...in America. It was home to the first representative government in the New World. Many of the nation’s founders, whose words and actions have de- fined the American spirit, came from Virginia. Virginia has produced eight Presidents, more than any other state. Virginians led the way in filling America’s western frontier, spreading their way of life to the South and Midwest in the early nineteenth century. Virginia was the site of the most important battles of the Civil War. From its founding in 1607 to the Civil War, Virginia held more influence than any other part of the country. Virginia’s influence faltered, however, in the mid-nineteenth century. As the authors of Old Dominion, New Commonwealth: A History of Virginia, 1607-2007, one of the most important recent works on Virginia history, argued, the state lost its way due in part to Page 2 VIRGINIA HISTORY its alliance with the losing side of the Civil War. Ultimately, the state’s greatest flaw, its promotion of slavery and racial discrimination, was its undoing. The state, which had always existed amid the contradiction between slavery and freedom, exchanged its greatness for mediocrity. For a century, Virginia wavered, always looking back to the Lost Cause of the Civil War,...
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...Final Exam Essay Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson has many fallacies that use simple examples to describe an economic situation. One of these fallacies, entitled “The Broken Window”, is in the second chapter. In this example, a young hoodlum heaves a brick through the window of a baker’s shop. The crowd that gathers around the broken glass reminds the baker that the misfortune has a bright side since it will make business for a glazier. If a new glass window costs $250 then the glazier will have $250 more to spend with other merchants, and they will have $250 more to spend and so on. While this vandalism will mean more business for some glazier, the shopkeeper will be out $250 that he was planning to spend on a new suit. Since he has had to replace the window, he will have to go without the suit. Instead of having a window and $250, he only has a window. Consequently, the glazier’s gain of business is the tailor’s loss of business. No new employment has been added. A new window will be seen in the next day or two. But the suit will not because it will not be made. This fallacy can be related to a modern-day situation. When a city decides to employ its city workers or a construction firm to rebuild some sidewalks, it may feel that it is increasing the beautification of the city while also employing some individuals. However, by choosing to remodel the public sidewalk, the city is forgoing leaving it as it is and instead building on empty land or an abandoned property...
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...ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON by Henry Hazlitt Nobel Laureate in Economics, F.A. Hayek said in 1974 about Hazlitt‟s book: “It is a brilliant performance. It says precisely the things which need most saying and says them with rare courage and integrity. I know of no other modern book from which the intelligent layman can learn so much about the basic truths of economics in so short a time.” (Back cover) “This book is an analysis of economic fallacies that are at last so prevalent that they have almost become a new orthodoxy....its effort is to show that many of the ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in fact mere revivals of ancient errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it.” (pp. 9-10) “As Morris R. Cohen has remarked: „The notion that we can dismiss the views of all previous thinkers surely leaves no basis for the hope that our own work will prove of any value to others.‟” (interior quote: Reason and Nature (1931), p.x.; Hazlitt, p.10) “It is the beliefs which politically influential groups hold and which governments act upon that we are interested in here, not the historical origins of those beliefs....Fallacies, when they have reached the popular stage, become anonymous anyway.” (p.11) The Lesson: “Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident.” (p. 15) “While every group has certain economic interests identical with those of all groups, every...
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...Introduction Cross Curricular teaching involves a conscious effort to encourage students to apply skills or knowledge acquired through learning at school to more than one subject on their curriculum. A central topic or theme can interlink subjects with each other, and students as a result should be able to learn an aspect of a central topic and apply information learned in one subject to others(Householder & Boulin 1992). As mentioned in Component 1 there are huge advantages to Cross Curricular teaching and learning. However, many students do not or cannot apply the knowledge that they have acquired in one subject to others (www.fromtinyacorns.wordpress.com/2009/10/28/about-transdisciplinary-thematic-learning) Learning beyond subject boundaries provides a student with the opportunity to experience not only learning that is relevant to one subject’s requirements, but also learning information that they will apply to other subjects. This type of learning some students may find to be challenging as they will be studying one topic from many different perspectives. However, with a deeper understanding of a topic, others will find it more interesting and may be encouraged to study the topic even further. Rensick (1989) confirms this stating that in contrast to learning topics in isolation students become more actively engaged in their studies when they participate in cross curricular learning. Cross curricular learning that is based on linking learning experiences and...
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...Lesson Plans Lesson plans will be filled out on how to use Dolch words to help improve reading. 1. Are the objectives aligned with academic standards? Yes State how the lesson objectives support the academic standards. The lesson will help students in grades Pre-K, K and 1st to understand how to read. 2. Are the assessments aligned with the objectives? Yes Is it explicitly clear what the students should know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? Yes, the students should know a certain number of dolch words by a certain date. What is the evidence demonstrating mastery of knowledge and/or skills that will support the lesson objectives? Documentation of the words correct on paper. 3. Are the learning experiences relevant to the objectives? Yes 4. Is instruction differentiated? Yes, EEL and Special Education students will have flash cards, I-pads to help pronounce the words, memory match. How will ELL or special needs students benefit from these lessons? To help them build up their vocabulary by learning the basic and more frequent words. Name the activities that support learning modalities, gender, or cultural groups. 5. Are there frequent and multiple ways to check for understanding during instruction? List the strategies to check for understanding. Include other strategies not in the lessons that could be utilized to further check for student understanding. • Spelling test • Memory test • Flash card • Reading probes • Printable worksheets ...
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...Have you ever learned a valuable lesson that has helped you? In the book A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Peck, Rob also learned some valuable lessons throughout the book. His friends and family members taught him those lessons to help him later in life. SomeA few of the important lessons he learns are life isn’t fair, death is a part of life, and respect and listen your elders. Rob learns that life isn’t fair mostly from his father. Rob wanted to go to a baseball game on Sunday but his father told him he couldn’t. In the text, Rob’s dad says, “Rob, the Book of Shaker forbids frills on any day. And that goes double on Sunday.”(32) People think that Rob’s dad isn’t as good as them because he can’t read or write. Rob finds this out when he asks his dad why he can’t vote. In the text Rob’s dad also says, “...It’s account of...
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...DEMO LESSON Lesson Plan in Language in Literature II Afro-Asian Literature I. Subject Matter: Vietnam Legacy Reference: Language in Literature Afro-Asian Literature (p. 156) Materials: illustration boards, Multimedia materials Time Frame: 2 Meetings II. Objectives A. Generate responses to a question the poem asks about giving tributes to fallen soldiers B. Identify imageries in the poem C. Demonstrate comprehension on the poem by giving accurate answers to questions D. Enumerate ways how they can promote peace in their own little ways as students. III. Lesson Proper A. Introduction 1. Through a DLP, show pictures of soldiers. Let students verbalize their ideas about the pictures. 2. Inform them that they are about to read a poem about soldiers. 3. Post the following question to be answered towards the end of the lesson: What is the best way to remember those who fought in a war for freedom? B. Interaction 4. Let students read the poem silently, then let them read it aloud in chorus with the poem projected through DLP. 5. Instruct them to locate the following unfamiliar words on the poem, then give their definitions: * Granite- a very hard rock used in building * Engraved- carved into a block or surface * Relive- To undergo or experience again, especially in the imagination. * Laureate- a person who has been honored for achieving distinction in a particular field or with a particular award...
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...|Name: Gail Faulkner |Date:4-22-2012 | |Unit Title: the study of Water | |Grade Level: PRE-K | |Subject: Science | |Unit Length: 10 minutes | |Brief Summary of Unit | |(Describe the context for this unit within the curriculum, and the curricular aims of the unit.) | | | |What understandings or goals will be assessed through this task? (Students will…) | | | |Will understand how water is a way of life for people. They will also gain recognition of various types of things we use water for.| |The students will develop...
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...tutorialrank.com Respond to the following in 200 to 250 words: In your opinion, what are the most challenging obstacles teachers face when managing the classroom? What strengths do you possess that will help you meet and overcome those challenges? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AED 205 Challenges of Independent Work Checkpoint(UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Resource: Find Table 8.1 on p. 235 (Ch. 8) of the text. Select one challenge for a teacher, and one challenge for a student. Explain in 200 to 300 words which strategies you would use to mediate those selected challenges posed byseatwork. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AED 205 Classroom Management Goals Checkpoint(UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Refer to Table 1.1 on p. 6 (Ch. 1) of the text to review seven assumptions about classroom management. Write a one-sentence goal for each of the seven assumptions that will support a productive and positive learning atmosphere. Your goals should focus on how you can achieve the demands of each assumption. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
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...REFLECTIVE ESSAY #4 What a week last week was. Most the lessons touched me in some way. I liked the discipline model and progressive discipline process. It reminded me on how discipline should be handled. I have seen the progressive discipline model in action and when it is was done right it worked. Once again the speech was a little nerve racking, but I got through it. I missed a lot of my introduction because I got flustered. After I got over my initial nervousness the rest was smooth. It flowed pretty good and I had a good closing. Now I know that I need a little more practice with my speech before jumping into it. I know that I can do better on it so I will use my experience on the last two speeches to improve on the next one. Effective negotiations was an eye opener in the aspect that I do a lot of the technics that were taught, but didn’t know I was using them. I am defiantly more integrative then distributive. I like to build that relationship then to “burn the bridge” with people. I try to make sure that everyone is happy with the out come of the discussion and that everyone got what they wanted. Sometimes it’s not possible and I feel like I have failed when that happen. Continuous improvement was a little difficult to wrap my head around at times. As soon as I thought I had a grasp on it I would get the question that was posed wrong. System 1 and system 2 thinking was like that, but by the end of the lesson I had a better understanding of the...
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...There are many elements to take under consideration while creating a lesson plan, however these elements are important for different reasons and when combining the elements in the right order you can produce what every teacher hopes for: measurable student learning. The elements I’ll be discussing are Common Core Curriculum Standards, Performance and Learning Outcomes, Anticipatory Set, Lesson Opening, Guiding Questions, Instructional Step by Step Procedures, Guided Practice, Lesson Closing, Independent Practice, Materials, Assessment, Lesson Evaluation, and Management. The first element that should appear in a lesson plan is the Common Core Curriculum Standards. This should be first within ones lesson plan because it withholds the standards that clearly communicate was is expected of the student at each grade level within the different subject matters. This element is important because it realizes that both content and skills are important. CCSS are also important because it sets a guideline for what students should be learning and include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high order skills that are aligned with future college and work expectations. The second element that should appear in a lesson plan is that of Performance and Learning Outcomes, or in different terms the objectives and goals. This should appear second because it outlines the topics and material that the students will be learning with a certain amount of time; also showing them what...
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...different topics. Start now to have your writing against time practice. If you are not sure of anything please call, e-mail me at (012) 429 4480 or mapotta@unisa.ac.za (a) Choose a technological project that you would use to demonstrate the concept of mechanism/ the use of waste material to your learners and then: Choose the grade (8-12) (b) (c) discuss the theoretical background for the project as you would explain it to your learners complete step one of the technological process (problem analysis) for the project you have chosen (describe the project as a problem that must be solved) complete step two of the technological process (design alternative solutions) for the project you have chosen. Discuss the role of activities in Technology Education (give your own opinion as well). Choose any topic of Technology subject and. develop a lesson plan that includes a practical project that the learners have to do, then, develop a completed project layout example for the practical project that you included in your lesson plan. The project layout example must be completed in such a way that it can serve as an example of how you would expect your learners to complete a project layout, and not consist only of the headings of the technological process. NB Use the curriculum...
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...as being the most important of this week’s lessons, classroom management and cooperative learning. Classroom management might be one of the single most important things to having a successful teaching career. Some teachers have terrible discipline problems, while others create an atmosphere in the classroom that is conductive to learning, with little apparent effort. Of cause it can be some natural talent to captivate students from the very beginning of the lesson, keep them busy and involved in work all the time and easily solve discipline problems if they appear, and all this without bothering much. There is definitely a lot to envy. Especially when your dear students always disappoint you with misbehavior, constant talking over you, fooling around and growing restless and as a result – poor knowledge of the subject. Fortunately there is a way out – start learning rules of classroom management. I think that if you can focus on four major things you can have good classroom management, these are: effective lessons based on a well-conceived curriculum, good organizational skills, good teacher-student relationships, effective discipline (which can be easily achieved after the first three conditions are satisfied.) The first of these points must not be overlooked. Most of the ‘discipline’ difficulties experienced by teachers in the classroom were before the lesson started; they were inherent in the lesson plan The students’ work should be interesting...
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...Lesson plan |Objective: Understanding WEAK VERBS | |Date |Time |Duration |Site & rooms | |28/05/2012 |10.45 |45 Mins |Main Library | |Course |Subject: VERBS | |Arabic Language | | |No. of students |Topic | |Seven 7 |WEAK VERBS | |Lesson aims: To cover WEAK VERBS fel naqis, this lesson will focus on understanding the salim,ajwaf,naqis,and mutal verbs. When would | |the radical letter be omitted. Also discuss the diminutive noun,ie noun which indicate smaller size, fuail. and to continue | |improvement of pronunciation. | | ...
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...help them remember what they need to for the exam. This will involve doing more kinaesthetic and visual activities as a lot of learners learn by doing. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) The course has introduced me to Hodder Education’s range of books called ‘Making Sense of Maths’ for KS3 and KS4 (http://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/makingsenseofmaths). Mr Gough, a maths teacher and one of the authors of the aforementioned book(s) states the following: “My experience of teaching GCSE Foundation Tier is that by the time they get to KS4 they’ve already covered most of the content and they’re having the same content repeated in the same way that they found difficult in the first place so my experience of using this approach is that it seemed very different to them and it reinvigorated their interest in maths and they were very positive about maths lessons again. We’ve also taken these materials to various exam boards around the country; all of them confirm that its approach can be given credit for in terms of method marks whether the question is answered correctly or not. Indeed one chief examiner was saying that anything that promoted the students drawing things in the exam was definitely a good thing. He...
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