...Floods in Asia: Lessons to be learned from Thailand Said Irandoust, Asit K Biswas Special to The Nation January 25, 2012 1:00 am [pic] During the last year, many Asian countries have witnessed flooding, including Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Laos, North Korea, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore. The economic damage has varied significantly - minor in Singapore but very substantial in Thailand. The floods have once again brought the twin issues of disaster management and development to centre stage. With climate change and its effects expected to increase the magnitude of water-related disasters, it is important to rethink why some of the current flood disasters turned out to be unmanageable, with unprecedented human and material losses. Flooding is older than humankind, and water, whether in excess or in scarcity, has always been of concern to humans, going back to the biblical tale of Noah's Ark. Important civilisations emerged on the banks of major rivers like the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Ganges-Brahmaputra, for the availability of water and fertile soils assuring plentiful food. With the Industrial Revolution and urbanisation, the emergence of cities became an important trend. However, living on riverbanks leads to problems. Historically, for Asia, floods have been a regular and integral component in the life. Because Thailand's recent floods inflicted such social, economic and environmental costs, it is necessary to reflect on the problems...
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...Lessons Learned – Team B Lessons Learned – Team B This week’s team assignment is to identify the team member’s action that lead to success in the team assignments and how each of us could improve upon this team experience to apply to the next team. On each class we are assigned to teams and within the team we are put to the task to lead within the weeks to come. Each week we are assigned an assignment that as a team we need to work on so we could turn in on time and to make sure it’s in the correct format. This also helps us to interact with each other to brainstorm, and make sure we are communicating and understanding each other. Individual leadership is necessary within successful teams. Several students in Learning Team B stepped up to the challenge, leading the team to successful task completion. Discussion and suggestions were given by a few individuals, which made the assignment better. Also, the students that completed their portion of the assignments correctly and on time really helped the rest of the team. Luckily, there were several students that reached beyond their individual input to help the team complete the assignment. I feel the road to week 5 was a bumpy one for Team B. Communication is key in every learning team environment. While there were several team members that did a great job of communicating, there were others that lacked communication that was necessary for a better grade. Unfortunately...
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...LESSONS LEARNED The name of the article I chose is Lessons Learned from a Civilian Rescue. The article tells of a Cobb County, Georgia Fire and Rescue that is dispatched to a report of home fire. The report given is pretty vague, as the emergency call consists of, “my house is on fire”, nothing more; nothing less. When the fire service arrived the search crew members were in store for a greater encounter than what they imagined, and more importantly what they had trained for. This article supports the course material, in ways that in chapter 8, it talks about ways to negate public panic. Although this article depicts the story of a search member, they were placed in an environment that could’ve excited panic within the crew and could’ve led to a deadly rescue attempt for the civilian, and well as members of the crew. In chapters 6 and 7, the course materials cover the importance of continuous training on all facets of fire safety. As this relates to the search and fire crew members, when the rescue crew discovered a 240lb male unconscious inside the burning home, they quickly realized that he wasn’t as easily removed from a burning structure of high heat and low visibility as the training dummies with handles were, especially while they themselves were in full gear. A real life body, as the crew member explained, was like trying lift a, “240lb slippery noodle“. Due to the continuous training the crew members received, they did not panic as even after their first few...
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...Earl Green EN1320 Project October 20, 2012 My Memoir Idea As a child I remember my father telling me that alcohol can take you places you don’t want to go. The thing is I was getting this information while he was taking a sip of whichever drink he was having: whiskey, wine, beer, or liquor he wasn’t picky. This made him a hard man to listen to. For that reason alone much of the advice he gave me I overlooked and in the end I learned those same lessons the hard way. As I recall the morning after a night that made me decide to stop drinking I remember my fathers’ words and I laugh. During the summer of 2005 after a special night of hard drinking, late partying, and a morning full of regret my life changed forever and ended my days of drinking. I was the ripe age of 24 when I look back into this memory that is forever etched into my mind. My close friend Bobby had invited me out to a wild night in his hometown of Paris, Texas. At the time we were both in the military coming back from a long deployment so partying was exactly what the doctor ordered to forget about some of the experiences from Iraq. Now I figured that this weekend would be no different than the last: going to the club, ordering some drinks, maybe some dancing, failed attempts at catching women and then a disappointing ride back home. When he arrived he was almost in a hurry to leave. I asked him if he was excited, he replied “Tonight we are doing something different, we are going to go to my hometown of Paris...
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...Qi Geng ACC 522 Professor Tatum 04/19/2014 Lessons Learned From Litigation Introduction It’s not just clients who make mistakes, auditors also make fatal errors that directly or indirectly “contributes’ to the “death” of their client companies. Internal audit failures, most of the time, are due to reasons that easily could have been prevented during audit planning. These reasons could be not setting aside enough time to adequately plan the audit, not involving the client or failing to put together appropriate team members, etc. How can auditors to more effectively detect financial statement fraud? One of the best ways is to “profit” from the mistakes of others. The following is a list of lessons to be learned from the cases that we examined in class and AICPA codes that are applied to each case. Independence (ET section 101) Rule 101–Independence. A member in public practice shall be independent in the performance of professional services as required by standards promulgated by bodies designated by Council. The impairment of independence can happen due to many reasons such as the close financial relationship between a covered member and a client, a covered member’s close relative’s position in the client’s company, etc. In the case of Leslie Fay, BDO Seidman’s independence was impaired, the auditing firm of Leslie Fay since mid-1970s, because the on-going litigation brought up by Leslie Fay’s stockholders. This is supported by the paragraph 8 of ET section 101, which...
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...Lesson Learned There are many moments in a person’s life in which they are tested physically, mentally, emotionally, or even all three combined. So many significant events occur in a person’s life and so much can be extracted from each moment. People are not perfect, we all know that, and the greatest thing about human beings is that we can always learn from our mistakes no matter how large or small. One moment, to me, is particularly special. That was the moment I utterly knew what I wanted and I did what was best for me despite some consequences that came along with it. When I was 13, I had to make the decision whether to live with my mother or father. I grew up with my mother my entire life and grew accustomed to my new family with a step-dad, a half-sister, and my biological sister. I was happy, but I knew that my father and I had a bond that couldn’t compare to any other. I decided to give my dad a shot, just for us to live together, no girls in the house, just “guy time”. I moved from NC to FL to start my life over. Everything I knew and grew comfortable with was now out of the picture. Friends were gone, mom was gone, and family was gone. Everything I had ever known was gone. It was like moving to another country you’ve never been to. My dad would say he understood that I was homesick, that I missed my mother, and he always told me that “It’ll all fade in time.” I attempted to convince my mind that this was my new life, it just didn’t feel…right? I didn’t want to vocalize...
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...It was the beginning of March when the most heart breaking thing happened to Sarah. Her boyfriend of 3 years had broken up with her with no explanation. She was devastated; crying, she tried to call him but the other line’s response was “Sorry your call cannot be completed.” He had blocked her and disappeared from her life without saying a word. She didn’t know what to do. She was so confused and she felt so low. Going into work the next day, she was still weeping over what happened. The last thing she wanted to do was face her co-workers and customers. She spent most of her shift in the bathroom crying. She tried calling other co-workers to see if they could cover her shift, but it was on a Saturday, so she knew no one would be willing to take it. When she faced people, she tried her hardest to wipe the tears away and keep a fake smile. During her shift, there was a group of friends who came in. Working at the register, she took their order. When Sarah and her co-worker Lauren brought them their food. One guy apologized to Lauren and said, “I’m sorry, I could not stop staring at your friend,” while getting up and introducing himself to Sarah. Her face turned red like a tomato when he offered his hand(*). On the other side of her, Lauren started to giggle. While walking back to the restaurant’s lobby she whispered to Sarah, “Maybe this is your time to move on.” Sarah just kept on walking with a smile creeping up on the side of her face. She looked at the guy who introduced...
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...I have learned a lot of life lessons from most of the extra-curricular activities that I have been involved in from an early age. When I moved to Terrell TX when I was younger I did not know anyone except for my family in the town so basically I was very antisocial and I did not talk to anyone in my school. Once I got older I began to join different organizations and activities such as basketball, boy scouts, student council and more programs that got me more involved with other children of my age and how to interact with them. When I began playing basketball it was the first time that I had ever played the sport, and even though I was not that good I still loved it because I learned to trust my teammates, learned to work with others, and...
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...A Hard Lesson Learned ********** ENG 125 *** 04/01/2014 A Hard Lesson Learned Upon reading The Necklace written in 1884 by Guy de Maupassant, you certainly encounter surprise and anguish. This short story, The Necklace, is one that causes the reader to shake their head and embrace honesty over pride. Mme. Mathilde Loisel is a lovely woman that, forced by fate, “The idea that what people did and what happened to them were determined by natural forces external to themselves” (Corrie, 2013), to learn a hard life lesson in modesty. The narrator uses the setting of 19th century Paris, France, as an underlying way to narrow the idea of beauty and elegance. It is the need of obtaining this elegant lifestyle that causes the Loisels to meet with their dooming debt. The plot is essential in the world of fiction. It is a sequence of interrelated, conflicting action and events that typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. Mme. Loisel's night of wonder ends when she returns home with her husband. “She took off the wraps with which she had covered her shoulders, before the mirror, so as to see herself once more in her glory.” Here we see the vanity in her character. “But suddenly she gave a cry. She no longer had the necklace around her throat!” Now our plot is unveiled. The climactic moment that will change the next ten years of her life, and her husband's too. “She turned to him, terror–stricken:—"I—I—I have not Mme. Forester's diamond necklace!” He jumped...
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...Lessons Learned Paper Steven University of Phoenix Lessons Learned Paper Critical Thinking I learned so much more about critical thinking then I ever knew before I attended this class. I learned about critical thinking in previous classes and I thought I had a good understanding of the subject. I now understand that information was the foundation for this class. In class this week, I learned to use critical thinking to identify assumptions and situatedness in people’s writing and speaking. I learned that everyone makes assumptions, and a certain amount of assumptions are good. I was taught early on that assumptions are bad. I remember the old saying, to assume will make an ass out of you and me. I now see that was a very simpleton statement. This class has opened my eyes and provided a moment of learning showing me that I make assumptions all the time. Every minute of the day I am assuming things about the world around me. Even though I think I understand the situation, I maybe only understanding the situation because I am assuming more than I realize. I just learned that my assumptions are tied to my situatedness. Situatedness is a new word that has just been added to my vocabulary. I now understand I that I see the world through filters that my situatedness constructed for me. My Situatedness is the way I view the world from all the experiences that I have had in my life. I did not know that my view of the world is completely different from everyone else’s...
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...Most Important Lessons Learned from American History History has taught me many things. The most impactful lessons I have learned in history is to always trust in God, never give up, and fight for what you believe in. These three life lessons have made a huge impact in history and me. The first lesson I have learned is always trust in God because He has a plan for everyone and everything. The first example of this is when the Pilgrims were going to the New World. The pilgrims trusted in God through the whole journey and God took care of them. For long weeks, the Pilgrims had to travel in the harsh, smelly decks, but only two lives were lost during that entire trip. When they got to the New World, they struggled with food, but they still trusted...
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...During my first year of college, I have learned various lessons that has elevated my ability to be a good student, but one lesson has surely helped me the most. Before coming to college, my parents would often stress to me the importance of watching who I befriend however, it took a couple of tries to get my group of friends right. Having friends that you can confide in is one of the most important lessons you can learn during your college career. Therefore, when I first came to Dillard, I immediately began trying to meet everyone and find some people who I just clicked with, and at first this task seemed impossible. Even though it was difficult, I still made the effort to engage with other students and I eventually found me a nice group of...
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...Great events, whether they are beneficial or tragic ones, bring change in a person. These scenarios can give one an entirely new perspective on life, and turn around his way of thinking. Events such as the Salem Witch Trials show the people involved what they could not see before. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor, Reverend Hale, and John Proctor gain valuable insight into themselves, as well as others. Elizabeth Proctor has many moments which show how she is changing throughout the play. When she is trying to persuade Proctor to tell the court that Abigail said the girls were not practicing witchcraft, Elizabeth blurts out, "John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not." Elizabeth is confessing that she believes Proctor had an affair with Abigail. She is giving him no mercy by showing that she will never forget what happened. When Elizabeth is being accused of stabbing Abigail, she instructs Proctor to go to court, and tells him "Oh, John, bring me soon!" Elizabeth is gaining trust in John. She is forgetting his act of adultery and now has faith that he will defend her. At the end of the play, when Proctor is sentenced to death, Elizabeth says that "he [has] his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!" Elizabeth is admitting that John was righteous to confess his sin of lechery, and she should have pardoned him. She considers herself impure for not showing mercy, and does not want to take away from his...
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...Sometimes we all make mistakes. The most popular excuse that comes to mind is “that no one is perfect”. The most important thing is to take the time to think and make the right decisions. This is how we should handle each situation no matter how minor and learn from our mistakes. My lesson begins on a Friday night after a long week of work. I’m looking forward to celebrating my buddy’s birthday tonight. As I was getting ready to go out after work I started making the plan to pick up our friend Pete. For some reason choosing to take out my 98 Camaro Z28 instead of my more conservative Jetta seemed like a good idea. Why did I choose the Camaro? Why that was a bad idea? These are the questions I should have asked myself. It was a short ride to Pete’s place. When I arrived there I hung out a bit, “pre-gaming” with Pete and heading out to the party. Mistake one choosing to take a race car to a party that I planned on drinking at with a passenger and not having a plan if I couldn’t drive home. Our good friend Eric was having a Luau at his girlfriend’s house for his 23rd birthday party. A lot of our mutual friends from school and work were all there. At the party they had live music on a make shift stage which I thought was pretty cool. There were many festivities to partake in including an open bar and playing a few drinking games. After a few hours the party was winding down so it was time to leave. Pete and I decided to invite a few people back to my place and make a grand exit...
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...Lessons Learned: New Information for A Better Life FULL NAME Mt San Antonio College Abstract Information from Introduction to Psychology can be very useful in real life. Information regarding stress can help a person adjust the level of stress. He can find the best coping method if he knows the basic coping methods and how they work. He will also realize the importance of happiness, and the useful methods to improve the happiness set point. The class also gives the information on several mental disorders, and their symptoms so that students can aware and help those who are suffering from such disorders. However, a person has to aware of the extreme fear of stress and become hesitant in making decisions. The knowledge of stress, happiness, and disorders together with the awareness of extreme fear of stress can improve a person’s life significantly. While every class can provide information and knowledge, receiving that information as lessons, especially useful lessons, is not always applicable. While almost everybody would believe that they are familiar with psychology, most of them have misunderstood or underestimate the meaning of psychology. Psychology is more than a therapy which is used to treat mental disorders and social problems (Weinkauff, 2014). In fact, psychology is a very huge field with many subfields, and its applications are used in not only in therapies, but also in other practical applications (Wade & Tavris, 2014). People can improve their lives by...
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