...Dear Mr. President, As you know, we live in America, a democracy. And in living in this democracy, the people have a responsibility to participate in things both civic and political. If we did not, this democracy would not work and America would not be the same. It is up to the citizens to speak up for what we believe to be able to help maintain this wonderful country. I write to you to request that we create a holiday for Billy Graham. I feel that Mr. Graham very much deserves a holiday in his honor for all his influences on America. He has performed countless sermons to about 80 million people and millions more over radio or television. For about 3 million people, he helped by guiding them in their decisions to join Christ and has given confidence to countless more Christians. Billy Graham, as you may know, has helped at presidential inaugurations and presidential funerals. He has been comfort in times of need and even influenced Christians during the civil rights movement by stating his belief that all people of America should be treated equally, including black people. The most honorable characteristic of Billy Graham is the fact that he does all that he does simply because he believes it is the right, Christianly thing to do. He has definitely contributed a lot to the Christian society and it would probably be very different without him, seeing as he was a major factor of developing contemporary Christianity. Not only is the Christian community different...
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...Abby Keller 28 de Marzo 2012 President Barak Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Estimado señor Obama, Me gustaría empezar felicitando a usted en sus esfuerzos en estos tiempos difíciles. Nuestro país está pasando por muchos momentos difíciles y que tomó un trabajo muy difícil. A pesar de muchos otros problemas que enfrenta nuestro país, hay uno que creo que necesita más atención: la educación. Este es un gran problema que tiene muchos lados. Me gustaría presentar mis sugerencias y opiniones desde la perspectiva de un estudiante que ha pasado por el sistema de educación pública. Primero, es una lastima que nos falten profesores apasionados. Los maestros en este país son infravalorados y mal pagados. Creo que muchas personas en nuestro clima político actual subestimar el poder de los educadores. Es importante que estas personas que están dando forma a nuestras futuras generaciones reciban un pago adecuado. Tambien, creo que el precio de la universidad es demasiado cara. Es malo que muchos estudiantes se gradúan con una deuda abrumadora. Creo que la universidad es muy importante, pero creo que la universidad es un privilegio, no un derecho. La universidad no es para todos. Creo que muchos estudiantes se les dice que tienen que ir a la universidad con el fin de sobrevivir en el mundo. Esto se está convirtiendo la universidad en un negocio en lugar de una institución de aprendizaje. Creo que este es un factor que...
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...Dear Mr. President, I think woman are forgetting about the past and how it used to be and their taking advantage. It’s important to talk about it more and know the issues and reasons that led with actions taking. The government is scary people and could change up whenever they want because they have the power but it’s up to us to protect our rights and maintain the freedom we have. I know this is not new information to you. I’m writing to ask that we declare a new national holiday for Elizabeth Blackwell because she helped give women the rights we have today. I know we do talk about her a little bit in school but outside of that it doesn’t come up. I think we should have a woman’s rights day on the day the rights were granted to celebrate her contributions to that cause in the world over time. She was the first woman in America to receive her medical degree. She served as a pioneer for women in the medical profession and promoted the education of women in the medical profession through lectures and by opening her own medical college for women. She realized that there were not many career opportunities for women other than that of a teacher, which typically ended in marriage. She decided to become a credentialed doctor, even though there were no precedents for female students in medical schools. She is a big example to woman because even though nobody especially no man wanted her around in the medical field but she didn’t care she did what she had to do and graduated first...
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...Dear Mr. President The arts and humanities have became increasingly important part of everyone's life, especially nowadays, when world is saturated with globalization and new technologies. That is why the arts should be supported not only by authorities, but first of all by ourselves. Pictures, music, theaters, books, films gift people pleasure and satisfaction. If these items do not exist, human beings will be transformed into robots or zombie. The arts and humanities fuel our souls. Music is the most beautiful voice of the soul, poetry is its sense while pictures is its face. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America affirms :”A power of words and music helps us to appreciate a beauty, but also to understand the pain. ”. Definitely it is true. The arts and humanities save mankind from terrible afflictions, in the hardest times, find a way to the heart of every person and sow grains of love, kindness and peace in it. Moreover the arts and humanities are immense and mysterious source of beauty, love and inspiration. Every person is unique and talented. God created us with imaginations and feelings. Therefore, we should make efforts and find ourselves, recognize ourselves in each other. Joshua Bennett, James Earl Jones are great examples for us. They have posted a personal unique imprint in history. They persuade us to join them and make even a little contribution to the art and humanities. American nation could be proud of them, proud of all artists, historians...
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...May 5, 2016 Dr. John O’Brien, NHCC President North Hennepin Community College 7411 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Dear Dr. O’Brien: We are Diverse Universe, a group of four North Hennepin Community College students that are interested in establishing a Health and Wellness club here at NHCC. The club’s name is Sante’, which means Health. The purpose of this club is to work in concert with NHCC to undergird its mission in the development of the whole student. Providing an environment where students may learn behavior conducive to creating healthy life style choices, giving them the necessary tools in which to enrich their minds body and spirit. An Application Form has been submitted to both the Student Senate and Donna Hinrichs proposing a club that would convene once a week, offering health techniques, and practices for stress management, strength training, yoga and healthy eating workshops. NHCC does not currently have an organization focused on promoting health and wellness. We will model other campuses that have health and wellness initiatives and their level of success. Diverse Universe recognizes that healthy faculty, staff and students benefit the campus and that there is a correlation between student physical and mental health and academic achievement. The health and wellness of students can result in fewer class absence, improved retention and more effective study practices, and work productivity. Benefits to both faculty and staff include...
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...American Studies Name: Melinda Nares Cyrwus/Wolfe Abolitionist Feedback Loop Essay The system of slavery had caused southern slave owners to believe that without this system American progression would not be successful, they valued education, without slaves the whites would not have the time to learn and discover new hobbies. They also valued, making profit rather than seeing blacks as equals they believed blacks were inferior by the color of their skin, thus black people's only purpose in life is to do laborious tasks. One quote that supports this belief is the slave-owning president Thomas Jefferson (On Indians and Blacks (1784)) letter, in this letter he states "...as uniformly as in the preference of the Oran-Utan for the black woman over those of his species". This quote provides a perspective of...
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...Dear Mr. President, This letter is in response to your request for information on how to account for the Referral Credit offered to existing Runway Discount customers. Both US GAAP and IFRS provide similar guidance on accounting for the credit offered for attracting new customers. After researching US GAAP, code section 605-50-25-3 describes the Referral Credit offered by Runway Discount as a voluntary sales incentive that becomes redeemable as a result of a single transaction. The cost of the Referral Credit should be recognized at the latter of the following situations: The date at which the related revenue was recognized or the date at which the sales incentive was offered. In your situation, most Referral Credits will be recognized at the date of receiving the related revenue. Most customers will not use the $25 credit the date issued, but rather use it at their convenience. In addition to researching US GAAP, the IFRS provided similar guidance on accounting for the $25 Referral Credit. International Accounting Standard 18 paragraph 19 offers guidelines that match corresponding revenue with expenses. Runway Discount provides the existing customer incentive due to a specific transaction by a referred new customer. With the credit being a specified amount of $25, the IFRS states that the liability must be recognized with the corresponding revenue. In conclusion, the Referral Credit offered by Runway Discount should be accounted for under US GAAP until adopting IFRS...
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...9-Capstone-CheckPoint-Upgrade Letter Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/282-week-9-capstone-checkpoint-upgrade-letter/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) To The President XYZ Architectural firm As I am Information Technology (IT) consultant in your organization it’s my keen responsibility to inform you about the current network setup. As an IT consultant is responsible for the professional opinions and offered suggestions for firm to best use IT to meet your firm’s business objectives. I have examined the whole network system and observed that your organization has less workstation as compared to overall firm employees’ requirements and access. This is not exactly a problem, but it would be advisable to make sure all essential personnel or those deemed necessary to be included in networking functions to also have a workstation. Your firm may have grown since the last point in time of network upgrade; therefore, it may prove beneficial to expand by including more workstations. TO Download Complete Tutorial Hit Purchase Button IT 282 Week 9-Capstone-CheckPoint-Upgrade Letter Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/282-week-9-capstone-checkpoint-upgrade-letter/ For More...
Words: 2884 - Pages: 12
...Pfeiffer Extension FAQs 1. Is Greek life only part of the collegiate experience? Membership in a Greek-letter organization is for a lifetime. The experience provides opportunities for friendship and connections as well as personal and professional growth. Even after graduation, many alumni continue to be involved by joining local alumni associations and/or volunteering for their inter/national organizations. 2. What are the benefits of joining a Greek-letter organization? Membership in a Greek-letter organization provides a number of different opportunities, including the ability to connect and share common interests, develop leadership skills, gain academic support, and serve others and the community. First and foremost, organizations...
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...involvement in Vietnam was to defend democracy All of the sources provide differing interpretations for the reasons for America’s involvement in Vietnam. Sources A and D provide evidence that supports the interpretation that America’s involvement in Vietnam was to ‘defend democracy’ while sources B and C provide evidence that refute it. Source A shows a letter from the formidable source of President Dwight Eisenhower to Diem the President of South Vietnam at the time. The letter shows Eisenhower expresses his support and his concerns for the new South Vietnamese government. The letter mentions the US sending aid to Diem and emphasises their support for the relocation of Vietnamese people away from places ‘ruled by a communist ideology they hate’. Source A emits the idea the US began its involvement in Vietnam for quite noble causes such like the aiding the protection Vietnamese to rescue them from a communist regime they despise. The letter portrays the US supporting Diem out of the goodness of their hearts shown in the final sentence: ‘I am glad that the United States is able to assist this humanitarian effort’ as far as this letter is concerned it would appear that US just wants to help a struggling democracy with no apparent benefits towards them .Eisenhower was a firm believer in ‘Domino theory’ and thought it as vital to prevent Vietnam from becoming yet another Asian communist state and to halt the spread of communism further. There were far more reasons at play which led Eisenhower...
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...News and MSNBC had nothing to say about his children, or wives, and that he was worried for them. CNN even mentioned Bin Laden’s son by name and talked about a letter that Bin Laden had written to his son Hamzah, telling him to find the companion he talked about and send him to Peshawar and the surrounding area, and for him to arrange a house that could hold two families in addition to his own family. And that Hamzah should stay with them. It also stated that if he did not find this companion that he wanted him to find a trusted Pakistani brother to accompany him to Peshawar. Bin Laden wanted them out of Waziristan and not to go there because of the danger. There was no mention about Bin Laden’s son Hamzah in the other two news articles. The other two news articles did not mention anything about his son Hamzah. All three of the news sites mentioned the amount of documents that were found, and the fact they were all in Arabic. Fox News and MSNBC also mentioned the date range of the documents that had been recovered by the Navy Seals, whereas CNN did not mention the dates of the documents range that was recovered. Fox News was the only one to report that Bin Laden wanted to take down planes carrying General David Petraeus and President Obama. They mentioned that Bin Laden had wrote that the assassination of President Obama, would...
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...Adams: Dearest Friend Abigail Adams was married to John Adams who was the 2nd president of the United States and was the mother of John Quincy Adams who became the 10th president seven years after her death. She was the daughter of a minister and his wife born November 11, 1744. As a young child, she knew only that she loved to read; as she got older, she became determined to educate herself, despite prevailing views about women’s intellectual capacities, and tried to read more systematically. She met John Adams when she was 15. However he was smitten with her cousin at their first meeting. Three years later at age 18 her cousin had married and Abigail and John began courting. They were married October 25, 1964. John and Abigail were the parents of four children that became adults. They had a daughter that tragically died before she was two years old. Abigail also gave birth to a still born child. She mentioned in one of the letters that she feared the child would be still born, which turned out to be true. The couple is historically know for exchanging letters because unlike most families of the era they spent a lot of time apart. The title of the book gets its name by the salutation in the letters they exchanged, dear friend. The first letters began during their courtship when John Adams was in Boston being inoculated against smallpox. Of all of the letters John and Abigail exchanged one can see that she was not highly schooled as often the words...
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...John Adams was an independent man. He was an American patriot who served as the second president of the United States. John taught Abraham Lincoln how to free slaves and give them freedom. He also was a lawyer, diplomat, statesman, political. You can say he was a leader of the movement for America independence from Great Britain. John Adams was always a very independent man, he enjoyed working on his own a lot. He really wanted independence. He was a short man, but he’s long on opinions and he always thinking for himself. That’s why everyone started to call him “Alas of Independence”. He developed a reputation for being independent, out spoken, and honest. So he moved to a public service just as the movement for independent America was developed. John Adams was the leader of the American Revolution. He served as the second U.S. president from 1797 to 1801. Then he became critic of Great Britain authority. Before he was president he was the first vice president. He lost by Thomas Jefferson. He was also the first American ambassador to the court of St. James. He’s the author of the Massachusetts constitution....
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...The purpose of this investigation is to establish the extent to which the arrival of foreign scientists to America impacted the Manhattan Project and to come to a conclusion of whether or not the incursion of the foreign scientists to America led to the success of the Manhattan Project. This investigation was completed by: · A reading of multiple books about the Manhattan Project and its history · Scrupulous use of the internet · Making an understanding of the science behind the creation of the atomic bomb · An evaluation of Albert Einstein’s letter to President Roosevelt The first section of this investigation will deliver factual material from sources with accurate references. The next section is an evaluation...
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...The Situation You would think that a human services company would not only look out for their clients, but their employees as well. This is not always the case. Consider this, a young woman we’ll call Faith, worked for a human services company with 28,000 employees which provides services for intellectually disabled and challenged individuals. The company is divided into two divisions, the Cambridge Group based out of Boston, MA and the Redwood Group based out of Edina, MN. Each division is run independently from one another and each has its own president and VP team. The entire company is overseen by two individuals, the President / CEO and the Chairman of the Board and were both based out of Boston. Faith worked directly for the President of the Redwood Group, Dave, and reported directly to the VP of HR, Bob. Of the two divisions, the Redwood Group’s yearly revenue far exceeded that of the Cambridge group and because of that fact, the corporate office and senior leadership never questioned how business was run in Minnesota. Faith had only been with the company for thirteen months when her Bob had been promoted from HR Manager to the VP of HR. Bob has only been with the company for twenty four months when he was promoted. Once Bob had been promoted, it left his position of HR Manager vacant and hired from the outside to fill the position. During the first thirteen months of Faith’s employment, she observed the mistreatment of employees by senior leadership and...
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