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Lesson 29: Writing A Letter Of Apology

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Lesson 29 Writing: Writing a Complete Letter of Apology
What is a letter of apology?
Here are some reasons for apologizing. Tick ( ) the ones you might use to write a letter of apology. Compare your answers with a partner’s.
1 ( ) forgetting a birthday
2 ( ) breaking a glass
3 ( ) losing a book
4 ( ) spilling something
5 ( ) walking on the cat
6 ( ) not completing work
7 ( ) crashing a car

1. A letter of apology is written to ask for forgiveness because of a mistake done.
2. This letter should be sincere (serious).

Writing a letter of apology
There are several steps in writing the paragraphing or main text of a letter of apology:

Express your apology in the beginning of your letter: “I am so sorry. . .” or “I want to apologize.

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