audience of this article could be said non-Muslims and probably intended for a Christian audience to know and understand about Islam, who prophet Muhamad was and what may have been the miraculous events that surrounded his life from childhood as an orphan. A young orphan who lost both parents and rejected the idea of the famous big ideas like “al-Lata and al-Uzza” at that age except that Allah is mentioned that is when he is satisfied. All these incidents serves as a living testimony that there was something more to this orphan more than what the people of Quraysh had even

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